Cavs 2023-24

Brian is actually correct … Merrill should be in the regular rotation
I agree…he brings energy off the bench! Porter is a little more raw but he needs more minutes…when Garland was out Okoro ran a little point forward that looked pretty good 😀…Garland dribbles too much…our passes per game and assist totals are lower since he is back…he is shooting very well but the ball isn’t moving like it was. Mobley and Allen rebounded decently the other night…problem is NOBODY else did…Josh Hart is not a big…so the longer rebounds he corralled meant somebody was not putting a body on him and gang defensive rebounding …not saying we couldn’t be tougher but defensive rebounding is a 5 man effort!
For the first time I’m actually worried about Mitchell. He hasn’t been the same since the All-Star break. Missing a lot of games, looking disinterested. It feels like something…or someone…got to him in Indianapolis and filled his head with “get out of Cleveland” or something. The feeling is palpable. It’s like someone flipped a switch on Mitchell over the break and he’s a different dude.
For the first time I’m actually worried about Mitchell. He hasn’t been the same since the All-Star break. Missing a lot of games, looking disinterested. It feels like something…or someone…got to him in Indianapolis and filled his head with “get out of Cleveland” or something. The feeling is palpable. It’s like someone flipped a switch on Mitchell over the break and he’s a different dude.
I agree…seems different…maybe an injury? Definitely not as engaged even on the bench. He decides to walk we are right back to middle of the pack…
Shooting…shooting and shooting! Mobley going out helped big time..with him Wade, Okoro and Niang don’t get those minutes or the opportunity to put the shots up…And could somebody PLEASE show Mobley where the weight room and kitchen are located…3 years in and no muscle
Very frustrating … I was not home, wanted to watch the game on my phone … realized the app on my phone does not have TNT or the Cavs game … so I have get updates through ESPN gamecast … just about to give up because they are down 20 … but check one more time before we were leaving to go home … they were now only down 11 … made my wife drive home … she is not happy with me … so I have to wait for the updates … excited when they take the lead … my wife not so much … then it says about the foul on Garland … and then the gamecast just says CALL STANDS on the challenge … then nothing for the next few minutes … and game is just over … no explanation …. It wasn’t till after 11 on the news I saw what happened … I watch nearly ever game on TV … and I can’t watch maybe the best one of the year (although Dallas game was pretty good) … just glad they won … may just be the game that gives home court advantage in the first round.

PS … Tatum was correct … there was a foul at the end of the game … it should have been offensive foul on him … how in world does he consistently get away with push off jumper all the time?
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What an amazing comeback. Funny how the Celtics just took it for granted, much like the Cavs did against beat-up Philly a couple weeks back. Jaylen Brown even admitted it in his post game comments.

In the NBA, everyone can play. Even bench guys like Dean Wade. Everyone is capable of getting a hot streak, and Cavs had a couple during that 4th quarter.
Maybe now you'll get off your Sam Merrill for president campaign. You can't play him major minutes and expect to win. 0 for 9? And 2 for 7 the night before vs Boston.
That's weird. Niang, Wade, Okoro and Merrill played bigger roles, and somehow the Cavs lost? Some on here would have us believe that is the best lineup with Mitchell. Or maybe those guys are most effective when they are playing against the other team's bench?

Clearly the Cavs really do need Mitchell, Garland, Allen, Mobley and Strus, plus the bench guys contributing. That is when the team was rolling before the all start break. Get healthy guys...
Maybe now you'll get off your Sam Merrill for president campaign. You can't play him major minutes and expect to win. 0 for 9? And 2 for 7 the night before vs Boston.
Rough night … IMO … teams are not leaving him … even when the ball is on the other side of court … so even when he is missing shots, he still opens up the floor … and his defense is actually pretty good … so I can live with bad nights shooting … the guy that I would play less is Niang … defense is awful … so when he is cold … brings nothing to the table. Merrill is just not getting the wide open shots anymore and is rushing them because of that … will go something like 5 of 7 the next game … that’s what you get from bench 3 point shooters … the other guy that drives me crazy is LaVert … talk about a black hole … he has played well most of the year … but when he is bad, it looks really bad … but the second unit needs his play making.
When Donovan gets healthy you will see a lot of things get much better right away. He is the engine that drives the bus.
- Garland will be less ball dominant
- Shooters will be left alone more often when he drives
- Defensive energy picks up

As for the nonsense on this thread about "Mitchell seems disinterested on the bench - he wants out"... No! That is Cleveland "poor me" BS. What you are seeing is a very competitive guy that is frustrated and p---ed off because he can't play.
When Donovan gets healthy you will see a lot of things get much better right away. He is the engine that drives the bus.
- Garland will be less ball dominant
- Shooters will be left alone more often when he drives
- Defensive energy picks up

As for the nonsense on this thread about "Mitchell seems disinterested on the bench - he wants out"... No! That is Cleveland "poor me" BS. What you are seeing is a very competitive guy that is frustrated and p---ed off because he can't play.
I agree. Mitchell is a difference maker … he is the difference between a lose last night and a win … when it was 93 all …. He would have taken over and pushed them over the top. Others would be put back in their normal roles and that is where they are best …. Right now, none of the others are difference makers … they will have their moments (like Wade the other night) but only Mitchell is good enough to be consistently a difference maker … hopefully, some of these will start developing into closer to one … as much as I don’t like losing, them going 1 - 1 vs Boston & Atlanta is about what I thought they would do … and on a positive note … Issac Okoro is really developing into a decent player … really good on D and becoming much better on O.
When Donovan gets healthy you will see a lot of things get much better right away. He is the engine that drives the bus.
- Garland will be less ball dominant
- Shooters will be left alone more often when he drives
- Defensive energy picks up

As for the nonsense on this thread about "Mitchell seems disinterested on the bench - he wants out"... No! That is Cleveland "poor me" BS. What you are seeing is a very competitive guy that is frustrated and p---ed off because he can't play.
Would have been nice if Mitchell used the all star break to undergo the treatment, so he would miss as few games as possible.
Watching on ESPN…Doris can announce…no idea who the other chick is but she is Captain Obvious awful…I know we are trying to be more inclusive but…bad is bad