Golf Outing to Support Reynoldsburg Wrestlers

Please help support the Reynoldsburg Raiders wrestlers- Youth, Jr High and High School!

Register through EventBrite.


18 hole Shotgun Start (scramble)

July 27th, 2019 1:30 pm (Please arrive at 1pm for check in)
Location: Blacklick Golf Course @ 7309 Livingston Ave, Reynoldsburg, OH

Mulligans: $10 each and can be paid for at the event ( 3 max per player)
Prizes for : 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams

$300 per 4-some ( can pay for a whole group/team)
$ 75.00 - Individual ( can add self to group or team at later time or have team pay as individual and each bring ticket to play)
Or can pay $95.00 and purchase a Raiders Wrestling Hat

Includes: course to ourselves, golf cart, boxed lunch and 2 drink tickets

We will also have items for raffle.

If you have questions Contact:

Brandi Suttle -

Jon Forgy-

Important: You can register as a group or individual. You can make a group or team by going to join or create team after loging in to eventbrite. You will need to create an account of sign in to one already created.