Division VI State Semifinal: Northmor (14-0) vs. Kirtland (14-0)

If you were to ask 100 people, 3 would agree with you.

Why is that ? Kirtland beat Perry and Perry took Glenville to OT. Kirtland also beat Glenville in the Watson 7 on 7 tournament. Would Glenville win - I'm hesitate to say probably. But to say these Hornets have zero chance is disrespectful. This year's Tarblooders team is not like last years.
The same can be said for South Range in terms of being well coached & an excellent program. I was happy that when Coach Yeagley went out on top, they went in-house & elevated Rach. That was the best possible move to keep the Raiders going deep into the Postseason annually.

D5 looks like a buzzsaw across all fronts. The Hornets won’t be up in that division anytime soon. But who knows, our paths may cross again in the future!

Good luck against Liberty Center. They’ll be gunning for revenge from two years ago…I think they’re the closest thing that resembles our style of offense/defense in D5.
Kirtland4580, well said.
Liberty Center certainly extracted their revenge from 2022 on us tonite. Good luck to the Hornets next Saturday!
Tonight was a methodical butt whooping administered by Kirtland. The Hornets did a great job executing their gameplan. There was a quiet confidence all week after watching film - but I don't think they expected to running clock unbeaten Northmor. This game was a perfectly executed screen pass away from a shut out. There is zero chance to stop the Kirtland ground game with a 4 man front on defense - and Northmor never made an adjustment.

The Golden Knights never even came close to being in scoring position. Early in the week the Northmor coach was quoted as saying Kirtland has not seen size and speed like us - that added extra motivation. I think he might think a bit differently now. The offensive line mauled the Knights ( I don't want to hear about holding on every play - lose with class) all night. Kirtland did not even attempt a pass - did not need to. The Hornets rushed for 465 yards. The Hornet defense smothered the Northmor offense. They started getting pressure and the QB seemed rattled. They cannot blame the weather because tonight was about as perfect a night you can ask for in November. Like I said before. You can say Kirtland only runs 5 plays left and 5 plays right - you can't stop them.

Now it's on to the game many expected in the preseason. Kirtland vs Coldwater. Kirtland vs the MAC for all the marbles. This has a chance to be the game of the state tournament. See you in Canton next Saturday. Great Job Boys.
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Sour Grapes
Facts!! Look Kirtland is good, but the fact that they are able to not get called for holding on clear holds is ridiculous.

Kirtland ran at least 65+ rushing plays tonight with 1 holding call that lead to a net 5 yard gain and a replay of 1st down.

Do you understand the kind of statically anomaly that is for highschool football, let alone other levels of football. If that style of play is not called for holding no wonder they run that offense and have been so dominate for so long.

Good luck against Coldwater I am sure if they do not get called for holding they will win another state championship.
Tonight was a methodical butt whooping administered by Kirtland. The Hornets did a great job executing their gameplan. There was a quiet confidence all week after watching film - but I don't think they expected to running clock unbeaten Northmor. This game was a perfectly executed screen pass away from a shut out. There is zero chance to stop the Kirtland ground game with a 4 man front on defense - and Northmor never made an adjustment.

The Golden Knights never even came close to being in scoring position. Early in the week the Northmor coach was quoted as saying Kirtland has not seen size and speed like us - that added extra motivation. I think he might think a bit differently now. The offensive line mauled the Knights ( I don't want to hear about holding on every play - lose with class) all night. Kirtland did not even attempt a pass - did not need to. The Hornets rushed for 465 yards. The Hornet defense smothered the Northmor offense. They started getting pressure and the QB seemed rattled. They cannot blame the weather because tonight was about as perfect a night you can ask for in November. Like I said before. You can say Kirtland only runs 5 plays left and 5 plays right - you can't stop them.

