TEAM OURWAY Grade School


New member
Grade School only, 3 divisions 12u 10u and 8u can Qualify for TEAM OURWAY on Dec. 5th @ Delaware Hayes High School. Top 2 in each weight class of all 3 divisions earn a spot on the OURWAY Dual team which will compete at the NUWAY National duals on Feb. 6th 2011 in Battlecreek, MI. Also the 12u Champions will wrestle at OSU against Team MYWAY before the OSU vs Michigan match on Jan. 28th, 2011. All placers will recieve medals. click on site below for flier.
Awesome!!!! We have this event on our calendar. This is only one of many events planned by Ourway. To jump in this event would be an awesome experience to wrestle some of the Nations Elite teams who have joined Nuway. And to have The Ohio State Buckeyes involved is top notch!!!
There will be satellite weigh-ins announced. Also craceman we are working on other events for these kids to go to as well.
This is working to be a top notch event. There are future events in the works. Great chance to earn a spot for all 3 divisions: 12u, 10u, 8u.
$20 Must be post marked by Saturday November 27 ~ After Nov. 26 ~ $30 at weigh-ins.
Must have a current OURWAY Membership; cost $15 good for all 2010-2011 OURWAY/NUWAY Events
Membership can be mailed in with entry or separate online using credit card See website for details. OURWAY
Tournament Info

WHERE: Rutherford Hayes High School, 289 Euclid Ave,Delaware., Ohio 43015
(Just above Columbus)

WHEN/START: Sunday December 5, 2010 ~ All Wrestling Begins Sunday at 9:00 am.


WEIGH-INS &: Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010 ~ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

REGISTRATION Satellite Weigh-ins will be posted on website
12 & 10 U Champion: Wrestles a Dual against Team MYWAY at OSU/Michigan match at OSU Jan 28, 2011, Includes Buckeye Package

All Divisions: Champion & runner-up Wrestles for Team OURWAY at NUWAY National Duals on Feb 6, 2011

All Placers: Medals
Make MONEY ORDERS (NO PERSONAL CHECKS) payable to OURWAY (Club/Business Checks OK)
*********DO NOT mail to Hayes HS*******

ENTRY FEE $20 Must be post marked by Saturday November 27 ~ After Nov. 26 ~ $30 at weigh-insMEMBERSHIP: Must have a current OURWAY Membership; cost $15 good for all 2010-2011 OURWAY/NUWAY Events
Membership can be mailed in with entry or separate online using credit card
See website for details
MAIL TO: OURWAY, PO Box 301, Maumee, Ohio, 43537

QUESTIONS: Randy 937-869-6969 after 2pm Sun-Thur;
Carl 419-466-7163

RULES: Division based on Wrestlers age as of December 31, 2010 (Ohio residents only)Wrestlers may only participate in one Division.
Qualified National Team Members must register for the Specific Weight Class.

WT. CLASSES: 12 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 ½ Minutes
65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 130, 140, HWT (UL)

10 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 Minute.
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, HWT (UL)

8 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 Minute.
37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 72, HWT (UL)

OTHER: Participation in NUWAY National Duals will host over 10 State Organizations

NUWAY National Info at:
We are having a weigh in at Mechanicsburg High School on Wed. Dec. 1st from 7:30pm to 9 pm. We are also having weigh ins at Moeller and Maumee but are waiting on times and dates for those two. wadsworth is also waiting on word if they are able to hold one. As soon as the dates and times come in we will post them.
Sw Region Weigh-ins

SW REGION WEIGH-INS @ Moeller 7pm-8pm @ Moeller in the O'Conner Center behind Moeller HS.

Feel Free to register as a walk-in.
Moeller is having their weigh-in on Thurs. Dec. 2nd. Maumee is having their weigh-in on Thurs. Dec. 2nd from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
The late fee for signing up at weigh-ins is going to be waived. Also anyone wanting to hold a northeast weigh-in contact Randy at 937-869-6969
So that's a $20 Entry fee + $15 OURWAY Membership if you need one for this season. Should be like a mini state tournament.
Should be a tough tournament.


no open mats just weigh-ins. quick in, quick out.
Still Time...

Additional Registration and Weigh-in:

WHEN: Saturday Dec 4th 5pm-6:30pm

WHERE: Rutherford Hayes High School
289 Euclid Ave
Delaware OH 43015

Team Ourway Qualifier Registration $20

OURWAY Membership Registration $15

What is needed:

Dont forget to bring copy of birth certificate to hand in with OURWAY Membership Registration

Bring it on OHIO!!!
These folks have been very accommodating and I would like to publicly thank Randy H. for coming up with a solution so my NEO kid could supply a certified weight and wrestle Sunday. We look forward to making the trip and really look forward to a great day of wrestling!