Boris Likes Lacrosse

St. X, Moeller, and Mariemont in my mind. Slightly young teams last year, and because of that are more experienced now, especially St. X.

Moeller might struggled a little bit on D, but I'm sure they'll get that sorted out as they always do.

Mariemont returns a strong D-Pole in Mike (SR) and two very good attackmen: Noah (SR) and Drake (JR)
moex said:
IMHO D1 (Per new proposed division structure)
Moeller (darkhorse Saint Xavier) - South
West is on the way up and Indian Hill is always dangerous. But I'll tell you who scares me this year is Sycamore. They might sneak up on some people.
X-Daddy said:
West is on the way up and Indian Hill is always dangerous. But I'll tell you who scares me this year is Sycamore. They might sneak up on some people.

West lost a ton of talent and so did Indian Hill. Most of their studs were seniors last year. i think west and indian hill are in for a down year.
west is still going to have fast kids on their team like always they will be well coached the only reason why they would lose is cause they aren't a physical and mature as in other years but their defense will be decent they have hunter and stremming with another kid and have ozzy in goal and swinney and noonan at attack i don't know about there middies though we play them this year i look forward to that