IH lax thread


New member
IH is ready for another great year. they have the best midfield first line in the area. what does everybody think?
lilbrave05 said:
IH is ready for another great year. they have the best midfield first line in the area. what does everybody think?
They looked really impressive Sunday at the tournament.
matt is one of my best friends. we go to the same school,and we hang out all of the time. he is going to hampden sydney.
Lil Brave, you embarrass me...your probably some freshmen on JV who thinks its sweet because hes some what playing high school lacrosse...just be quiet...you dont ask for people to talk smack...stop making yourself look like a moron...
dude i dont even play lax. i dont know who is good other than i hear that X is young, moeller is good and ih is also good. when i say "smack" i mean any conversation at all, if it happens to be arguementative than whatever. sportsfan good call, i dont have a clue who u r but thx for leaving my whole name out. good luck to all teams
back on topic fellas... any comments on the scrimmages at IH this weekend?
both moeller and IH seemed to be able to handle St. Charles and Moeller beat IH pretty decisively.
Moeller went down 4-1 against st charles...but did come back to win fairly comfortably. In the IH Moeller game i know IH played it as a scrimage and played 5 lines of middies and gave each of their goalies a half. Im sure moeller changed a few things up as well but all in all i dont think too much can be taken from this. I certainly look forward to the regular season match up.
yeah IH is definitely going to beat moeller and should win the city pretty easily the tournament however will be tough it will be alot like the football season possibly undafeated and then just be overwhelmed when they get to the tournament
yea jerome should have a veyr solid squad. the columbus underclassmen team last season had nearly half their guys from jerome. Wouldn't be suprised to see them compete very highly this year in D1.
OSUNO1 said:
yeah IH is definitely going to beat moeller and should win the city pretty easily the tournament however will be tough it will be alot like the football season possibly undafeated and then just be overwhelmed when they get to the tournament

I dont know what makes you so sure about IH "definitely" beating moeller. Moeller has more talent and depth than IH this year. The only advantage IH has is hopewell in goal and maybe a slight advantage with their first middie line but they have nothing after that when they run off the field. Moeller matches up pretty well against that first line and bowman is better than any IH middie and Faust is playing unreal in cage for Moeller. For the first time in awhile, Moeller is better on paper. Now i know that scrimmages don't mean that much especially when playing a team that you're gonna see in the season... but IH came out pretty fired up it seemed and played hard but they never once seemed to be in control of the scrimmage for even a little bit. I realize im probably gonna get bashed seeing that this was started for IH, I'm just starting discussion.
Yea im not sure what evidence you are basing your very bold claim on
OSUNO1. The IH Moeller game will have great talent on both sides and it should be a hard fought good game. Its a shame the game is so early in the season.
i dont know how u could say Moeller has the better middies but i guess we dont know who the better team is until they play a real game its gonna be awesome to watch
I dont mean to take away any credit from IH middies. As a whole they are without question the best middie line in the area and are going to cause a ton of matchup problems for a lot of teams. All i was saying that individually between case, danny, keriakes (sp?), and bowman i think bowman is better as a player.