Lake, Hoover, Perry Levy's


Well-known member
Not sure how these Levy's will affect the schools or sports. Hoover's is to build a brand new middle school (not sure of millage off hand), I believe Perry's is a renewal (not sure how much) Lakes is the largest at around 10 mills. The election is only a few weeks away
Not a Federal League school but Mogadore is also seeking funds. They've dropped from.9.9 mill continuing to 5 mill for 5 years. The major complainers who last time cited " open high school track to public" no longer have that to complain about. As track is open.6:30am- 8:30 pm. They already have their ugly maroon and yellow vote no signs up. I'm retired but support our students and schools. Strange to see these negative voters packing the football stands each home game, by the way if retired and a village resident, they get in FREE! Oh well, good luck to all the public schools who have a levy request on the November ballot!
Our Ohio funding system was ruled unconstitutional in don't count on our " elected" representatives to change it either.
A Lake failure would be the beginning of the end for the Blue Streaks. Decades of hard work by so many would crumble. Would be unrecognizable with the loss of progams, staff, cutting of programs...state minumums. Not what those who have become so spoiled by the success would even recognize. Scary times. Would take 15 - 20 years to get back- if ever. We need community support. NOW.
Talking with some Lake friend s last night at the football game they weren't really optimistic on the levy passing. But they hadn't seen any anti levy signs yet (they remembered seeing those a long time ago) $700 a year on a 200 K property is what the new levy would be. Does anyone know where Lake rates in the county right now for property taxes?
Not sure how these Levy's will affect the schools or sports. Hoover's is to build a brand new middle school (not sure of millage off hand), I believe Perry's is a renewal (not sure how much) Lakes is the largest at around 10 mills. The election is only a few weeks away
From the signs I'm seeing, Perry's is indeed a renewal.
Not a Federal League school but Mogadore is also seeking funds. They've dropped from.9.9 mill continuing to 5 mill for 5 years. The major complainers who last time cited " open high school track to public" no longer have that to complain about. As track is open.6:30am- 8:30 pm. They already have their ugly maroon and yellow vote no signs up. I'm retired but support our students and schools. Strange to see these negative voters packing the football stands each home game, by the way if retired and a village resident, they get in FREE! Oh well, good luck to all the public schools who have a levy request on the November ballot!
Our Ohio funding system was ruled unconstitutional in don't count on our " elected" representatives to change it either.
Someone told me that nearly 50% of Mogadore‘s total enrollment is open enrollment from Springfield, Ellet and Field. Is that true? That seems like an incredibly high number and I tend to not believe many facts from the “guy on the barstool“ types.
Someone told me that nearly 50% of Mogadore‘s total enrollment is open enrollment from Springfield, Ellet and Field. Is that true? That seems like an incredibly high number and I tend to not believe many facts from the “guy on the barstool“ types.
It's high but not that high. Many of those students have parents who attended and with the limited village limits, not much real estate available.
Getting closer to the Vote. I saw on the news they are expecting high voter turnout due to a lot of state issue.
I'm curious, I couldn't find it when I looked online, but where does Lake, Hoover, Perry, GlenOak, and Jackson rank in Tax millage??? I assume Jackson is probably the highest, with NC and Lake being in the middle of the pack. But I really don't know. Anyone able to help with that???
Getting closer to the Vote. I saw on the news they are expecting high voter turnout due to a lot of state issue.
I'm curious, I couldn't find it when I looked online, but where does Lake, Hoover, Perry, GlenOak, and Jackson rank in Tax millage??? I assume Jackson is probably the highest, with NC and Lake being in the middle of the pack. But I really don't know. Anyone able to help with that???
Jackson's millage rate probably isn't the highest, with Belden Village Mall in the school district. The Jackson renewal on the ballot lowers the millage rate to 3.3, I think it is (to keep the dollars the same, with the increases in property values since the last renewal)

Maybe someone can explain what we are seeing......Looks like North Canton is the highest to me. Surprisingly followed by Canton.
People have to come out and support the school levies. And don't give me that "my kids are outta school" or "my kids are in private school" stuff. I live in the Akron Public Schools district but send my kids to private school. I still vote Yes on every levy APS puts on the ballet. Why? Because good public schools help EVERYONE in the community, not just the students.

