Maira Scott - Fastest Hand-timed 100m in Ohio Girls' History - 11.1 MT with a legal +1.4 wind


Well-known member
While not acceptable for record purposes due to hand-timing, Maira Scott's (Holland Springfield) 11.1 MT in the prelims @ her district still indicate that Abby Steiner's state record 11.38 @ 2018 State just may go down. Should be a fun dual between Scott & Pace!
She also ran a 23.11 in the 200m prelims; however, no wind data puts it into the circular file statistics-wise. For those not old enough to know that reference, that means a round waste-paper basket...a standard feature of offices of years gone by.
Why are district meets still being hand timed in 2024?
From their results, it looks like a timing failure in that race.

On a slightly different note, I'm wondering about wind readings not making it into certain races at meets when clearly other results within the meet indicate the presence of one. I'm wondering about failure rates of wi-fi communications regarding wind readings. I sure as heck hope this is not an issue at regionals and state.
She also ran a 23.11 in the 200m prelims; however, no wind data puts it into the circular file statistics-wise. For those not old enough to know that reference, that means a round waste-paper basket...a standard feature of offices of years gone by.
My comments were not meant to demean in anyway a legit 23.11 clocking. That's FAST. However, for strict statistical record-keeping, it falls into the wind-aided/no wind info category. I have a separate listing for sub-24 clockings in that category that I haven't published.