Now it's on to the game many expected in the preseason. Kirtland vs Coldwater. Kirtland vs the MAC for all the marbles. This has a chance to be the game of the state tournament. See you in Canton next Saturday. Great Job Boys.
If by mauled you mean held 50% of the time at least you are correct on that account. I imagine you stand a good chance to beat Coldwater if holding is not called in the championship game as well.
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If by mauled you mean held 50% of the time at least you are correct on that account. I imagine you stand a good chance eto beat Coldwater if holding is not called on the championship game as well.

They don't hold - you sound like a sore LOSER. I even spoke to Northmor fans post game and they said how good the Hornet line is. These kids execute at a very high level. They have run the same offense every year under Tiger. I'm not sure how you can say they hold on 50% of the plays when they are blowing holes in the defense. Northmor ran a 4 man line - half the Hornets had nobody to block and were hitting guys in the second level. I hope your cheating Wolverines suffer the same fate Saturday. Now go away since you have no idea what your talking about - you look foolish on here.

* it was 59 rushes for 465 yards to be exact.
They don't hold - you sound like a sore LOSER. I even spoke to Northmor fans post game and they said how good the Hornet line is. These kids execute at a very high level. They have run the same offense every year under Tiger. I'm not sure how you can say they hold on 50% of the plays when they are blowing holes in the defense. Northmor ran a 4 man line - half the Hornets had nobody to block and were hitting guys in the second level. I hope your cheating Wolverines suffer the same fate Saturday. Now go away since you have no idea what your talking about - you look foolish on here.

* it was 59 rushes for 465 yards to be exact.
No sour grapes. Kirtlands defense played very well and excuted a great game plan to slow Northmor offense down, but.........if anyone wants to see the truth about the Kirtland offense in this game simply put the film on and study the number of holds that went uncalled. I am sure non biased football minds smarter than me will see the same thing I saw not only on film but tonight as well. Oh....while you are at it chart all the extra circular nonsense from their linemen that occurs after the whistle blows that is never called either.
Is it statistically impossible to call that many run plays and get tagged for only 1 holding penalty? Yes. Can referees every hold that happens during a game? Unlikely. Would Northmor have won if the Hornets had 15 holding penalties? Highly doubtful.
No sour grapes. Kirtlands defense played very well and excuted a great game plan to slow Northmor offense down, but.........if anyone wants to see the truth about the Kirtland offense in this game simply put the film on and study the number of holds that went uncalled. I am sure non biased football minds smarter than me will see the same thing I saw not only on film but tonight as well. Oh....while you are at it chart all the extra circular nonsense from their linemen that occurs after the whistle blows that is never called either.

Your the ONLY person who has ever accused Kirtland of this. You really look like a poor LOSER. Show some class and move on. Kirtland manhandled Northmor fair and square. Don't get physical play mistaken for holding. The officials would know better then some pathetic UM fan stuck in O-H-I-O. These Kirtland kids work hard so to call them cheaters is not acceptable. There are coaches that are much smarter then you and nobody has ever accused them of the things your implying. Northmor was just not ready for what they faced tonight.
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Your the ONLY person who has ever accused Kirtland of this. You really look like a poor LOSER. Show some class and move on. Kirtland manhandled Northmor fair and square. Don't get physical play mistaken for holding. The officials would know better then some pathetic UM fan stick in O-H-I-O. These Kirtland kids work hard so to call them cheaters is not acceptable. There are coaches that are much smarter then you and nobody has ever accused them of the things your implying. Northmor was just not ready for what they faced tonight.
Kirtland was in this spot for the 13th time in 14 years. Northmor first time. But when Kirtland couldn’t beat Ursuline until 2012 nobody accused the Irish of holding. No the Hornets went to work and figured it out to become a power program. I watched the same game as everyone else and did not see what that poster is whining about. Kirtland is a first class program and not many teams other than the MAC can say that.
I saw Kirtland play in person this year and their line seems to play a clean game. I'm not surprised they only got called for 1 hold.