Something to think about
I read the article from the Canton Rep today. North Canton Superintendent basically said that even if the levy fails for building a new middle school they will keep putting it on the ballot till it passes
I read the article from the Canton Rep today. North Canton Superintendent basically said that even if the levy fails for building a new middle school they will keep putting it on the ballot till it passes
A school district doesn't have many other options than asking the public for money. They don't produce tangible things that can be sold to create revenue...and, with our outdated, unconstitutional funding system, and Governor that is a charter school supporter who constantly cuts education funding...the only option they have is to ask their taxpayers.
People have to come out and support the school levies. And don't give me that "my kids are outta school" or "my kids are in private school" stuff. I live in the Akron Public Schools district but send my kids to private school. I still vote Yes on every levy APS puts on the ballet. Why? Because good public schools help EVERYONE in the community, not just the students.

Something to think about
Maybe have a freeze on property taxes for seniors on fixed incomes who are below a provable income level. I agree with voting yes on school levies. I also realize there are those who truly can not afford an increase. Same with some low income renters. You know any increase in property taxes the landlord will probably pass it on to the renters.
I don't know about other areas, but where I live they did a property reevaluation last years and my property taxes went up. I did some extensive remodeling and added on to both the front and back of my house. Fair enough my taxes going up. My property is worth more now. But for others an increase in property taxes due to reevaluation and then a request to raise them again for a school levy might be a bridge too far.🤷‍♂️
Not a Federal League school but Mogadore is also seeking funds. They've dropped from.9.9 mill continuing to 5 mill for 5 years. The major complainers who last time cited " open high school track to public" no longer have that to complain about. As track is open.6:30am- 8:30 pm. They already have their ugly maroon and yellow vote no signs up. I'm retired but support our students and schools. Strange to see these negative voters packing the football stands each home game, by the way if retired and a village resident, they get in FREE! Oh well, good luck to all the public schools who have a levy request on the November ballot!
Our Ohio funding system was ruled unconstitutional in don't count on our " elected" representatives to change it either.
People legit voted against a levy because of a walking track? Good grief smh
BTW, the answer here isn't a bunch of tinkering with the current system, it's to abolish school funding based on property taxes all together. It's been declared unconstitutional numerous times by the Supreme Court as it is.
I read the article from the Canton Rep today. North Canton Superintendent basically said that even if the levy fails for building a new middle school they will keep putting it on the ballot till it passes
Thats the only reason he was hired was to build new buildings like he did at Lake.
People have to come out and support the school levies. And don't give me that "my kids are outta school" or "my kids are in private school" stuff. I live in the Akron Public Schools district but send my kids to private school. I still vote Yes on every levy APS puts on the ballet. Why? Because good public schools help EVERYONE in the community, not just the students.

Something to think about
You also have to hold the school system accountable to be efficient with the money they have. There is not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Back in the day, one of our long term superintendents always threatened that high school football and crossing guards would be eliminated if a levy failed. It worked every time!
Thats the only reason he was hired was to build new buildings like he did at Lake.
That makes sense now. I just don't want to end up like Lake in another 3-5 years put a 14 mill then a 10 mill levy up to run the new schools. I hope they have a better plan then lake.
That makes sense now. I just don't want to end up like Lake in another 3-5 years put a 14 mill then a 10 mill levy up to run the new schools. I hope they have a better plan then lake.
The levy isn't to "run" the new buildings……86% of the money is slated for wages and benefits.
Back in the day, one of our long term superintendents always threatened that high school football and crossing guards would be eliminated if a levy failed. It worked every time!
That usually works Clark.
But way back in 95 the people of Struthers thought differently.
Voted it down and the entire 1995 season was kaput. Most the best players transferred to other local schools. 1996 was 0-10 and a total disaster. Took forever to get back to normal after that fiasco. And Struthers always was a huge football town, but it didn't matter to the voters that particular year ....... was like a black mark that took forever to remove.

Found this:

Issue 32: North Canton City School District 1.6 mill bond issue, .7 mill additional continuing: 51%
Issue 34: Louisville City School District 3.8 mill substitute 5 years: 51%

Issue 33: Lake Local School District 9.9 mill additional 5 years: 51%

Razor sharp decisions by the voters.

Lake is in some serious trouble. Shout out to the voters of Lake township for shooting down another levy. Im very upset and will refrain from saying too much more, but we need less elderly in lake township bottom line if we want to pass this. They continue to hold Lake back from growing and evolving. If the cuts proposed actually are made, I don’t think Lake will be in the Federal league much longer.