"stand Up"!!!!!

at a youth meet, the mom is close to mat taking a picture her kid is pinning this kid , he stops and smiles real big as the other kid is trying to get up. The mom's kid says , " hold on !! my mom is taking a picture of me pinning you"!!
When I was in middle school I had a kid in the head and arm about to pin him and he was screaming "I CAN'T BREATH, I CAN'T BREATH!" The ref said "if you can talk you can breath" then called the pin.

I heard a lady last year yelling at her kid before the match started "tell him to kiss da baby." Then after her kid pinned his opponent she yelled "child please." I felt like asking her if she can only use Chad Ochocinco endorsed quotes.

Worst unsportsmanlike display I saw was at Eaton Invitational my junior year, a guy was mad about a call in his son's match so he threw his wad of chewing tobacco down onto the mat right past the refs face.
Guilty as charged

I've probably yelled most of these and probably much more. My only distinction is that I always cheer FOR my son and not against someone else's kid. I liken it to going to a Buckeye game and screaming my head off for the Bucks, sure they probably can't hear me but I like to think that, in some small way, I am being a part of the "team." The players in almost any sport often turn toward the crowd to make some noise. Yelling FOR my kid helps me burn off some nervous energy and my son seems to enjoy hearing my wife and I when we play back the videos. So go ahead and laugh at my expense but I plan to keep on hootin' and-a hollerin' this season, and saying many of the stupid things written above! Now where was I....Oh yeah, "Be Smart!!!"
I totally agree with countinglights and mattburns(if you knew my kid) posts. I'm sure we are all guilty of a lot of these sayings. I think my favorite was a parent yelling don't let a kid in a purple singlet beat you as my son(in the purple singlet) was cradling his son for the pin.was classic.

Another classic is "make him wrestle your match"
I've probably yelled most of these and probably much more. My only distinction is that I always cheer FOR my son and not against someone else's kid. I liken it to going to a Buckeye game and screaming my head off for the Bucks, sure they probably can't hear me but I like to think that, in some small way, I am being a part of the "team." The players in almost any sport often turn toward the crowd to make some noise. Yelling FOR my kid helps me burn off some nervous energy and my son seems to enjoy hearing my wife and I when we play back the videos. So go ahead and laugh at my expense but I plan to keep on hootin' and-a hollerin' this season, and saying many of the stupid things written above! Now where was I....Oh yeah, "Be Smart!!!"

Right on! Good post!
I heard a coach once telling his wrestler who was in the process off getting tilted to "look at me" just as the ref was moving in to call the pin.
"He's Tired!"

Most often yelled by a coach or fan whose own wrestler is the one panting like a dog, dropping his hands and head, and stalling while praying for the match to end before he gets pinned.
For The MOMS

Very Funny..................

While coaching a youth match last year. I had a parent (one of mine) standing 12 inches behind me and screaming so loud (about nothing of course) the opposing coach, the ref, the table workers and myself all couldnt control our laughter (and as you may know there can be very little laughter at a youth tournament unless you are winning).

Her scream of choice to her son (who was getting completely pounded) was "stop him", "dont do that", and "get him". She kept screaming these directions for the entire 3 min, couldnt help but laugh.

She was a multi tasker.................proving this by climbing up my back and asking "why is he doing that" and "why isnt he listening"...........

Her son was 6................

:wallbang: :wallbang: :wallbang:
"That's not stalling!", or "come on ref, where's the back?"
"locking hands, locking hands"
"he's fleeing the mat!"
ball and chain, ball and chain !
heavy on the hands!
you gotta move him!

I only wish riding time counted in HS, how much more fun would we have at matches.
"That's not stalling!", or "come on ref, where's the back?"
"locking hands, locking hands"
"he's fleeing the mat!"
ball and chain, ball and chain !
heavy on the hands!
you gotta move him!

I only wish riding time counted in HS, how much more fun would we have at matches.

Ha ! You must have been standing behind me at my sons last match! Hard Hands , Ball n Chain and You gotta move are all typical comments for me. To funny. I will add " Be ready on the whistle ! "
I used to make things up to see if I could get someone to yell it. Some of my favorites.

