Here Comes Amelia


New member
like posted in the other thread...
Adam Clifford
Eric Schweinhart
These two players will dominate the city
Chris Pfaffroth will be in the mix of things too. he wont get as much recognition this year as he will next year, but he will still be a great player.
Oh yeah, staying healthy will be a problem.
Amelia may have some decent players, but I still don't believe they will be strong enough to compete with some of the better teams. They do have some players that will compete but as a team they will have problems winning matches. I would still have to give them a few more years to get better and then we will se what they can do.
ToolTime is not tooling no more

ToolTime2 youy posts are a waste of time. We get it Amelia will be good. We get it so I would appricate you not wasting my time with your posts anymore.:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
barca, this site is for people who want to talk about high shcool sports, so if you have a porblem with pwople who want to do that, find another site
those kids wont even get to districts they might not even win a match at sectionals amelia is not a powerhouse for tennis
wknoll2298 said:
those kids wont even get to districts they might not even win a match at sectionals amelia is not a powerhouse for tennis

or anything really. Except maybe football right? ;)
Ha Ha Ha

THE MILL said:
or anything really. Except maybe football right? ;)

You know, first of all our basketball team finished 2nd in the league, soccer team was 5th which was a huge improvement, and girls soccer finished 2nd. Also, we finally sent a kid to state for wrestling which has not happened since 1992 and our bowling team came in I believe 3rd. Amelia sports might not be dominate but they are improving. If you walk around our school we do not have many athletes. Unlike Mason and other big schools they have to make cuts on teams because they have so many kids. We are lucky to get enough to come out for football or any other sports. I gaurentee Amelia athletes work as hard if not harder then any other kids in the city. Yes, our football team was not very good but we did win 1 game this year and you know what we loved it, everyone cheered and went crazy. Thats sad that you would make that statement for the fact you have no idea what the teams at Amelia go through.
ctr44 said:
You know, first of all our basketball team finished 2nd in the league, soccer team was 5th which was a huge improvement, and girls soccer finished 2nd. Also, we finally sent a kid to state for wrestling which has not happened since 1992 and our bowling team came in I believe 3rd. Amelia sports might not be dominate but they are improving. If you walk around our school we do not have many athletes. Unlike Mason and other big schools they have to make cuts on teams because they have so many kids. We are lucky to get enough to come out for football or any other sports. I gaurentee Amelia athletes work as hard if not harder then any other kids in the city. Yes, our football team was not very good but we did win 1 game this year and you know what we loved it, everyone cheered and went crazy. Thats sad that you would make that statement for the fact you have no idea what the teams at Amelia go through.

Bowling is hardcore.
It is a sad day when one is referring to academic team for athletic success. Not to say that the academic team is not important to the school, but a school of their size should be better at athletics.
BaronManiac06 said:
Obviously, you don't know the facts, and you don't seem to respect Amelia athletics. Hopefully that will change if we ever compete with your school and we prove ourselves which we can in any athletic event.
THE FACTS?!?!?! Exactly what facts don't I know? The fact that ameila has won one title in any sport since joining the league. No I don't respect Amelia sports because they're not respectable. And yes I know that the athletes tend to go Glen Este and I'm very sad for you. But do you think athletes flock to Kings Mills? Especially when you have a school with more than twice as many kids right next door with Mason. Of course not! Yet somehow, (with less kids than amelia), kings manages to compete in almost every sport, including having the best tennis team in the state last year. You'll have your chance to compete with us next year, in Football, at your place. Good Luck.
THE MILL said:
THE FACTS?!?!?! Exactly what facts don't I know? The fact that ameila has won one title in any sport since joining the league. No I don't respect Amelia sports because they're not respectable. And yes I know that the athletes tend to go Glen Este and I'm very sad for you. But do you think athletes flock to Kings Mills? Especially when you have a school with more than twice as many kids right next door with Mason. Of course not! Yet somehow, (with less kids than amelia), kings manages to compete in almost every sport, including having the best tennis team in the state last year. You'll have your chance to compete with us next year, in Football, at your place. Good Luck.

Yeah, Amelia has 1200 students to compare with Mason's 2500. Also, Kings plays in a weaker conference then Amelia. Amelia and Walnut Hills has the 2 smallest schools out of the F.A.V.C. buckeye, that is why they are dropping down next year.
BaronManiac06 said:
You can hype up your teams all you want, but you really need to keep your insensitive remarks about other schools to yourself. Amelia High School is going through a transition period right now and our athletic program is really seeing a turn around. That comment about our athletics was shallow because the facts show that Amelia is always a contender in the FAVC. By the way the Amelia Academic team was a threepeat FAVC champion the past three years and just finished off another winning season this year. Obviously, you don't know the facts, and you don't seem to respect Amelia athletics. Hopefully that will change if we ever compete with your school and we prove ourselves which we can in any athletic event.

Amelia is not a powerhouse in anything. I asked some kid if Amelia was good at anything and he says "What's Amelia?" All seriousness.