Some Lesser-Known Players to Watch this Year


New member
Here's some smaller-named players who I think will have a big impact this year:

Ben Weaver, Midfield: Senior -Sycamore
Pomplis (spelling?), Defense/LSM: Sophmore - St. X
Cameron Williams, Midfield: Junior - Lakota West
Vince Catino, Midfield (You all say he's fast, so I've got some expectations for him this year): Sophmore/Junior (?) - Moeller
James Hill - St. X - Senior - Attack

He's a very good crease attackman with a good quick stick. Last year he had some injury problems but he should be healthy this year. He quietly scores a lot of goals when he's healthy.
Billy Wersel - Moe - Junior - Mid

He has really developed into his body and is extremely strong. His game has followed. Look for him to run first line with Bowman and Koepfle and challenge for 2nd on the team in scoring right behind Bowman. That line could be the best line in the city as of now on paper, which i know doesn't mean anything.
Billy Wersel - Moe - Junior - Mid

He has really developed into his body and is extremely strong. His game has followed. Look for him to run first line with Bowman and Koepfle and challenge for 2nd on the team in scoring right behind Bowman. That line could be the best line in the city as of now on paper, which i know doesn't mean anything.

hes a soph.
Has the starting Saint Xavier attack line been named?

That was the first line last season. At least while James was healthy. Chad was an All-City attackman last season so he'll start. The coaches like Kamp's lefty shot so he'll aslo probably start. James will score a lot of goals on the crease and goes well with Chad and Jordy.
I know Chad and Kamp...don't know James. What year is he?

Really look for Cameron Williams this year from West. Why he didn't play varsity last year is still a mystery to me. He is a naturally-gifted athlete, and he used to practice with Dom Broderick (I believe) since he lived next door. I'd probably compare his playing style to Nick Lucking's, and while Nick was a little bit faster than Cameron, Cameron makes up for it with a great left-hand (Nick just pretty much used his right, but he got the job done).
I know Chad and Kamp...don't know James. What year is he?

Really look for Cameron Williams this year from West. Why he didn't play varsity last year is still a mystery to me. He is a naturally-gifted athlete, and he used to practice with Dom Broderick (I believe) since he lived next door. I'd probably compare his playing style to Nick Lucking's, and while Nick was a little bit faster than Cameron, Cameron makes up for it with a great left-hand (Nick just pretty much used his right, but he got the job done).

James is a senior. He was injured most of his junior year, which was his first on the varsity team. He has good size and strength and a quick stick.
Also James a really smart player. He knows where to put the ball and knows when to shoot or pass. His only problem is that he always gets injured.
Also James a really smart player. He knows where to put the ball and knows when to shoot or pass. His only problem is that he always gets injured.

That's because of where he plays. Crease attackman is a risky position. You're pretty much guarenteed to get hit by a stick, body, or both every time the ball comes your way.
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