Do you attend your high school reunions?


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I graduated in a class of about 120 during the 60's and still enjoy going to our reunions every five years and touching base with old friends. I've got to know some better and see them in between reunions. Even people who dropped out are invited. It's never a big deal, usually at the Knights of Columbus or VFW so everyone can afford it.
The people that organized my class reunions made them too high class with too high ticket prices. If they ever just had a picnic at a park I would drop in but that won’t happen.
Saw a T shirt once that said Montana in big letters, then in smaller letters it said " forty below keeps the rift raft out". Probably someone's similar idea for the reunion, price the MAGA crowd and other social degenerates (in their mind) out of attending.
The first reunion I ever recall attending was in 1975, for my moms 25th , class of 1950, I remember how old they were, grannies some of them. As a kid I wondered why we had to visit these elderly people, most of them 43 -44 years old.

So I attended my 5th and my 10th, but when it came time for my 25th, even though I felt young as always, I decided to stay away remembering as a kid how good those people were.