Get a hold-happy officiating crew out there and maybe it's a few more minutes before Kirtland hits the running clock I guess.
Speaking of 16 games every year, the Steiners are on the precipice of doing something that can never be topped in state football history…16-0, 16-0, 16-0, 16-0; a perfect 64-0 senior class. Without looking that far ahead (Columbus Grove this week), how far do you think they can take their streak, @RBS?
Until ohsaa goes to all teams in and still play 10 game regular season.
Your the ONLY person who has ever accused Kirtland of this. You really look like a poor LOSER. Show some class and move on. Kirtland manhandled Northmor fair and square. Don't get physical play mistaken for holding. The officials would know better then some pathetic UM fan stuck in O-H-I-O. These Kirtland kids work hard so to call them cheaters is not acceptable. There are coaches that are much smarter then you and nobody has ever accused them of the things your implying. Northmor was just not ready for what they faced tonight.
Let the video clips speak for themselves.
Your the ONLY person who has ever accused Kirtland of this. You really look like a poor LOSER. Show some class and move on. Kirtland manhandled Northmor fair and square. Don't get physical play mistaken for holding. The officials would know better then some pathetic UM fan stuck in O-H-I-O. These Kirtland kids work hard so to call them cheaters is not acceptable. There are coaches that are much smarter then you and nobody has ever accused them of the things your implying. Northmor was just not ready for what they faced tonight.
Extracurricular nonsense that also went on on several plays with no calls.

Jesus Christ it's football. You can slow motion every play and pick it apart and find something. Now do the same thing for Northmor. Did they play a penalty free game ? I highly doubt it. It's only an issue with the people crying sour grapes. Because the Knights got slaughtered - now it's an issue. Northmor thought they were physical according to their coach - they found out what physical is. The game got chippy towards the end because the Knights never imagined they would be running clocked. The Knights now know what it takes to advance - and how much they need to improve. They should have been beaten by more technically.

The linebacker was shoved in the side and went down. The kid blocking the OLB actually pulled up. What I did see was a 4 man front getting blown off the ball and the unblocked linemen hitting guys in the second level. Instead of nit picking every little push and touch - ask your coach why he never adapted. When a team is gashing you for 7 yards a carry you might want to make an adjustment. Kirtland rushed 5 and Northmor hit them.with a nice screen for a TD. Kirtland never did that again - and the Knights never came.close to scoring again. Kirtland knew on Weds of last week that your defense had zero chance to slow them down. Next week in Canton teams will adjust on the fly to stop.what a team.is doing - that is a must at this level. Crying and complaining is a loser mentality.
Jesus Christ it's football. You can slow motion every play and pick it apart and find something. Now do the same thing for Northmor. Did they play a penalty free game ? I highly doubt it. It's only an issue with the people crying sour grapes. Because the Knights got slaughtered - now it's an issue. Northmor thought they were physical according to their coach - they found out what physical is. The game got chippy towards the end because the Knights never imagined they would be running clocked. The Knights now know what it takes to advance - and how much they need to improve. They should have been beaten by more technically.That facemask was in the 2nd quarter. Lol

No mention of #5 hitting the same.Kirtland player square in the back - that is not a penalty ? This is championship level football - suck it up buttercup.
No not in defense. Lmao
They did by holding all night

Your line got blown up, probably every play. Just because you found a play that shows a call that could have gone either way, even after watching the replay, doesn't prove as much as the manhandling I saw across the board. The entire O-line pushes forward 3 yards as soon as the ball is snapped. No amount of whining about some missed holding penalties changes that. That field looks like it's tilted 30 degrees downhill for Kirtland.
Do you want to see the videos of Northmor kids twisting the Kirtland RBs ankles on the bottom of the piles ? This is football. Suck it up and play. Making excuses is was sore losers do. Accept the whipping and work on getting better. You are the ONLY person crying foul - which says a lot. Kirtland has run this offense for 15 years and you are the first person to say they hold.