The power single
The double tilt reverse

I got my sister to yell these... lol

Rebublic, who could forget the classic HE'S STALLING, COME ON REF...
My favorites from middle school tournaments...
"Head & Arm on the whistle!"
"Head & Arm! Hit it Now!!!"
"Elbow roll! Elbow roll!"
"Do something!"
I heard a coach once telling his wrestler who was in the process off getting tilted to "look at me" just as the ref was moving in to call the pin.
I used to make things up to see if I could get someone to yell it. Some of my favorites.

The power single
The double tilt reverse

I got my sister to yell these... lol

Rebublic, who could forget the classic HE'S STALLING, COME ON REF...

Ha ha, this is for sure the sanitized version!
This is more strange than humorous but it's probably the oddest thing I ever saw in a varsity match. Top man is working his way up from the ankles...bottom man is working his way back to a base...just as top man gets near the hips, bottom man thrusts his rear end towards the sky. Butt meets face. Top man rolls off and has his hands cupped around his mouth which is bleeding profusely...at the same time bottom is screaming and limping from the mat...one of top man's bloody front tooth is embedded in bottom man's butt cheek. Tooth is eventually extracted...bottom man is declared winner.

THat, my good man, is the definition of a Kodak moment!
some Ive heard its horrible how some of this fans act :wallbang:

come on thats bull sh$$
Rip his head off Thats pathetic
You retard
open your eyes
Stop playing favorites LOL
your horrible

711 get out of bounds

My mom still gets teased for this one almost 20yrs later... I got the ole VHS tape of me in a scrabble in the finals of a tourney and my normally quiet mom screaming violently "Rip his head off!!!" (while the camera is bouncing around the gym). The funny thing is it still embarrasses her to this day. Having it on tape is priceless
One of my favorites is when there is a locking hands call and you here "FREE MOVE" as if the guy on bottom will put more effort into getting out on bottome now that they have a free move ;)
You gotta remember us moms get caught up in the moment as well. LOL We just play back the video with no sound because I've often been embarrassed by, if not the content, then certainly the volume which I have attained. ;-0
Last year we watched the videos mostly just to hear my wife yelling while she records. Love her to death and she is great for support for a long extended wrestling season but it is hilarious. my son runs felipe's TWISTER to win in less than 20 seconds last year in 3 straight matches and on the video she is yelling run the half probably 20 times.
One of my favorites is when there is a locking hands call and you here "FREE MOVE" as if the guy on bottom will put more effort into getting out on bottome now that they have a free move ;)

Don't know about this one.....

Not necessarily more effort, but "free move" in my mind allows the guy on bottom to try something risky that he wouldn't ordinarily take a chance on??
Don't know about this one.....

Not necessarily more effort, but "free move" in my mind allows the guy on bottom to try something risky that he wouldn't ordinarily take a chance on??

Exactly what I tell my son, just go for something and if you get stuck your safe.
I used to make things up to see if I could get someone to yell it. Some of my favorites.

The power single
The double tilt reverse

I got my sister to yell these... lol

Rebublic, who could forget the classic HE'S STALLING, COME ON REF...

I do this too. :banana: Actually, there is a group of us that realized a couple years ago that one of the moms will repeat anything you yell out when her son is on the mat!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (Otherwise she just continuously keeps repeating her son's name...c'mon "name", let's go "name" very loudly) It's hysterical!!! Some of the tournaments can get pretty long so a little creative fun is great.
We have a parent of a Ross high school wrestler that is the best to sit and listen to during her son's match. Watching her reactions are fun too. She will yell at her son like he is beating up a little girl or he stole something. We razz her about it frequently. She fully admits she does not know anything. If you ever see Ross wrestle look for her. Easy to pick out in the Ross section.
One of my first matches as a referee...middle school...the coach said to the kid "kick him"...well you know what he did! He backed off and kicked him, right in the butt! I damn near died laughing. Didn't even penalize him for it...too funny.
One of my first matches as a referee...middle school...the coach said to the kid "kick him"...well you know what he did! He backed off and kicked him, right in the butt! I damn near died laughing. Didn't even penalize him for it...too funny.

LOL, good thing it wasnt "cut him"