Liberals would never falsify data


Whoda thunk ??
Nah. IB told us only non government funded research is false. Government funded = pure as the wind driven snow.
The end justifies the means....
If you notice, a consistent skepticism is not part of the leftist agenda - only selective skepticism of inconvenient information.

I'm skeptical of everyone and everything. I listen skeptically to every word my pastor says - and he would be among the people I trust the most.

My understanding of human beings requires that if it originates in a human mind and comes out of a human mouth, it is subject to error, lies, and bad intent - thus the necessity for constant skepticism.

No one I know on the Left does this if the speaker has leftist credentials and is promoting leftist ideas. They would avoid a lot of totally absurd ideas if they had the capacity to be skeptical within their own tribe, but, alas, do that and you better brace yourself for a crapload of leftist wrath. Ask the few brave souls who dare do it.