I think a lot depends on any injuries and out league schedules. The following is just my uneducated opinion lol, which could change because it’s really early, but just for fun, I’ll give it a go.
McKinley has Warren Harding, which should be a win, Avon, which is a toss up, Coffman, should be a win, and Massillon, who until they beat is a loss. Best scnario 3-1, worst 2-2
Green has Dover, toss up, Canfield South Range, a tough matchup, but I’ll favor Green, Tallmadge, toss up, Louisville, a win. Best scenario 4-0, worst 2-2
Hoover has Buchtel, a win, Hudson, a toss up, are they still play the Canucks? If so a win. Louisville, a win. Best scenario 4-0, worst 3-1.
Lake has Alliance, a win, Boardman toss up, Brecksville a win and Louisville a win. Best scenario 4-0, worst 3-1.
Jackson has Mentor, loss, Mayfield, toss up, Stow, win and CCC, toss up. Best scenario 3-1, worst 1-3
GlenOak has Cinn. Western Hills, win, Massillon, loss, Fitch toss up and Louisville, win. Best scenario 3-1, worst 2-2
Perry has CCC, a toss up, SVSM, loss, Euclid, win and Louisville, win. Best scenario 3-1, worst 2-2.