Gcl swimmers

no...X is the team that has an automatic win and essentially can't be beaten by another gcl team. out of the other three (for second place) elder is the one to beat, and i thnk la salle will do just that.
No idea, I know Kit French was one...Any more? I'm awfully surprised the Bombers took home another state championship last year, seeing that Upper Arlington was a heavy favorite
Why isn't this entire forum... like "Boy's Swimming and Diving"... Why isn't it just called... St. Xavier Swimming and Diving.. until someone beats us
stXavierbomber07 said:
Why isn't this entire forum... like "Boy's Swimming and Diving"... Why isn't it just called... St. Xavier Swimming and Diving.. until someone beats us

Well, "boys swimming and diving" is a code name for "St. Xavier swimming and diving" because everyone knows that if they try and start a fight on here they will get shot down in no time; which helps make thisa civilized forum because no arguments can be made except between St. X swimmers themselves :D
Is that supposed to make fun of us? How many state titles has your high school won overall in every sport again? I bet X swimming has more than all your sports teams
I love how people come on here and talk ---- when they probably have little or nothing to do with st. x winning those state titles. And yes, there are great swimmers that graduate from other schools other then st. x who are just as good as or maybe even better then the kids at st. x. I give all of st.x's success credit to Mr. Brower. He is an awesome coach... But to all those kids who get on here and talk ---- i would say you can start talking ---- once you place top three individually at state.
Timothy said:
I love how people come on here and talk ---- when they probably have little or nothing to do with st. x winning those state titles. And yes, there are great swimmers that graduate from other schools other then st. x who are just as good as or maybe even better then the kids at st. x. I give all of st.x's success credit to Mr. Brower. He is an awesome coach... But to all those kids who get on here and talk ---- i would say you can start talking ---- once you place top three individually at state.

Coach Brower deserves a lot of credit but I think he would say it's the swimmers themselves that deserve the credit fro putting the time and effort in; but I definately think we would not have been able to swin state this past year if it wasn't for Coach Brower's continued support throughout the year

I agree with you that some people on this forum post crap when they have little to do with the actual sport and don't follow it much at all, but people talk crap in every forum especially when they don't play the sport (e.g. football forum, basketball forum, etc.). I'm not saying it's right or anything, but it's a fact of (Yappi) life...
Timothy said:
I love how people come on here and talk ---- when they probably have little or nothing to do with st. x winning those state titles. And yes, there are great swimmers that graduate from other schools other then st. x who are just as good as or maybe even better then the kids at st. x. I give all of st.x's success credit to Mr. Brower. He is an awesome coach... But to all those kids who get on here and talk ---- i would say you can start talking ---- once you place top three individually at state.

You do realize that placing top 3 in state is extremely difficult right? My brother never made state in an individual event in 4 years of St. X swimming but won a medal in the free relay, so he have no right to talk on here?
Well tell your brother i said congrats... but i'm just saying that people come on here and talk crap about their team winning state when they arent even on the team or dont even help with winning state. And yes i agree its very hard to place top three at state... i had to work my --- off to do it last year
allgclpride said:
How many all-Americans did X wind up with in the 2004-2005 season? Just curious...

St. X's returning H.S. All Americans are:
Seniors- Jim Mertens, Matt Wright, Brad Carmen
Juniors- Dave Mosko, Bart Ginocchio and Charlie Hessler
Soph- Jim Barbiere
I hear Evan Schwartz, of St. X, is a beast. He went to the middleschool of the Mason Comets last year and was a stud.
xbomberd08 said:
St. X should have a big and strong freshmen class this year from what I've heard so far this year.

there are a ton of freshman divers like 4-5 and idk how mrs. hausladen is going to handle them all now that ruthy is gone.
stx_bomber49 said:
there are a ton of freshman divers like 4-5 and idk how mrs. hausladen is going to handle them all now that ruthy is gone.

Wow...isn't that like tripling the size of our dive team?
Timothy said:
I love how people come on here and talk ---- when they probably have little or nothing to do with st. x winning those state titles. And yes, there are great swimmers that graduate from other schools other then st. x who are just as good as or maybe even better then the kids at st. x. I give all of st.x's success credit to Mr. Brower. He is an awesome coach... But to all those kids who get on here and talk ---- i would say you can start talking ---- once you place top three individually at state.

first time get pissed bc you can't beat dave, second aren't you in college, why are you still posting on yappi? third i believe you can talk ---- if you score at state bc they helped win a state title and fourth don't take your anger out on others bc you can't get on kristin
iamsweet said:
first time get pissed bc you can't beat dave, second aren't you in college, why are you still posting on yappi? third i believe you can talk ---- if you score at state bc they helped win a state title and fourth don't take your anger out on others bc you can't get on kristin

:laugh: ;)
iamsweet said:
first time get pissed bc you can't beat dave, second aren't you in college, why are you still posting on yappi? third i believe you can talk ---- if you score at state bc they helped win a state title and fourth don't take your anger out on others bc you can't get on kristin

cincyfan09 said:
I hear Evan Schwartz, of St. X, is a beast. He went to the middleschool of the Mason Comets last year and was a stud.

who is this talking
and no offence to Evan he's a best #3 on thie frosh roster
cincyfan09 said:
I hear Evan Schwartz, of St. X, is a beast. He went to the middleschool of the Mason Comets last year and was a stud.

Evan is good but I'd be looking at swimmers like Will Lawley and Matt Columbus first...the incoming freshman class should be pretty good.