Top attackmen in Southwest region...


New member
What are some votes for this years top attackmen in the Southwest region? One obvious pick would be Springboro sophmore sensation Billy Cherella. I apologize for the misspelling of Mr. Cherella's name in my last post. Just gathering some thoughts on who the top players of the area might be. Springboro is new, but Springboro is the real deal.
What are some votes for this years top attackmen in the Southwest region? One obvious pick would be Springboro sophmore sensation Billy Cherella. I apologize for the misspelling of Mr. Cherella's name in my last post. Just gathering some thoughts on who the top players of the area might be. Springboro is new, but Springboro is the real deal.

you're ridiculous.
Noah Gibbey (Mariemont)
Sean Finegan (Moeller)
Drake Peterson (Mariemont)
Logan Swinney (Lakota West)

*In no particular order*
alright enough with the springboro lax thing you guys are new and won't be good at all and besides apparently billy is hurt or something. so now i guess springboro is SOL even though they are going to get destroyed in at least 3 games this season
Billy being hurt

Springboro Lacrosse Coach Dan Rudibaugh reports," Billy Cherella hurt? Nah, Billy Cherella is in perfect working order. He is a fine tuned machine." Billy is great, and so is Springboro Lax.
no, they are not, there garbage, WOW the toughest team they play is TURPIN, and turpin is terrible, they got owned by everyone the st x invitational including an embarrasing 13-0 loss against IH...

no, they are not, there garbage, WOW the toughest team they play is TURPIN, and turpin is terrible, they got owned by everyone the st x invitational including an embarrasing 13-0 loss against IH...

Cincy, Springboro did not even play in the St. X invitational. Your sources are inaccurate.
yeah i know they didnt, learn to read i was talking about how the only decent team you play is turpin, and turpin got completely owned in the tournament, so saying your even the best team in the city is so far off base i dont even know where to start, so when you lose to turpin, just think about all the other teams who ran turpins s.hit, then youll realize your not as good as you think you are
I'll be perfectly honest with you JWS, I don't know how good Billy is, nor have I even heard his name until you mentioned it, but he will not be on the All-City team, regardless if he is actually as good as you say. This is simply due to the fact that his team plays in the "Club" division, and the voting is strongly biased towards D1 - D2 players.
Laxplayer 11....Ill tell u who Cherella is, the single greatest secret weapon in Cincinatti history of Lax

It's too bad they won't be playing any significant powerhouses even in Cincinnati so he's going to be a secret as long as he plays at Springboro.
haha 2 goals....thats quite a performance for a stud especially against the perennial powerhouse fenwick
Billy Cherella is easily the top attack man in this region. He is boro's secret weapon. Total domination. Please bro, I've seen this kid play, and trust me, you better HOPE you are not on the opposition. I saw him send a kid home crying just by taking a shot. I also saw him put the ball through his legs 3 times, then spin around 4 defenders then take a shot from mid-field and make it. Yes, this may seem inconceivable, but its true. He is the real deal, and if you lax players are unfortunate enough to have to oppose him and you don't believe me, your SOL. I predict he will score AT LEAST two goals in the season opener verse Fenwick. Most likely he will tear that defense apart. As for Billy being hurt... Im pretty sure its not to serious, according to my sources, which happen to be very reliable.

Yeah.. I saw him fly :Ohno:
first of all, the kid is a sophomore, second springboros schedule is a joke... Little Miami, Dayton LC, Lebanon twice, Clinton County and Colerain... If the kid was any good he would have 50 goals playing that schedule
first of all, the kid is a sophomore, second springboros schedule is a joke... Little Miami, Dayton LC, Lebanon twice, Clinton County and Colerain... If the kid was any good he would have 50 goals playing that schedule

I'm pretty sure the St. X JV B teams play that same schedule.
I forgot to include Chad from St. X on that attack list I made. He's got great field vision...

I'm going to throw in my 2 cents on this Springboro spam. First off, stop the spamming. There are now three threads that are basically the same thing, just disguised under different titles. Secondly, making degrading comments about other teams and putting them down while you are new does not help your team at all.

I wish you well this year and that you continue to grow, but please, stop trying to puff your chests out in every thread.
Yeah for all u suckas who wanna know Billy Cherella's experience, he grew up in columbus training with Ohio States Lax might you ask?...... by having a dad who is the friggin trainer on the team- so sit back shut up, and prepare to have your underpants get a lil dirty from being blown away by Cherella

So that must be why I've never ever heard his name before. I played varsity lacrosse for a decent program for a coach that knows everything there is to know about lacrosse. He knew all the studs in the entire state. Cherella can do whatever he wants against the teams that Springboro plays and he's still not going to impress anybody. If he was really good at lax, he wouldn't be at Springboro because nobody from that school will get recruited by any college anywhere.
So that must be why I've never ever heard his name before. I played varsity lacrosse for a decent program for a coach that knows everything there is to know about lacrosse. He knew all the studs in the entire state. Cherella can do whatever he wants against the teams that Springboro plays and he's still not going to impress anybody. If he was really good at lax, he wouldn't be at Springboro because nobody from that school will get recruited by any college anywhere.

Well put
I don't know about the single best attackmen in the city, but the best unit has to be moe's. They return every starter from last years city championship team. The scary thing is that they are all still underclassmen and will be back next year. They have looked alot better than last year also in the preseason.
On the crease mentioned Keck - he had Edwards at midfield. At Moeller, Finegan has Bowman at midfield. It is a team sport. It is way too early for someone to say #1. Good-luck to all.

Exactly; very well put.

The scary thing is that they are all still underclassmen and will be back next year. They have looked alot better than last year also in the preseason.


i don't see a keck in this year's sw ohio attack.

Keck was phenominal, and you're right, I don't think there's an attackmen like him in the region this year.
IMHO, I think Drake Peterson is the best in the city this year. Very fast, great stick skills and field vision. Funny kid as well...
first of all, pickerington is from from central ohio which would disqualify him from the best attackmen of SW ohio.

Sean Finegan-moeller
Conner Carrol- moeller
Chad Carrol- st x

yea my bad i didnt read it right, but lord is good
Finegan would also be on the short list - nice effort against WK.

Agreed. Probably the #2 in my book. 4 goals against WK I heard...nice.


Cross Noah off my attack-list...seems he is playing Midfield this year...
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