TikTok kids like Osama

"It's actually so mind-blowing to me that terrorism has been sold as this idea to the American people…that this group of people, this random group of people, just suddenly wakes up one day and just hates you…it doesn't make sense,"

Teaching K-2 is easy. The world is new to them and they are eager to learn.

Teaching 9-12 is hard. You spend a majority of your time trying to convince teenagers that most of what they know is wrong.

That's from a professor I had in grad school 40+ years ago.
Heard about this on the radio this morning. They replayed 5-6 of the Tik Toc responses after reading Osamas “letter” All were 20 something females, much like we see in the Hamas demonstrations, more clueless minds, I fear for the future of this country.
Heard about this on the radio this morning. They replayed 5-6 of the Tik Toc responses after reading Osamas “letter” All were 20 something females, much like we see in the Hamas demonstrations, more clueless minds, I fear for the future of this country.
Especially with b**ch a** losers like this being a major Left Wing voice for young people. Look this guy up, he’s legitimately an awful person & hypocrite.

"It's actually so mind-blowing to me that terrorism has been sold as this idea to the American people…that this group of people, this random group of people, just suddenly wakes up one day and just hates you…it doesn't make sense,"

Teaching K-2 is easy. The world is new to them and they are eager to learn.

Teaching 9-12 is hard. You spend a majority of your time trying to convince teenagers that most of what they know is wrong.

That's from a professor I had in grad school 40+ years ago.

Ironically, Osama recommended young people read Thomas Paine which is far better than anything they are reading in schools.

Hopefully the TikTok libs will read Thomas Paine and become libertarian radicals
Tik Tok is trash....
Gen Z is trash. I thought my generation of Millennials were bad, but these kids are garbage left wing militants that of anyone they deemed oppressed.

Ironic because as straight men, when they Islamic jihadist take over the West, we’ll be golden. They’re the ones who will end up in some mass grave.
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And I think it what was well known there was more behind the 9/11 attacks other than “they hate our freedom.” That changes nothing. All these smug little priks acting like Bin Laden had something profound to say is sickening.
Ironically, Osama recommended young people read Thomas Paine which is far better than anything they are reading in schools.

Hopefully the TikTok libs will read Thomas Paine and become libertarian radicals
libertarians are like housecats. Both think they are completely independent but both need someone to open doors for them, put food in the dish, and scoop poop outta the litter box.
libertarians are like housecats. Both think they are completely independent but both need someone to open doors for them, put food in the dish, and scoop poop outta the litter box.
Ironically, Obama would not want American youth reading that.
I’ve got no gripe with zoomers reading the manifesto. I’d prefer though that it be read and discussed in an academic setting as opposed to tic toc. The manifesto requires context to understand properly and they simply don’t have the context because they weren’t alive.
Ironically, Obama would not want American youth reading that.

Why should they not read it? I think it’s fine for 11th and 12th graders to read and discuss in a proper setting. What’s important is that they get the context behind what Bin Laden talks about. Like why we decided to intervene in the Soviet-afghan war.
Why should they not read it? I think it’s fine for 11th and 12th graders to read and discuss in a proper setting. What’s important is that they get the context behind what Bin Laden talks about. Like why we decided to intervene in the Soviet-afghan war.
I meant Thomas Paine
Small handful? Political gain or sweeping it under the rug?

How many American colleges actually have these anti semetic groups active in them? Seems to be a very small number compared to the number of colleges in America.

Now obviously we cannot tolerate anti semitism. It must be condemned and driven out without exception. I don’t however see the nationwide plague some seem to see out there.
How many American colleges actually have these anti semetic groups active in them? Seems to be a very small number compared to the number of colleges in America.

Now obviously we cannot tolerate anti semitism. It must be condemned and driven out without exception. I don’t however see the nationwide plague some seem to see out there.
I agree with you. There are not that many.

What I find interesting, though, is that there are WAY more of these crazy students than there are white supremacists in our country. Kind of interesting seeing the shoe on the other foot for a change.
Heard about this on the radio this morning. They replayed 5-6 of the Tik Toc responses after reading Osamas “letter” All were 20 something females, much like we see in the Hamas demonstrations, more clueless minds, I fear for the future of this country.
Susan B Anthony was obviously the devil. These women are far too stupid and illogical (yet smug and opinionated!) to ever be permitted to have a vote.