Stewart Field Housekeeping

Something different than the actual team. The rumor mills are spinning:

Solon is to replace the worn out 9-year old turf at Stewart Field. Here are the details proposed at December's Athletic Booster's meeting.

--->Mark McGuire, Bob Fox and Joe Regano met in reference to new locker room facility. A new two level
locker room on the visitor’s side near Orchard has been approved to be paid for with capital
improvement and bond money.
A multi-purpose athletic facility where the current bus garage is located has been proposed. The buses
would be moved off campus. The facility would serve as a weight room and additional locker rooms.
Also, a secondary field may be installed.
The varsity field will be re-turfed. :cool: Mark McGuire advised a great decision was made nine years ago
when the field was done with turf know as E turf where there is a sponge like material under the turf.
Someone suggested recycling the old turf and putting it elsewhere for a secondary field; however the
turf is too worn. <---

Always a need to keep things updated and running smoothly.
Personally, I'd like something nice and posh like Hudson's new extravaganza but there is never a real need/money/space.