Teams That Never Change The Look of Their Uniform


Well-known member
I grew up in Stark County and for as long as I can remember North Canton Hoover's uniforms have basically been the same. If you look at a picture from this year and 1984 they are basically identical.

I was curious, what other programs around the state have kept essentially the same uniform look for a long period of time?
I grew up in Stark County and for as long as I can remember North Canton Hoover's uniforms have basically been the same. If you look at a picture from this year and 1984 they are basically identical.

I was curious, what other programs around the state have kept essentially the same uniform look for a long period of time?
I think Hoover had a brief period recently when the jerseys didn’t have the normal shoulder stripes but they went back to the traditional now. A very nice look 👍🏻
I love tradition but I think you can update certain logos and uniforms with a nod to tradition…yet not look like Johnny Unitas In black high tops.
(Yes, I’m dating myself with the Johnny U reference)

I love Warren Harding’s new look uniforms and yet also love Niles traditional ones (especially the white pants). JFK also pretty much the same since I was a kid.
For a long time Hudson basically had the same helmet in silver. About 10 yrs ago they changed to a navy blue matte finish helmet. I am probably in the minority but I kinda wish they'd go back to the old uni's. They look like a lot of other teams now IMO.
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For a long time Hudson basically had the same helmet in silver. About 10 yrs ago they changed to a navy blue matte finish helmet. I am probably in the minority but I kinda wish they'd go back to the old uni's. They look like a lot of other teams now IMO.
I’ve thought the same thing for 5 years. Silver helmet, White jersey, blue pants was a great look. The current version was cool for a couple years but became boring long ago.
I am in the camp of keeping uniforms the same but I once read something to the effect of, "never underestimate the allure of a flashy uniform in attracting teenage boys".