This will fix things.


Well-known member

If more people start doing heroic things like decry our National Anthem, things will get better.
What a turd, grandstanding on “home of the brave” as his critique of the police in Uvalde.
So very stoic Gabe.

If more people start doing heroic things like decry our National Anthem, things will get better.
What a turd, grandstanding on “home of the brave” as his critique of the police in Uvalde.
So very stoic Gabe.
Kapler is just tryin' to out Leftist Steve Kerr....."going forward" Instead of tryin to do all this anti-American grandstanding, this numbnut ought to worry about turning in a correct lineup card.
I’ve always been mystified why people get worked up over this stuff. His choice and it’s not hurting anyone other than potentially himself ??‍♂️.
You guys are right … what he should have done is get a large group of his friends and storm the Capital … that how the real activist do it.
You guys are right … what he should have done is get a large group of his friends and storm the Capital … that how the real activist do it.

Nice deflection joe. Nobody cares if the POTUS lies to steal an election and his supporters storm the Capital dressed in our colors and beat cops with flag poles, you stand for the anthem dammit!
19 kids dead.

Gabe Kapler: “Ill protest the National Anthem, that’ll show ‘em!”

TP and joesports: What about Jan 6!?!? And Trump!?!? And Russian Collusion!?!? Get the big mean guns off the streets!?!? Let the government protect you!!!!
thisisinsane when he bemoaned someone exercising their right to peacefully protest.
I explicitly said “indicative of our CULTURE”, never said he doesn’t have a right.

thisisinsane when he bemoaned someone exercising their right to peacefully protest.
Can you link that for me? I can't find him saying "The country is not entitled to its citizens' unconditional love" or anything like it. Thanks. Good fail though...
Can you link that for me? I can't find him saying "The country is not entitled to its citizens' unconditional love" or anything like it. Thanks. Good fail though...
Yeah....he didn't say that anywhere....good fail....again.

Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama