St. Charles?????


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St. Charles claims they have a good team. i quote
¨Goodrich called his current crop of sophomores, led by Sherman and Scott Martin, both of whom were members of a state champion relay team, easily the best in school history. He thinks the 2008 state meet will be the site of even more opportunities at states.

"Our sophomore class, those boys are unreal," he said. "(In 2007) I think we will have as good a shot as we have ever had to make it close with St. X. If they continue to progress, we should be in a position to contend for the team title."

Given that the current juniors on the eight-time defending state champions are the heart of their lineup, St. Xavier would seem to be at its most vulnerable in '08, when Sherman and his teammates are seniors.

"We've definitely been thinking about that," said Sherman. "At least on paper it looks like we have a good shot to win.¨

All Information Contained Copyright © Suburban News Publications, 2006

i say bull---- wat do u think
I know the St. X coaches consider St. Charles a very good team and feel they will be very strong in 2008. But so was "the favorite" Upper Arlington in 2005! And we know how that turned out.Year in, year out, the St. X coaches find a way to get the most from their swimmers. Don't bet against St. X.
At last year's State Meet Jimmy Barbiere, Xs top swimmier in the class of 08, out scored the entire St. Charles 08 team alone

and people also forget that the reason why Xs 08 doesn't look as good as usual is because the class of 07 is rediculous

everyone only looks at 07 and how well the do, but there are so many swimmers in 08 who don't even get the chance to prove themselves

also Xs class of 09 isnt bad either
it takes more than one person to win a team title. 09 looks good in the distance area. st. x's 08 sent two guys to state. st. charles sent 4. if no one else stepps upu from the underclassmen. 2008 state meet will be very tough. when we went up to st. charles last year we only one by half of a point because of our seniors. the heart of 07 was gone in nashville.
aquabomber08 said:
i didn't say they weren't good. but i'm saying they think they can beat us this year and next.

There is no way that St. Charles will beat St. X this year.
aquabomber08 said:
it takes more than one person to win a team title. 09 looks good in the distance area. st. x's 08 sent two guys to state. st. charles sent 4. if no one else stepps upu from the underclassmen. 2008 state meet will be very tough. when we went up to st. charles last year we only one by half of a point because of our seniors. the heart of 07 was gone in nashville.

you said 09 looks good in distance, well thats St. Charles weak spot
having our strong area up against their weak point gives us a huge advantage

and about jimmy, im just saying they may have gotten more guys to state but it doesn't really help if you dont score
St. X does what it needs to to win, there is no doubt in my mind that guys will step up and fill in the holes from the graduating class. It happens year after year. Going back to 2005 againt UA, a lot of guys stepped up who werent expected to and look at how that meet turned out. Like Coach Keefe says, If you have a lane, you have a chance.
xbmbr88 said:
St. X does what it needs to to win, there is no doubt in my mind that guys will step up and fill in the holes from the graduating class. It happens year after year. Going back to 2005 againt UA, a lot of guys stepped up who werent expected to and look at how that meet turned out. Like Coach Keefe says, If you have a lane, you have a chance.

You should know about stepping up, xbmbr88, because you were one of those guys in 05. Every year there is a Chris Barnes, Bart Ginocchio, Will Lawley....guys who do the unexpected.This year and next will be no different. Might even be a repeat Barnes moment!
bomb1 said:
You should know about stepping up, xbmbr88, because you were one of those guys in 05. Every year there is a Chris Barnes, Bart Ginocchio, Will Lawley....guys who do the unexpected.This year and next will be no different. Might even be a repeat Barnes moment!

Yeah Thomas!!!
alright i have a feeling x will win this year.

2008 there will be some competition. solid sprinters with sean and springer really have the ability to step it up. with the juniors that x has now and the supporting cast of soph distance they will be a tough team to beat. X just needs some freshman to step up next year.
X is definitely the favorite this year...but 2008? St. Charles might have the edge at this point - it may be even closer than Upper Arlington was...X will definitely need to step it up.

