The Shot Heard Round the World


New member
Brothers, friends, dear followers-i come bearing grievous news. the great Copper Hogde is gone. After swimming valiantly for the crusaders, we hope he finds peace, wherever he is. i hope you will all pray for this courageous soul. he shall be remembered as a loyal friend, a grueling worker, an astute scholar, a great mathematician and philosopher, and a renaissance man. i heard he's leaving behind a little boy; i hope that child realizes how great he is. Copper, i never met you, but a moeller brother lasts forever, even if i graduated long ago. i hope you swim forever in a great sea of joy, forever.
Ok so this is the last time that I address you MoeSwimsBest because I'm tired of you and your idiotic posts talking about how great Moeller is when you are clearly a member of the team and making Moeller look really stupid in the process. Moeller has some potentially very good swimmers that could do real well this season; however your stupidity on these forums makes people want them to do poorly.

Secondly its not funny to joke about somebody dying (which you are implying in your posts). Cooper and his family have moved; he didn't die. There are a number of people that have lost somebody recently or in the past that will find your post very offensive. Grow up!
i apologize if i was unclear about Copper, after research i discovered he moved to nashville, while previously i did not know where he had moved to. i hope this clears up the matter. Go Big Moe!!!!
That's some crackerjack research... Cooper's friends in age-group swimming have known he was moving for months. Moe was just a brief stopover.
Moe cannot compete in the pool. it is that simple.

These posts about Moeller are nothing more than a joke.

Clearly, "Moeswimsbest" is a STX poster who enjoys making fun of Moeller...
Moderator, MoeSwimsBest should be banned from this board. His references to a death are outrageous and should not be tolerated.
honestly i think it humorous you would think i am a student. Maybe 30 years ago! but in all sincerity i apologize if anyone thought i was implying that young Copper died. i would never wish that on him or his family, and i could never imagine losing my own daughter
honestly i think it humorous you would think i am a student. Maybe 30 years ago! but in all sincerity i apologize if anyone thought i was implying that young Copper died. i would never wish that on him or his family, and i could never imagine losing my own daughter

I didn't think that you were implying he had passed, I figured you were just an annoying kid being... an annoying kid. :shrug:

However, if the posts by MoeSwimsBest on this forum are the brainchild of a middle aged man... yikes :eek:
word from cooper

Coming from the real Cooper Hodge himself I do not believe MoeSwimsBest thought that I had passed. His account should not be blocked because he was only trying to inform you all of my absence. Truly is not a big deal and I can assure you that all posts from MoeSwimsBest are serious and not any sort of joke. :banana:
Cooper you do not know me but i always know a man of moeller when i see him and i believe i saw you at the meet last night? does this mean you will be swimming with the moeller aquasaders again????