Cincy Lax Dogs, 9th place in Rutgers Tournament


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The summer team "Cincy Lax Dogs" were sopposed to get destroyed at The Rutgers University Recruiting Tournament, they came in 9th place and they are a group of sophomores heading into their junior year playing against kids that were going to be seniors. One of their big wins was against the New York Empire Team. The other Cincy team that went there lost all of their games, no disrespect but they were the ones that were sopposed to win alot of their games. The Lax Dogs ended the tourny at 4-2
Nah, both Cincy teams were supposed to be horrible. The other team wasn't supposed to win at all, and they fulfilled their role on that one. The sophmore team, however, was supposed to do equally as bad, but proved everyone wrong by coming out with a winning record.

On a side note, the Empire team wasn't all that amazing. I thought they were going to be the powerhouse at that tourney, but it turned out to actually be the Midwest Ohio team and/or the Patriots.
there were no tryouts for this team {the lax dogs--, but more of a continuation of the players from the '04 Ohio South team with some players added and some dropped. Sean Finegan, Nikki Keriakies, Neil McMahon, Scott Sherpenberg, Alex Hofrichter and John Glaser were the attack. Michael Holbrook, Gerry Reilly, Taylor Koephfle, Matt Keller, Vince Catino, Troy Stehlin, Marcus Lewis, and Austin Schiff played middie. Austin Simandle was the LSM. Adrian Cone, Ross Lockwood, Lennie Cottrell, Matt Dowd, and Billy Yates played D. Steve Krall and Nick Faust played goal.