Sophomores (freshman = *) who made prelims for St. Charles (best Canton times):
Alex Schaffer: Relay start 50 free............22.23
Alex Schaffer: 100 Fly...........................52.41
Marshall Sherman: 200 Free.................1:44.15
Marshall Sherman: Relay start 50 Free......21.34
Marshall Sherman: 100 Back...................52.01
Marshall Sherman: Relay start 100 Free....46.87
Scott Martin: 200 Free.......................1:44.49
Scott Martin: 100 Free..........................48.05
Scott Martin: Relay start 50 Free............21.49
Scott Martin: Relay start 100 Free...........47.01
Neil O'Kelly: 50 Free..............................22.54
Neil O'Kelly: Relay start 50 Free...............21.93
*Erik Mai: 100 Breast..........................1:01.57

Sophomores (freshman = *) who made prelims for St. Xavier (best Canton times):
Jim Barbiere: Relay 50 Fly.......................24.17
Jim Barbiere: 200 Free.........................1:42.32
Jim Barbiere: 100 Back...........................50.69
Jim Barbiere: Relay start 100 Free............46.46
Steven Springer: Relay start 50 Free........22.11
Steven Springer: 50 Free.......................22.13
*Matt Columbus: 500 Free...................4:40.37
*Will Lawley: 500 Free........................4:51.05

That said, there are likely some underclassmen that could have made Canton but there where already 4 entered into the event...This is particularly true in St.Xs case as the lineup was loaded with Sr's and Jr's whereas St. Charles' sophomores were among their best swimmers. This year of course will give us a much better idea of how they match up, I know of some talented guys on X's team that haven't made a showing yet.
take care of this year first before looking towrds next season...that being said, take into consideration the meet with UA. We werent even given a chance. We believed in ourselves and look how we did? Trust me when i say that X will do everything it needs to prepare for '08. But focus on the present before worrying about it
stxavier07 said:
alright i have a feeling x will win this year.

2008 there will be some competition. solid sprinters with sean and springer really have the ability to step it up. with the juniors that x has now and the supporting cast of soph distance they will be a tough team to beat. X just needs some freshman to step up next year.

cheese has no work ethic. someone else will need to step up. i am concerned with this year if u remember my first post on the thread it said that st. charles thinks they can make it close with us... meaning they have a chance this year. and next year they can beat us. the key to winning this year is everyone staying healthy and not getting to cocky. next year we need some serious help from the class of 10 in the middle distance area currently we a backstroker who can swimm 100 and 200 free but can't do both because of relays. a 50 free guy who might be able to throw a 100 down but might not be able to do that because of relay duties possible all three relays. two 500 guys. and a up an coming breastoker. thats all we got. we have a lot of holes to fill. seniors next year will need to step up. i dunno who else is in the class of 09. and we'll need some sophomore stand outs to complete the line up.
aquabomber08 said:
cheese has no work ethic. someone else will need to step up. i am concerned with this year if u remember my first post on the thread it said that st. charles thinks they can make it close with us... meaning they have a chance this year. and next year they can beat us. the key to winning this year is everyone staying healthy and not getting to cocky. next year we need some serious help from the class of 10 in the middle distance area currently we a backstroker who can swimm 100 and 200 free but can't do both because of relays. a 50 free guy who might be able to throw a 100 down but might not be able to do that because of relay duties possible all three relays. two 500 guys. and a up an coming breastoker. thats all we got. we have a lot of holes to fill. seniors next year will need to step up. i dunno who else is in the class of 09. and we'll need some sophomore stand outs to complete the line up.

1. Cheese is working alot harder now and looks to be a contender for state
2. Dont be to worried about this year, as mentioned earlier 07 is the heart of our lineup
3. as for class of 10 lets give them a year and see how they do
4. Why cant jimmy do the 100 back and 200 free plus two relays? he did it last year
5. Steve will swim the 100 before he swims all three relays
6. those 500 guys plus the ones who havent got a chance to stepup are the keys to our victory
7. We got 2 breaststrokers who with a little work and some muscle could be really good
8. As for the class of 08 we got more than you think, some good 500ers who dont get to stepup, plenty of guys with potential if they work harder, and a butter flyer who was top 24 in the state last year, but got srewed over by automatics
XdesIDtrans said:
X is definitely the favorite this year...but 2008? St. Charles might have the edge at this point - it may be even closer than Upper Arlington was...X will definitely need to step it up.

