Track Updates


I wanted to pass along a few updates.

- The mandatory state rules meetings for coaches and officials have been posted.

- Information related to the changes for this year are included in the state rules meeting and have been to schools and officials via email. This email included regional sites.

- Changes in Ohio include: Mixed Gender Relay Regulations, HS and MS order of events, MS State Meet and HS Seated Athlete Qualification, Min/Max entries per school in meets, watches, hair control devices & headgear changes. These are in addition to NFHS changes.

- Waivers for mixed gender relays can be found on the main OHSAA track page. The online form for MS track can also be found there.

- A new officials assignment policy has been announced and implemented.

- Q & A sessions will be held for coaches to ask rules questions. That information can be found at the following link. This won't be a time to debate a rule, only to get interpretation and ask rules questions.

If you have questions let me know.