Gas Prices Skyrocket under Biden

Everyone is aware oil needs to be at $50 +/- for the USA producers to profit? We went thru a short period where oil was free. That's right it was free. How can something be free? The supply and demand issues are real. Beating drums of Green Energy, closing pipelines and promises to end fracking will increase prices. You can’t blame this on Trump. Big oil lost a fortune and Biden is going to let them make it back quickly.
Yep, I had forgotten about that, amazing fact. But windmills and solar panels are really the same thing, wind and sun are free too!!

Nothing in your own words? And you're using an Australian-based website? None of that really says much, but go ahead and look at the comparison between the Model S and Civic - you'll see it says about the same.
Biden Accomplishing His Goals Sooner Than Expected
joe biden crude oil barrel price increase months

Personal gift from Biden to Putin and OPEC.

It's the left that's been in bed with Putin and other foreign enemies all along, while they and their media allies attempted to brainwash everyone into thinking it was the right. But their new lies can't cover up their old lies.
What are the chances Joe has any idea of the price of a gallon of gas?
well it would be nice if he would take a question from reporters ( if they would ask a tough question) about this..... really don't care about his favorite ice cream
well it would be nice if he would take a question from reporters ( if they would ask a tough question) about this..... really don't care about his favorite ice cream
I don't even think he can read smoothly from a teleprompter at this point.

Anyone who says he isn't in the throes of dementia is in Fantasy Land.
The push to explain gas prices are rising because the economy is opening up more as COVID restrictions are eased doesn’t explain why gas prices were +/- $2.00 range when the pre-COVID Trump economy was roaring and plenty of fuel was being consumed.
When I got married and moved to our little village there were five gas stations. One was discount gas only and the other four were full service you know the old fashion kind that could and would service and repair you vehicle. Today we have one gas station and it has a large carry out . Seems to me as the years have gone by service stations thinned out as service and repair became too costly to do and you have to sell large amount of gas to make it pay. Gas station seem to control their numbers by who can sell enough to make a profit.
When I got married and moved to our little village there were five gas stations. One was discount gas only and the other four were full service you know the old fashion kind that could and would service and repair you vehicle. Today we have one gas station and it has a large carry out . Seems to me as the years have gone by service stations thinned out as service and repair became too costly to do and you have to sell large amount of gas to make it pay. Gas station seem to control their numbers by who can sell enough to make a profit.
I agree, " gas stations " make their money on food. Small towns only need so many convenience stores. however in bigger towns those type of stores have increased.
I agree, " gas stations " make their money on food. Small towns only need so many convenience stores. however in bigger towns those type of stores have increased.
I have not been inside a gas station since they put the card readers in the pump except for when traveling out of state as I prefer using a urinal. The single biggest turnoff to me is waiting behind a person purchasing lottery tickets when I am in a hurry. They are robbing other people of their time while 99% are throwing their money away.

I always thought a better model would be a lottery ticket vending machine? Keep the self imposed taxes paid out of the way of the working people.
Also, you are being very charitable in your classification of what is defined as "food". They sell precious few items I would classify as food.
This is good news in the short term for US producers but in the long term it's a disaster for the US economy and geopolitical situation.

Still riding XOM higher. Stock is nearing 100% return for those who purchased near the low of $32. Between a great dividend and a rapidly appreciating value now may be a good time to start looking for that exit to lock in the gains?
Still riding XOM higher. Stock is nearing 100% return for those who purchased near the low of $32. Between a great dividend and a rapidly appreciating value now may be a good time to start looking for that exit to lock in the gains?
Oil will get to $85 minimum.

Canada announced a 500,000 bid cut over the next 2 months as they do maintenance at their oil sands locations.
I'm not saying it was good, bad, or whatever. I'm just sick of people with their extremely selective memories and faux outrage that really is only dependent upon them liking the person in charge or not. I'm on the side of the president has very little if any impact on the price of gas, and I stick with that regardless of who is president.
Of course energy policy affects it. Shutting down oil production i.e. supply drives up the price.
Funny how we rarely saw headlines like this when Trump was in office. Oil prices weren't very dependent on what happened in Saudi Arabia.

Now if a Saudi farts gas prices at the pump will go up. Great, just when I was getting used to energy independence Uncle Joe shows up.
I hope gas prices dont head East. Just got back from Oakland. Paid $3.89/gal. A couple stations located closer to downtown were $4.12/gal.