Ohio - Issue 2

Don't really care about pot being legal. Wish it wouldn't be allowed in public just like drinking out in the open on the streets isn't allowed.

Don't want to smell that crap wherever I go and see people doing it
Don't really care about pot being legal. Wish it wouldn't be allowed in public just like drinking out in the open on the streets isn't allowed.

Don't want to smell that crap wherever I go and see people doing it
Pot is already out in the open. I was walking thru the short north in CBUS one night this summer and it was everywhere on the sidewalks and right in front of police. But we know police already weren't enforcing recreational use in public unless something they were doing something else illegal.

And drinking in open on the streets also happens in places that have DORAs.
I imagine that monstrocity at the corner of 33 and 75 will be a grow house at some point now that is seems to be almost rebuilt since God, I mean the Tornado, took it out last year?
Pot is already out in the open. I was walking thru the short north in CBUS one night this summer and it was everywhere on the sidewalks and right in front of police. But we know police already weren't enforcing recreational use in public unless something they were doing something else illegal.

And drinking in open on the streets also happens in places that have DORAs.
Not as widespread as when it's legal
I imagine that monstrocity at the corner of 33 and 75 will be a grow house at some point now that is seems to be almost rebuilt since God, I mean the Tornado, took it out last year?
Yeah.. "God" sent a tornado to take out a marijuana farm

Do you hear yourself?
Probably true but people are smoking that stuff everywhere it seems these days. Or could be that it stinks so bad that the smell just carries a decent distance.
The worst part for me is the number of cars that the smell is coming from. Even driving behind someone and getting stopped at a red light. Hopefully, we will come up with a reasonable test to prove "high driving" quickly. Give any drivers significant penalties.
The worst part for me is the number of cars that the smell is coming from. Even driving behind someone and getting stopped at a red light. Hopefully, we will come up with a reasonable test to prove "high driving" quickly. Give any drivers significant penalties.
I assume they will be the exact same as the existing DUI laws. Not sure why they would be any more or less significant?
Just a thought about how this is different from ending prohibition. Prohibition was elimnated at the national level but with marijuana the Feds still list it as a schedule 1 narcotic. Until that is removed there are still going to be issues with open use of that evil weed.
The worst part for me is the number of cars that the smell is coming from. Even driving behind someone and getting stopped at a red light. Hopefully, we will come up with a reasonable test to prove "high driving" quickly. Give any drivers significant penalties.
Be careful of that secondary high! o_O :cool:
In my community, Issue 1 was winning by a very large margin. Issue 2 was much closer. My community generally trends liberal, so it will be interesting to see if and by how much this passes. I will be shocked if it doesn't pass but would feel a little better if it was a close vote.

My community also voted by huge margins for three different tax levys. I'm getting to the point where I'm going to start refusing to vote for any levy. It will be my little protest as my vote doesn't appear to matter with taxes. People just want to keep adding to their tax burden with no end in sight.
Yappi if you have read my posts over the years I give my lesson on what it takes to lower your property taxes and let me tell you Tuesday there were five bond issues I got to vote on. I voted no on every one and that is not something new for me. The last time I voted yes on any bond or tax issue was 1987 my sons freshmen year in H.S.. Here is a proud dad with a son with sports potential and they tell me if the vote fails say good by to all HS sports, it was like they put a gun to my head. That is the last time I have voted yes on any tax issue. This election three of the five passed by the way none passed because of me. The two local ones failed, the three county ones past. None were renewals so this year my property value was reappraised up by 30% and we have three new bond issues added to my taxes.
The worst part for me is the number of cars that the smell is coming from. Even driving behind someone and getting stopped at a red light. Hopefully, we will come up with a reasonable test to prove "high driving" quickly. Give any drivers significant penalties.
You would almost need to have drivers establish a "baseline" test at license renewal, like a SCAT for concussion evaluations.

Some people are dummied-up by pot, and others are just plain dumb....
Four categories of adults who may be limited in their partaking of the soon to be legal Ohio recreational marijuana.

Anyone under 21 years old

Some renters - the Ohio bill authorizes landlords to be able to prohibit the use of cannabis in the lease agreement.

Some employees- Employers can enforce a drug free work place.

This is a big one!!! Federal law prohibits people who use marijuana from receiving, possessing or purchasing a firearm. The background check form asks about drug usage. Using or possessing of Marijuana is still illegal under federal law. Lying on the form is a felony under federal law. (The exception might be if your first name is Hunter and I said that.)

They truly have 0 respect for the will of the voters. Getting rid of home grow, upping the taxes 5% and drastically cutting the THC levels makes this a completely different thing than what was voted on by the public

They truly have 0 respect for the will of the voters. Getting rid of home grow, upping the taxes 5% and drastically cutting the THC levels makes this a completely different thing than what was voted on by the public
I fully expected them to nix or dramatically decrease the number of plants for home grow - no tax revenue there. Annoying, but somewhat understandable. The upping the tax and the lowering of THC levels is a slap in the face of the voters.
I fully expected them to nix or dramatically decrease the number of plants for home grow - no tax revenue there. Annoying, but somewhat understandable. The upping the tax and the lowering of THC levels is a slap in the face of the voters.
I don't mind the decrease of THC for the plants, but the extract is insane. That's going to severely handicap what's sold as well. Many people will just continue going to Michigan

They truly have 0 respect for the will of the voters. Getting rid of home grow, upping the taxes 5% and drastically cutting the THC levels makes this a completely different thing than what was voted on by the public
I guess l they should have tried an amendment ?
I fully expected them to nix or dramatically decrease the number of plants for home grow - no tax revenue there. Annoying, but somewhat understandable. The upping the tax and the lowering of THC levels is a slap in the face of the voters.
Pro-pot voters and the pot lobby financing the referendum setting the pot tax rate. LOL

Plentiful pot will have an added law enforcement cost that voters are not in any reasonable way able to quantify. This fact will be abused by government. Seems obvious enough. 🤷‍♂️

Tough luck, burners.
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Cabe supporting the thwarting of the will of the people yet again, but he will be sure to post "god damn the Democratic Party" no fewer than 25 times from here until Election Day 2024
Thwarting the Will of the People!! Now, suddenly, that matters to you. lol

Maybe DeWine will bring back Amy Acton to explain why health considerations are worth thwarting the will of some of the people ? It seemed to work on you lot before.....and THIS TIME the concern/mitigation intersection would be legit. 🤷‍♂️
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Thwarting the Will of the People!! Now, that matters to you. lol
When has it not mattered? I'm very sorry that your party keeps losing at the ballot box (pretty much every major election/issue of the last 5 years) and instead of reassessing, they just completely disregard the will of the voters

This passed by nearly 15 points and those power hungry lunatics in Columbus are completely gutting it and changing what we actually voted on 🤷
I'd say going after the home grown aspect is even more of a slap in the face to voters then the other stuff.
If they are reducing the concentration of a concentrate, that seems funny, but certainly more lucrative for both producer and taxing authority, huh ?
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When has it not mattered? I'm very sorry that your party keeps losing at the ballot box (pretty much every major election/issue of the last 5 years) and instead of reassessing, they just completely disregard the will of the voters

This passed by nearly 15 points and those power hungry lunatics in Columbus are completely gutting it and changing what we actually voted on 🤷
Sorry, speedy. I am old and slow, remember ? See the edit of the post you quoted.

You can always vote against these Ohio lawmakers in the next election. I have no doubt that the "butt-hurt" you feel will linger until then.....