Job Openings

Goes to three straight Division 1 State Final 4 appearances with a championship to show for it and gets the can...tough gig.
Wow - he achieved several firsts for Seton soccer, including the first GGCL Soccer crown, and is shown the door - I heard he is an "old school" type of coach. I thought he was done with coaching, joining his brother from East Central as he just retired.
Wow - he achieved several firsts for Seton soccer, including the first GGCL Soccer crown, and is shown the door - I heard he is an "old school" type of coach. I thought he was done with coaching, joining his brother from East Central as he just retired.

Any rumors of why he was let go? I was also of the thought he decided to step down. The on field success is hard to argue with.
Any rumors of why he was let go? I was also of the thought he decided to step down. The on field success is hard to argue with.
It was said that the majority of the girls weren’t a fan of him and his style. The team does reviews at the end of every year. My guess is that the results weren’t good.
It was said that the majority of the girls weren’t a fan of him and his style. The team does reviews at the end of every year. My guess is that the results weren’t good.
Interesting but this is sad as my guess is his style hasn't changed since the first day they hired him - sounds like a person of influence's daughter/granddaughter got upset over playing time. The perils of coaching at a private school that depends on donations.
Big difference between "the majority of the girls" and "a person of influence"

Both guesses? Anyone heard anything a little more specific?
Big difference between "the majority of the girls" and "a person of influence"

Both guesses? Anyone heard anything a little more specific?
I vote we stick with speculation and move on. From what I’ve heard from parents whose daughters played for him both in club and high school, he’s a great guy with a lot of passion—"he doesn’t coach quietly".

As a point of reference, in the past six years, Seton has essentially chosen not to renew the contracts of coaches in volleyball, soccer, basketball, and possibly softball (I think), all under similar circumstances. It seems like Seton is following their playbook.
Big difference between "the majority of the girls" and "a person of influence"

Both guesses? Anyone heard anything a little more specific?
Yeah….Per a team parent, it was said that the majority, not all, of the girls weren’t a fan of him and his style. The team does reviews at the end of every year. My guess is that the results weren’t good.
It was said that the majority of the girls weren’t a fan of him and his style. The team does reviews at the end of every year. My guess is that the results weren’t good.
I find this very interesting. Supposedly Seton Soccer Players didn't like Him or His style. Not liking him one thing, who the heck plays competitive Sports and doesn't like Winning?
I vote we stick with speculation and move on. From what I’ve heard from parents whose daughters played for him both in club and high school, he’s a great guy with a lot of passion—"he doesn’t coach quietly".

As a point of reference, in the past six years, Seton has essentially chosen not to renew the contracts of coaches in volleyball, soccer, basketball, and possibly softball (I think), all under similar circumstances. It seems like Seton is following their playbook.

Let's not compare apples and oranges. When all of these coaches were replaced, none of those coaches had their respective programs close to the level of success of the soccer program now. The volleyball program has done a complete 360 in the last 5 years and the basketball and softball programs are still seeking consistent success. The soccer program has been to 3 straight Final Fours! The timing leads to a lot of questions.
Let's not compare apples and oranges. When all of these coaches were replaced, none of those coaches had their respective programs close to the level of success of the soccer program now. The volleyball program has done a complete 360 in the last 5 years and the basketball and softball programs are still seeking consistent success. The soccer program has been to 3 straight Final Fours! The timing leads to a lot of questions.
The situations are quite similar, as all involved disgruntled parents/grandparents etc with significant influence. No different than SUA deciding not to renew their volleyball & soccer coaches a few years ago, or when MND's volleyball program followed a similar path. For Seton vball & bball at the time of transition, Seton finally had talent in the school at the younger levels when the decisions were made.

Just the working hazards of being a coach @ a parochial high school - certain people/groups hold considerable sway over decisions
Seton was the biggest beneficiary of Mercy closing it's doors and merging with McCauley. Seton's soccer program will continue to go far in the tourney with all the talent that is in the program and coming in next year. I've known the Ex-Seton coach a long time and he's a great guy and as someone said earlier, he's an "old school" coach!
The whole thing is odd. As the kids would say.. "Shady" ?