Sophomores (freshman = *) who made prelims for St. Charles (best Canton times):
Alex Schaffer: Relay start 50 free............22.23
Alex Schaffer: 100 Fly...........................52.41
Marshall Sherman: 200 Free.................1:44.15
Marshall Sherman: Relay start 50 Free......21.34
Marshall Sherman: 100 Back...................52.01
Marshall Sherman: Relay start 100 Free....46.87
Scott Martin: 200 Free.......................1:44.49
Scott Martin: 100 Free..........................48.05
Scott Martin: Relay start 50 Free............21.49
Scott Martin: Relay start 100 Free...........47.01
Neil O'Kelly: 50 Free..............................22.54
Neil O'Kelly: Relay start 50 Free...............21.93
*Erik Mai: 100 Breast..........................1:01.57

Sophomores (freshman = *) who made prelims for St. Xavier (best Canton times):
Jim Barbiere: Relay 50 Fly.......................24.17
Jim Barbiere: 200 Free.........................1:42.32
Jim Barbiere: 100 Back...........................50.69
Jim Barbiere: Relay start 100 Free............46.46
Steven Springer: Relay start 50 Free........22.11
Steven Springer: 50 Free.......................22.13
*Matt Columbus: 500 Free...................4:40.37
*Will Lawley: 500 Free........................4:51.05

That said, there are likely some underclassmen that could have made Canton but there where already 4 entered into the event...This is particularly true in St.Xs case as the lineup was loaded with Sr's and Jr's whereas St. Charles' sophomores were among their best swimmers. This year of course will give us a much better idea of how they match up, I know of some talented guys on X's team that haven't made a showing yet.

just a note about steve and will last year they had about a 7 week taper, which doesnt work to well, so when they taper for districts and state only this year they'll do much better
jim barbier cannot swim 100 back 100 free and 200 free and two relays. thats 5 events smart one. i see cheese occasionally in practice and in the weight room. lazy. maybe he'll be a contender for gcl's. and wat are we gonna do with 20 500 free guys. we can only take 4 to secionals. we need other events. and i'm proud smitty got in the top 24 since there are only 24 at state in each event.
Steven Springer was not a year round swimmer last year and had a fantastic year. With just a summer of training, he made it back to finals at Y Nats. Now that he has some experience, he will be great. Alex Smit got screwed last year and he will be hungry. Cody too. The 400 free relay is intact. In the 200 free relay, Steven can step in for Brad C./Matt W. and hopefully someone else, maybe Rooney, can step up. The medley will be in good shape if a breast stroker can get a good 50 split. The senior leaders need to encourage hard work by the underclassmen.
i heard he went crazy fast too on a relay 23 somethin. personally i think he shoulda been on the relay at state last year. thats just my opinion. look for cody or even to get buisness done in the breast stoke area. There may be some cody doubters but i think he has the ethic and the will to get it going. i think a smit will be alright. just gotta keep his confidence up. and he'll be another butterflyer.
aquabomber08 said:
i heard he went crazy fast too on a relay 23 somethin. personally i think he shoulda been on the relay at state last year. thats just my opinion. look for cody or even to get buisness done in the breast stoke area. There may be some cody doubters but i think he has the ethic and the will to get it going. i think a smit will be alright. just gotta keep his confidence up. and he'll be another butterflyer.

smitty i think will do well this year and steve probably should have been one the relay but it was a soph vs. a senior and they gave it to the senior, steve still has two more years to dominate. Cody will most likely be the breast stroker, an no offense to evan but he cant sprint worth crap. Im not saying he wont do well though I see evan at 1:00 by the end of the season, out in a 29 low back in a 30 high
I agree that cheese's work ethic is lacking at times, but from what i saw from the end of my senior year last year, he definatly picked it up. Springer will take over one of the spots on the 200 free relay as i think rooney will too (based on how he did at gcls last year). Who is the new breast stroker now that jimmy mertens is gone? smitty will be fine in fly, he can easily replace me. cody will be fine as well, he had an awesome summer as did jimmy barbiere. Columbus and Lawley will be solid compliments to Dave and Bart, no worries there. Columbus should be doing the 200 this year as well, a lot of guys drop big chunks of time from frosh to soph year, and even more from soph to junior year. Also, Cody should try the 50, i know its a long shot but his splits from Y nats were pretty solid. BTW ill be home this saturday...cant wait to see everyone!
stxbomber999 said:
smitty i think will do well this year and steve probably should have been one the relay but it was a soph vs. a senior and they gave it to the senior, steve still has two more years to dominate. Cody will most likely be the breast stroker, an no offense to evan but he cant sprint worth crap. Im not saying he wont do well though I see evan at 1:00 by the end of the season, out in a 29 low back in a 30 high

Steve was not on the relay last year because of questionable starts and no State experience. Fast doesn't help if your relay is DQ'd. He should be great this year with more big meet experience.
actually joey deters led off smart one. and charlie anchored. if u would like to say charlie had the fastest relay start go ahead. but try to get ur facts right there.