
tallmadge's rival is green... although my personal rival is wadsworth, i hate em. green isn't much competition for tallmadge in volleyball though.
SimplyADevil said:
tallmadge's rival is green... although my personal rival is wadsworth, i hate em. green isn't much competition for tallmadge in volleyball though.


Bite your tongue. Green was one small step below Tallmadge last year and gave them all they could handle at Green. Watch this year. You'll be eatin some crow me thinks ;)
mcgal, green was one giant leap below tallmadge last year. when we heard that green gave us a run for our money at green, everyone asked "what happened?". obviously that means we weren't on top of our game. green volleyball bores me *yawn*. we'll be SL champs, AGAIN.
It wasn't a case of Tallmadge lowering their game as much as Green raising their game that night. Credit to Tallmadge for still pulling it out. In winning there, they effectively won both matches (Green's confidence was obviously less for the match at T-town). Like I said in the other post, we'll see soon enough who's right :)
Green vs. Tallmadge

I agree, Tallmadge has had strong volleyball program for the past two years.... BUT losing the senior class that they did is a lot that duffy and wood can't make up for. Green only lost two seniors and with 9 letterman returning with 7 seniors, I say it's going to be close, but i'm voting for Green - they have some talent there. with Wolosianski (soph.), Dauphin, Moore, and Duignan, they have power. And by the way wasn't it just 3 yrs. ago when Green beat Tallmadge 15-3? That's nothing to "yawn" about! It's obvious that times can change and this year it just might.
SimplyADevil said:
tallmadge's rival is green... although my personal rival is wadsworth, i hate em. green isn't much competition for tallmadge in volleyball though.

HEY SAD. What is up with the Grizzley hating? Wadsworth does not have a strong V-Ball program, but just because Wadsworth has a lot of spirit doesn't mean we are all bad people. Can't we all just get along? :D :D
vbsharp - three years ago i wasn't in high school, so it doesn't matter! and you say green only lost two seniors, so did tallmadge (joliat and urycki). anyone who picks green over tallmadge this year has to be biased toward green or hate tallmadge! we always win, we're that good. ;)
yahtzee - wadsworthless is just that! icky.
Again SAD Why do you say that, It is a very nice community to live in, play sports in, and go to school in so i just do not see the point of that comment. Did you have a bad experience here or what?
Additionally, my daughter plays volleyball and basketball for the Wadsworth middle school and can not say enough about their programs and niether can I. They were very successful last year and it was a very pleasant experience.
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i think it's the parents at wadsworth that bring the program down (not insulting you in the least)
i attended the wadsworth/tallmadge basketball game at tallmadge where we got a beating and the whole time the moms imparicular showed NO class whatsoever. they were deliberately making rude and crude comments to and about our players. also, they made some outrageous comment to alan bock (who has never disrespected even a fly in his life).
i have never been so utterly disgusted in a sporting event in my life. never again will i show respect for wadsworth, in that aspect.
Tallmadge upset?

Did i touch a nerve? well hopefully - because Tallmadge better be nervous this year when Green plays them.. it may have been easy before but the win isnt going to come so quick this year! -So im assuming you're on the volleyball team? good I'll see you at the match. hopefully I'll nail ya one too. ;)

That is all in the perspective of the person watching. Unfortunately, this same thing happens in almost every school especially with the parents. At Wadsworth 3 years ago the Tallmadge fans were very unruly after a couple of calls they felt did not go there way. There were very personal and upsetting comments made by both students and especially parents and they were directed at players and opposing fans. These were made in front of my young choildren and i did not think it was at all appropriate. I do realize that this does not represent the majority and will not let that color my opinion of Tallmadge as a whole. I have also seen this when coaching at the youth level and yes I have seen it at Wadsworth and Tallmadge as well as other schools. Additionally, i played 3 sports in high school and played against all the SL teams and the fans could be brutal then also. None of this means I think this is proper behavior, it is always despicable, but it does happen everywhere. i am truly sorry for what you had to witness and hope that in the future you see that it is not fair to judge the many by the actions of the few.
SimplyADevil said:
vbsharp - three years ago i wasn't in high school, so it doesn't matter! and you say green only lost two seniors, so did tallmadge (joliat and urycki). anyone who picks green over tallmadge this year has to be biased toward green or hate tallmadge! we always win, we're that good. ;)
yahtzee - wadsworthless is just that! icky.

Kettle calling the pot black here. You can't possibly know what Green has coming back or how good they'd be, so anyone who picks Tallmadge over Green this year has to be biased to Tallmadge. ;)
Re: Tallmadge upset?

VBSharp said:
Did i touch a nerve? well hopefully - because Tallmadge better be nervous this year when Green plays them.. it may have been easy before but the win isnt going to come so quick this year! -So im assuming you're on the volleyball team? good I'll see you at the match. hopefully I'll nail ya one too. ;)

No she doesn't play, but obviously you do. Now I'm curious :)
As to the parents issue, coming from a coach from a "third party" school, I can tell you that both Wadsworth and Tallmadge have their fair share of "whiny, crabby, rude,etc" parents and fans. I think Wadsworth takes more heat for it in some sports because they bring more fans. Tallmadge fans when I was in school (many moons ago :p ) were by far the worst. Now, it's a toss-up to be honest. Wadsworth fans, your geriatric sections at basketball games does you in man. They're the worst. Now don't get me wrong, as a coach I'd give anything to have a following like the Grizzlies carry, especially come tourney time, but they yell about stuff they don't know and complain about rules they don't understand. I think Cal needs to educate them on the rules of the game so at least they can yell when they're right and not all the time ;)

i couldnt agree more with you about the elderly fans. they complain and holler about everything. But, in wadsworth when you get real old basketball is your life, so thats probably why they yell so much. But, the students always found it amusing to watch the older people yell at the refs for a good call the refs made. Finally, all schools have fans who are out of control with how they act, but Wadsworth and tallmadge bring the most fans, and that is why they are the ones who are pointed out the most and being wild and unruly. (btw it didnt help our image that one of our geriatric fans got in a yelling match w/ a norton basketball coach, which led to the coach being escorted away by police)
no i don't play volleyball. i don't think you could "nail me one" even if i did play. but because you play for green, i won't take anything you say literally. green players can never put anything in perspective.
SimplyADevil said:
no i don't play volleyball. i don't think you could "nail me one" even if i did play. but because you play for green, i won't take anything you say literally. green players can never put anything in perspective.

Easy killer. Generalizations like that are not becoming of you :cool:
i know. i felt like she was trying to say she was better than me. in volleyball, maybe. but in the grand scheme of things who cares? i'd kick her butt in anything else ;)
SimplyADevil -
I don't have anything else to say, other than lets wait and see.... - paper tigers - I thought this was about sports??
VBSharp said:
SimplyADevil -
I don't have anything else to say, other than lets wait and see.... - paper tigers - I thought this was about sports??

Way to show class and not get involved in an insult-hurling contest. Very nice to see from a youngster from Green. I probably know you btw.... I'll just have to watch and see if you give away any hints as to who you are :)
MCGal said:

Way to show class and not get involved in an insult-hurling contest. Very nice to see from a youngster from Green. I probably know you btw.... I'll just have to watch and see if you give away any hints as to who you are :)