Speaking to a few folks who are close to the program. Ex-Coach, good guy, but when it came to soccer, was certainly old school and was going to yell a lot, at players. ALOT of Players and Parents went to the AD, and it sounds like they were listened to. Can't argue the success they've had with all the talent they've received from Mercy closing down over the years. JV had alot of success there. But to let him go 1 day after the banquet, and then hire his assistants to take over the next day.... Sounds like this was in the works during the season. Did his assistants know this was coming? Or did they really find out when he got let go, and offered the job right then and there? Just seems odd...
The situations are quite similar, as all involved disgruntled parents/grandparents etc with significant influence. No different than SUA deciding not to renew their volleyball & soccer coaches a few years ago, or when MND's volleyball program followed a similar path. For Seton vball & bball at the time of transition, Seton finally had talent in the school at the younger levels when the decisions were made.

Just the working hazards of being a coach @ a parochial high school - certain people/groups hold considerable sway over decisions

Maybe? But, next door at Elder the large majority of the coaches have been in place FOREVER. It's not necessarily a parochial school thing. SUA was a brand new AD that decided to clean house. The SUA VB coach had been involved in the program for 15 plus years.

Every story is different and that was the only point I was suggesting. To remove a coach that has a recent state championship and 3 straight final four appearances is odd no matter what view you have. My suggestion is that things were pretty bad and had multiple levels of concerns and not just a loud parent or grandparent as others might have suggested.
Maybe? But, next door at Elder the large majority of the coaches have been in place FOREVER. It's not necessarily a parochial school thing. SUA was a brand new AD that decided to clean house. The SUA VB coach had been involved in the program for 15 plus years.

Every story is different and that was the only point I was suggesting. To remove a coach that has a recent state championship and 3 straight final four appearances is odd no matter what view you have. My suggestion is that things were pretty bad and had multiple levels of concerns and not just a loud parent or grandparent as others might have suggested.
Seton Soccer and SUA volleyball draw a lot of parallels – both programs are very successful competing in tough conferences/regions, both were COY, had enviable coaching records and the accolades go on. One coaches’ mechanism for communication is “yelling” & the other strongly favored girls in his club. It was no secret they were doing that for years, why get rid of either of them at that particular point in time? At the end of the day, they pissed off a group of people that had influence.

My point is there is more susceptibility in Parochial schools to influence decisions due to the need for the schools to fund raise, etc. Those school boards are made up of volunteers who are typically asked to join for a particular reason - connections, wealth, etc. When they speak, along with large donors, the schools listens.

Regarding the Elder coaches, they most certainly have made enemies over the years but they also have influential supporters backing them.
Publics are not immune I can assure you. Mom and Dad exert control across the spectrum. Old school usually means discipline and accountability. If it's not illegal, immoral or unethical not sure what the issue is. I've seen many posts on here about the lack of refs. I would imagine coaches will be up next. The good news is the Seton coach can take all of the money he made over the past four years and enjoy retirement. ;)
Publics are not immune I can assure you. Mom and Dad exert control across the spectrum. Old school usually means discipline and accountability. If it's not illegal, immoral or unethical not sure what the issue is. I've seen many posts on here about the lack of refs. I would imagine coaches will be up next. The good news is the Seton coach can take all of the money he made over the past four years and enjoy retirement. ;)
A little story from many years ago but it shows public schools are not immune to outside pressure from parents,money or whatever counts in that community. I had an age group club team and all of my players were eighth graders. I lost one boy from the previous season that was age eligible but had moved on to high school. He was an excellent player and I believed that he could start for the high school and be one of the top players in what was a weak program. A week before school started the players mother called me and asked if he could play for me again because he got cut from the high school team. I almost crawled through the phone line to get the paperwork signed an and turned in. Later I went to some friends that knew the program and what went on inside it. Turned out several parents had gone to the coach complaining about my player because he was blacK. The coach was told that his kind had the football team and the soccer team was for their kind of people. Fortunately the next season the coach left and there were no more problems. I wish there had been because then he would have gone to school with my son and instead of playing for district titles the might have played for regional titles.
That.....falls into the category of illegal, immoral or unethical. Not to mention just down right wrong and stupid. Never too early to get rid of coaches like that!
Dover’s girls varsity head coaching job is still available and I don’t believe they are any candidates at this time.

Solid program with a nice group returning…would be a great job for a young coach looking to build on a program on the rise!