First Team: Rakozy (FT), Buckles (IH), C. Brinn (IH), Smoker (FT), Kamphaus (Wyoming), Bascom and Templeton (Mad), Pastor bros (Reading) (from what I've heard...I would not put them here from what I have seen), Rascona and other DP playmaker (terrible team but greatly skilled players, on any other team they would be unreal), a couple other central mids from some of the other teams, Reading, Wyoming, FT (I think Schultz), I don't know these names.

Not really worth doing second much thinking sorry.
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Kamphaus will not be first team with Smoker. Zelek from IH will be the other keeper on first team if they put two on there.
if you saw him in the ih wyoming game you would understand...

it was 5-1, but he didn't have much help back there and he made some unbelievable saves.
so much for deserving first team...3-0 vs. batavia??? and 5-1 vs. indian hill??? i was at the indian hill game and he had some nice saves, but so does any keeper. the fact of the matter is, he got scored on 5 times against IH and 3 times against batavia...not first team worthy
First Team: Rakozy (FT), Buckles (IH), C. Brinn (IH), Smoker (FT), Kamphaus (Wyoming), Bascom and Templeton (Mad), Pastor bros (Reading) (from what I've heard...I would not put them here from what I have seen), Rascona and other DP playmaker (terrible team but greatly skilled players, on any other team they would be unreal), a couple other central mids from some of the other teams, Reading, Wyoming, FT (I think Schultz), I don't know these names.

Not really worth doing second much thinking sorry.

Agree with most of these... Missing a couple...Wyoming's midfielder (the captain), Micthell White(Mariemont), Ryan Brinn(IH), Teddy Greschel(Reading), Bryan Barthelmas(DP) you mentioned the DP guy but didn't have his name
so much for deserving first team...3-0 vs. batavia??? and 5-1 vs. indian hill??? i was at the indian hill game and he had some nice saves, but so does any keeper. the fact of the matter is, he got scored on 5 times against IH and 3 times against batavia...not first team worthy

If a keeper gets pounded with shots all game long, he can't save them all. He needs some help from the defense. And you can't base a decision on one game. Also, the voting happened before both of these high scoring they don't matter regardless. Maybe you can say he didn't deserve it and use these games as evidence, but the coaches see it differently. If you really are a dad, it seems that you should be more positive towards a game you arent even playing...