SWO King of the Spread Pick'em: WEEK 4 RESULTS


Centerville Elks
Congratulations to blade the Week 4 King of the Spread, getting 14 correct! He will win all tie-breakers in week 5. He won in a tie-breaker with Kyle E Woyote.

To check the total correct picks for all participants for the week 4 contest, go to the last post on the Week 4 game thread.
You can also go to this link: https://yappi.com/forum/index.php?t...read-pickem-week-4-games.378415/#post-9520871

Regular Season points are earned by:
1.0 point for correct pick
(-1.0) for incorrect pick
1.0 point for hitting the tie-breaker
1.0 bonus point for participating this week
2.0 bonus points for the weekly contest winner
It's possible to have a negative or even score.

Calculating your score, using an example with 12 correct picks:

With 20 games, 12 correct picks minus 8 incorrect picks = 4 points.
Then add one participation point to that 4 points, to equal 5 points.
If you hit the tie breaker point exactly, then add one more point.
If you're also the weekly contest winner, then add 2 more points.

Regular Season Total Point Standings After Week 4:

rank/total points/poster/week 1, 2, 3, 4 / K=King for that week.
01 32 ChemH20 5 11 9 7 K3
02 25 BucksFan937 9 9 ø 7
02 25 Kyle E Woyote 7 9 0 9
04 22 Fred Garvin 3 15 -3 7 K2
05 21 lasalle9802 7 11 ø 3
06 19 tceagles17 3 9 7 ø
07 17 Logndog 13 11 -7 ø K1
08 12 Wilbur 7 5 ø ø
09 10 blade ø ø -1 11 K4
10 8 Talk Some Sense 3 7 -1 -1
11 6 SWOHbasketball05 1 5 ø ø
12 5 redskinfbco92 3 ø -5 7
13 2 UnTouchableVoL33 ø ø -3 5
14 1 mrorcadood ø 1 ø ø