Cincinnati Job Openings

Word spreads fast... Heard Caldwell turned the Seton job down today because there was no job in the building. Unbelievable failure on the AD on this one.
Was he waiting for a job to be created? Aren't their jobs listed somewhere?
Most of the Catholic Schools aren’t into creating jobs for Coaches. The Coach May Teach or work at the School already then move into an “easier” job but the AoC never been real hip on creating a cushy job for a Coach.

Seton AD an Alum? If so she probably always being told how good of a job she doing. None of the Catholic Schools usually get rid of 1 of their own because nobody there has the kahunas to tell them that their not very good at their job!!
Word spreads fast... Heard Caldwell turned the Seton job down today because there was no job in the building. Unbelievable failure on the AD on this one.
Not a failure of the AD if the candidate does not indicate this in either the first or second interview, which is fact, not speculation! He applied for the Head Basketball Coaching position, not a teaching position. If this was a condition, he should have stated that from the beginning.
Lots of opinions and speculation. How many people posting multiple times on this thread are actively involved in the interview process?

If you are, you are massively breaking confidentiality and are super unprofessional. You shouldn’t be on a hiring committee ever.

If you weren’t and you are hearing things second, third, or fourth hand, then it’s probably not 100% factual.

If one of the candidates is running their mouth, they should be removed from consideration and never be considered for a head coaching job until they grow up.

Nobody deserves to be enlightened. You’re not entitled to know the details of the decision. You’re on a need to know basis.

This points to all the player entitlement happening and parents running to administrators all the time when little Johnny or Sally don’t get their way.
Lots of opinions and speculation. How many people posting multiple times on this thread are actively involved in the interview process?

If you are, you are massively breaking confidentiality and are super unprofessional. You shouldn’t be on a hiring committee ever.

If you weren’t and you are hearing things second, third, or fourth hand, then it’s probably not 100% factual.

If one of the candidates is running their mouth, they should be removed from consideration and never be considered for a head coaching job until they grow up.

Nobody deserves to be enlightened. You’re not entitled to know the details of the decision. You’re on a need to know basis.

This points to all the player entitlement happening and parents running to administrators all the time when little Johnny or Sally don’t get their way.
If people involved in the Hiring process are actually commenting on Yappi they should be Fired immediately! If a search committee member is also participating in the hiring process,they should be removed from that committee immediately!

Did any parents or potential parents apply for the Job? If so just give it to them! This has become a total 💩💩show without the stuff on here!
Word spreads fast... Heard Caldwell turned the Seton job down today because there was no job in the building. Unbelievable failure on the AD on this one.
Heard this "unofficially" happened with other candidates prior to Caldwell as well.

Never got to interviews, but discussions were had with coaches and they also expressed interest for a coaching/teaching job. Doesn't seem like that's in their budget.
Almost all of your posts are about Seton 🤷‍♂️

The real answer is that it's a D1 opening that's been open longer than expected and seems like no one currently has info on West/Mason.
I'm just poking fun at the all the previous posts of people loosing their minds that people are talking about Seton but cant help themselves to engage in the conversation. With that said, it's an interesting series of events. You're right, this is taking longer than expected.....let the soap opera continue..."Like Sands of the Hourglass, So are the Days of Our Yappi"
Easy fix to the Seton situation. Call Katie Kelsey Cluxton and offer her the job. Great basketball mind and could have her husband Paul join her on the bench.
Yeah, the family completely controlling Elder basketball friends and family isn't enough. They need to control Seton too :rolleyes:

Westsiders legit have a huge hard-on for this family and will let them do whatever they want. It's so bizarre.
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This is how hiring is done on the westside. If you aren't "in" with the power players at the high school, it's very hard for you to break through. The friends and family train rules the day. Unfortunately, high school basketball coach hiring has very little to do with the talents and knowledge of the coach, it's more about how the administrators can put into place someone to push personal agendas and do favors. HS coach hiring is more political than Capital Hill, and it's sad.

