Yea they always jumped off sides. Watched it happen in 2015 in their first championship and drove me nuts. But defensively I don't think there is a better coach then Parnell. His adjustments as the game goes on have always impressed me. Offensively Hoban lacks a QB and has since Hamm left. Yea the current QB can run but not decisive and receivers are average from what I have seen. I think TT is a good coach and has put together a great program. You can say he has all the talent but then you are saying the other teams don't have any talent which isn't true. I will go back to the strength program and say they Hoban's is unmatched there and that has been the difference. These kids didn't show up looking like they do in year 3 and 4. They are developed big time. Coaching isn't always about X's and O's, that's why you have a staff. Say what you want but no one else recently has won 5 rings in any division. That puts TT at the top in my books. Oh and I would say he has more kids playing college ball at multiple levels for free than 99% of his peers.