STVM 2022-2023

That would have been an incredible collection of talent! Livingston's high school career was a little uneven with all the moving around. But if he had played at Buchtel with a floor general like Thurman (to go along with the others!) that would have been remarkable. And, if it had happened, then I'd guess that Buchtel would be putting it's second state title trophy into it's trophy case this year!
Would have been interesting to see how it would have played out if LW had their 6'8 post.
That would have been an incredible collection of talent! Livingston's high school career was a little uneven with all the moving around. But if he had played at Buchtel with a floor general like Thurman (to go along with the others!) that would have been remarkable. And, if it had happened, then I'd guess that Buchtel would be putting it's second state title trophy into it's trophy case this year!
In my dreams that's what would have happened!! :D
They have commonly kept their enrollment numbers to a point where they were in D2. Now with the Cb formula, they control the kids seeing varsity time and only have to report those kids for the following season.
You cannot honestly believe that STVM (or any school for that matter) intentionally limits its enrollment in order to maintain its OHSAA classification!?! That's just silly.
So since you think my asking you to document the link on the ohsaa site that supports your claim, aka accusation, about STVM is funny (your ha ha reply) we can all see that you have no factual proof of what you posted. Therefore it must be a figment of your imagination. It seems STVM is a burr on your butt you can’t scratch.
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So since you think my asking you to document the link on the ohsaa site that supports your claim, aka accusation, about STVM is funny (your ha ha reply) we can all see that you have no factual proof of what you posted. Therefore it must be a figment of your imagination. It seems STVM is a burr on your butt you can’t scratch.
I thought it was funny because you are to lazy to find anything for yourself. the site is the same for us all. Check it out.

StV numbers fluctuate with each enrollment gathering and now the CB numbers have fluctuated as well.
I thought it was funny because you are to lazy to find anything for yourself. the site is the same for us all. Check it out.

StV numbers fluctuate with each enrollment gathering and now the CB numbers have fluctuated as well.

You are funny. My time is more valuable than to search out something that doesn’t exist. Nowhere on the CB page or ohsaa site does it say numbers are manipulated to attain a particular division, so you can give up on that. That was your initial statement.

CB numbers fluctuate for all schools yearly if they’re in an open enrollment district, but you know that. Nothing there either. Enjoy your day.

You are funny. My time is more valuable than to search out something that doesn’t exist. Nowhere on the CB page or ohsaa site does it say numbers are manipulated to attain a particular division, so you can give up on that. That was your initial statement.

CB numbers fluctuate for all schools yearly if they’re in an open enrollment district, but you know that. Nothing there either. Enjoy your day.
Whenever I find myself in arguments like this, I cannot help to harken back to the following quote. Life is too short!


You are funny. My time is more valuable than to search out something that doesn’t exist. Nowhere on the CB page or ohsaa site does it say numbers are manipulated to attain a particular division, so you can give up on that. That was your initial statement.

CB numbers fluctuate for all schools yearly if they’re in an open enrollment district, but you know that. Nothing there either. Enjoy your day.
Take your valuable time wasted on posting meaningless words on this site and do your own homework. All private and open enrollment schools have the ability to control/limit their enrollment. AND, if you understood the CB process, schools can control the kids entered into the formula with cuts, varsity time and tournament rosters.
Take your valuable time wasted on posting meaningless words on this site and do your own homework. All private and open enrollment schools have the ability to control/limit their enrollment. AND, if you understood the CB process, schools can control the kids entered into the formula with cuts, varsity time and tournament rosters.

You are belaboring a moot point. NOWHERE does it say the numbers are manipulated for divisional placement. Eat your dinner and settle down for a nap.

you are crazy if you think ST V doesn't keep enrollment down to stay in d2
I know that it won't make any difference to people whose minds are made up already, but this is absolutely not the case. I know it is not because for a number of years I was on the recruitment committee that worked in tandem with the administration, and this was simply not a consideration. Now, it's been a couple of years since I was directly involved, but I still know people on that committee and, unless something has drastically changed in the past couple of years, it is still not a consideration.