And for what it's worth, Seton isn't loaded. It's just the westsiders saying this because they personally know all of the kids, and they likely have parents who were good at some point. "Westside loaded" is different than actually being loaded. They are not a threat, unless like someone said, they move to a lower division.
As much as the Seton talk has captivated this thread time to move on as it looks like Scott Smith is getting the Seton job.
Let's move to Lakota West and Mason.
It's been tight-lipped on these 2 jobs. Would be interesting to see if Mason will give the job to Gideon or if there is someone from the outside. West is it Amber Gray or the Assistant that has been on staff?
I think we can all agree that this Seton situation has went way past the line of speculation.
Agreed. When's there's not much discussion on any of the other jobs; us west-siders have nothing else to post or read about on Yappi except to comment on the Seton job.

Following up your post earlier, I doubt any of the candidates and direct committee are on here, but I do think information updates, phone calls, rumor mills, etc. are add up to some of the news and discussions being posted such as the debate of Caldwell needing a job to accept the offer at Seton, possible other candidates, and so forth.

At this point, maybe Andy Fishman or Scott Rogers are coming to Seton :)
Thought I saw somewhere Deer Park is open as well. Not sure how attractive it is, but it's another opening, if not already listed.
As much as the Seton talk has captivated this thread time to move on as it looks like Scott Smith is getting the Seton job.
Let's move to Lakota West and Mason.
It's been tight-lipped on these 2 jobs. Would be interesting to see if Mason will give the job to Gideon or if there is someone from the outside. West is it Amber Gray or the Assistant that has been on staff?
West: Fox
Mason: Gideon
Yeah, the family completely controlling Elder basketball friends and family isn't enough. They need to control Seton too :rolleyes:

Westsiders legit have a huge hard-on for this family and will let them do whatever they want. It's so bizarre.
Another ignorant post Trey? Please enlighten us on how the Kelsey Family Controls Elder Basketball? You do realize that their are more Girls in the Kelsey,Cluxton and Guidugli Families that attend Seton than Boys they have at Elder. You ever actually had a conversation with any members of their Large Family? Can’t wait to hear your bs response here. You have to be related to Omar the Dbag!!
Another ignorant post Trey? Please enlighten us on how the Kelsey Family Controls Elder Basketball? You do realize that their are more Girls in the Kelsey,Cluxton and Guidugli Families that attend Seton than Boys they have at Elder. You ever actually had a conversation with any members of their Large Family? Can’t wait to hear your bs response here. You have to be related to Omar the Dbag!!
There are different rules for different set of families up there. It's 100% obvious. Perhaps that's what sponsorship money brings. But to deny it is hilarious.

And there are plenty of boys (I can think of 6 of them that have played or will play shortly coming into 9th grade) within the families you mention and within the close connection of friends that are also involved in many of the athletic programs there as basketball and football coaches. They all look after each other. They will all be accepted with open arms on whatever teams they want to be on.

I don't know any of them, and hear they are very nice people, but the door is held open for them and theirs by administrators and general fans. To deny that is what is ignorant. It's hilarious people don't tell the truth.
Another ignorant post Trey? Please enlighten us on how the Kelsey Family Controls Elder Basketball? You do realize that their are more Girls in the Kelsey,Cluxton and Guidugli Families that attend Seton than Boys they have at Elder. You ever actually had a conversation with any members of their Large Family? Can’t wait to hear your bs response here. You have to be related to Omar the Dbag!!
It's fine if you know them, and I know that westsiders are extremely loyal to each other, but they 100% play by different rules and have all the access they want. It's honestly not really helping them advance the athletics of the Elder sports programs.

As I've said, winning has become secondary at Elder. Getting power players into place to satisfy their own needs is what's happening, and Elder fans still just eat it up. It's hilarious.
There are different rules for different set of families up there. It's 100% obvious. Perhaps that's what sponsorship money brings. But to deny it is hilarious.

And there are plenty of boys (I can think of 6 of them that have played or will play shortly coming into 9th grade) within the families you mention and within the close connection of friends that are also involved in many of the athletic programs there as basketball and football coaches. They all look after each other. They will all be accepted with open arms on whatever teams they want to be on.

I don't know any of them, and hear they are very nice people, but the door is held open for them and theirs by administrators and general fans. To deny that is what is ignorant. It's hilarious people don't tell the truth.
No facts to back up your claims that the Kelsey Family Controls Elder Basketball. You a whiny biatch just like Pboy! You live in yo momma basement too?