LOST THEIR FRICKING MIND? In WHAT universe, does ANY sane person view this selection process as anywhere CLOSE to equitable to ALL involved?
FIRST of ALL, the gaggle of five , has an automatic bid to a first round bye. While a team from the Big Ten or SEC, might very well MISS the playoff, after having blasted that gaggle of five representative. And with the Big Ten having at least six, and the SEC having ten or MORE worthy representatives. Some veritable slappys will get into the top tier, while teams which have three losses, due to far tougher competition in their conferences, will be left out in the cold.
FIRST of ALL, the gaggle of five , has an automatic bid to a first round bye. While a team from the Big Ten or SEC, might very well MISS the playoff, after having blasted that gaggle of five representative. And with the Big Ten having at least six, and the SEC having ten or MORE worthy representatives. Some veritable slappys will get into the top tier, while teams which have three losses, due to far tougher competition in their conferences, will be left out in the cold.