Police arrest hit-skip driver who fatally struck a cyclist

Here in Tucson it's a very bike-friendly environment. All the major roads have bike lanes, as do many of the lesser streets. On weekends especially you'll see packs of riders all over the place. HOWEVER, among the thousands of bikers out here, there are several a**hats who ruin it for everyone else. I'm talking about riders who insist on riding two or three abreast, thereby straying into the car lanes. Or the individual who insists on riding his bike on the white lane line when he has six feet of empty pavement to his right.

The physical barrier I talked about earlier also works to keep the cyclists out of the car lanes.

The restriping is good and relatively cheap, but they should put the bike lanes on the sidewalk side of the parking lane. Cities that have been doing bike lanes for awhile have been moving away from that model because of cyclists being struck or having to swerve into traffic because of people getting out of their cars without paying attention to the bike lane.
I think it is the pedalers job to watch out. I am too busy texting and yappi-ing to watch for bicyclist. Plus my ride is bigger.