2023 Southwestern Buckeye League

I agree with this statement. Parents are raising soft kids and losing is not easy. VV numbers continue to stay up because of the culture and the programs overall winning tradition. Look at a school like Franklin. They haven't been very good for a couple years and i think they have 60 kids and the schedule they have this year is one of the toughest I have seen. I've seen that group of sophmores and freshman play and they have a great group coming just hope their numbers stay strong and their schedule gets a little easier
Drew Pasteur has Franklins' schedule as the 2nd toughest Division III schedule in the state. And, the schedule is the same next year.
Franklin will for sure get into the playoffs and could be very dangerous since their schedule is so tough.
No way Franklin plays after week 10. If somehow they get 2 wins they will still be on outside looking in. Going to need at least 4-5 wins and that will not happen.
I think Franklin is much better than people are saying. The schedule does matter and they are playing some great teams. They will beat the crap out of Carlisle and Madison. Not sure about kids today coming out if you win. How many do you have to win to get hem out? If you are 0-10 and then win 5 games is that enough to get kids out? Once they find out how hard it is they usually quit.
Wow, slow your role on that hype. Franklin has talent and should have it. Just not putting it all together the last two years. I agree your schedule is brutal but saying you’re going to mop the floor with a team is a stretch. If I was a Franklin fan I would just want a win. Carlisle will be your only shot at one. If for some reason that don’t happen I see your football team getting an over haul.
Far as scheduling goes for Carlisle and Madison goes, you need to win games to get kids believing that what they are doing day in day out is building towards something. Bill Snyder did that at Kansas State and it reaped its rewards heavily down the road. Winning brings kids out. Going 0-10 against a tough schedule will just demoralize kids and numbers will suffer.

Madison's numbers went up by getting Poff back. I think maybe Carlisle just needs to run a different offense. I'm sure their coach believes it gives them the best chance to win but it's a boring offense. As far as scheduling, with the past two years Madison needs to just get some wins under their belts. I think Carlisle needs to step it up somewhat. Between them, they only have one crossover game which is Carlisle playing Franklin. Neither team will win the league but I could see both making the playoffs which is good for the league.
Madison's numbers went up by getting Poff back. I think maybe Carlisle just needs to run a different offense. I'm sure their coach believes it gives them the best chance to win but it's a boring offense. As far as scheduling, with the past two years Madison needs to just get some wins under their belts. I think Carlisle needs to step it up somewhat. Between them, they only have one crossover game which is Carlisle playing Franklin. Neither team will win the league but I could see both making the playoffs which is good for the league.
Poff coming back definitely got numbers up no doubt. Most new coaches bring more kids out, Poff brought more out than the average coach for sure. But getting those early wins, especially at a program that hasn’t won recently is a big key and it honestly doesn’t matter the quality.
The current Franklin AD Did not set this schedule.
That stinks. Franklin continues to see the incompetence of the previous AD. Nice for him to schedule like that and bail. I wonder if he would have set up his own basketball schedule like that…. We all know the answer to that.
Seems like Franklin was a bigger school when playing the smaller schools in the SWBL. Now they are the smallest school on the Big side since adding Edgewood and Ross. So instead of playing two smaller teams in crossovers they got rid of one and added a team or two that may get them ready for the gauntlet on the big side. It still is a brutal schedule, but if you schedule cupcakes people are like why do they schedule them then if you schedule too hard people say you are an idiot for scheduling too hard. Plus who is available for those weeks and trying to find decent oppenets? So it seems like a lot of variables to try and make the perfect schedule. Right timing between schools, talent on the field, and what is the league going to be like. If you have 4 teams that will shove it down your throat every play one would think they would want to schedule somewhat of a tougher first couple of games to hopefully prepare to get hit in the mouth and handle it.

Edgewood(D2) - 438
Ross(D2) - 387
Monroe - 371
Bellbrook - 336
Franklin - 326

Oakwood - 284
Eaton - 232
VV - 191
Brookville - 188
Carlisle - 166
Madison - 181
Waynesville - 180
Seems like Franklin was a bigger school when playing the smaller schools in the SWBL. Now they are the smallest school on the Big side since adding Edgewood and Ross. So instead of playing two smaller teams in crossovers they got rid of one and added a team or two that may get them ready for the gauntlet on the big side. It still is a brutal schedule, but if you schedule cupcakes people are like why do they schedule them then if you schedule too hard people say you are an idiot for scheduling too hard. Plus who is available for those weeks and trying to find decent oppenets? So it seems like a lot of variables to try and make the perfect schedule. Right timing between schools, talent on the field, and what is the league going to be like. If you have 4 teams that will shove it down your throat every play one would think they would want to schedule somewhat of a tougher first couple of games to hopefully prepare to get hit in the mouth and handle it.

Edgewood(D2) - 438
Ross(D2) - 387
Monroe - 371
Bellbrook - 336
Franklin - 326

Oakwood - 284
Eaton - 232
VV - 191
Brookville - 188
Carlisle - 166
Madison - 181
Waynesville - 180

That would make sense except their 2 losses were to teams smaller than them. I think Fenwick is D4 and ML is D7. Don't get me wrong, both are good teams but Franklin should be more competitive then the scores indicate.
That would make sense except their 2 losses were to teams smaller than them. I think Fenwick is D4 and ML is D7. Don't get me wrong, both are good teams but Franklin should be more competitive then the scores indicate.
I agree Wapakoneta lost by 3 another d3 to ML who 48 up at half vs Franklin trying to pull the dogs off and didn’t play Otte their best player who sat out. Franklin I feel have spent years winning beating avg and poor teams several divisions below them and now have trouble competing vs teams their size or quality programs. They’ve lowered the bar which I believe happens when play down regularly.
That would make sense except their 2 losses were to teams smaller than them. I think Fenwick is D4 and ML is D7. Don't get me wrong, both are good teams but Franklin should be more competitive then the scores indicate.
I do understand where you are coming from. However, Fenwick (Private School) recruits. I mean lets be honest here every private school recruits and can control its enrollment numbers by how many students they let in the school. So talent wise they can literally hand pick their kids from anywhere. ML a well established program that has had the same coach for 25 years. Now they should not get blown out by ML and it should have been a competitive game. Again I also think its the make up of the team. How talented are there? Are there play makers all over the field for them?
I don't care who you are...if you get beat 63-7 by a D7 school and you're a D3, that says a lot about the direction of that program.
What does it say? I wasn't at the game so what did that game say?

I mean they beat a Wapa team last year that was 9-3 31-6 and Wapa again in 2022 21-7. Wapa was 11-2 that year. They beat a CJ team in 2017 35-7 and CJ was 9-4. So the direction of the program is going in the wrong direction dictated on the score. Guess Wapa should suck bc they got beat three years in a row now by them. That program must be terrible.
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Northridge 30
Carlisle 0

Carlisle turnovers killing them. Plus fullback dives.

Richards 13 Carrie’s 43 yards
Lawson 10 Carrie’s 88 yards
I’m watching this game and Carlisle should be embarrassed. The turnovers are ridiculous. Lack of execution on both sides of the ball. I’m beside myself that we haven’t been able to develop a QB that can get the ball down field the last 7-8 years. I want to say so much more but I’ll just leave it at that. Total embarrassment!
Carlisle looks dysfunctional tonight. Turnovers are the name of the game. Northridge is too quick for the Indians. Lawson and Hamm are the only answers to their speed
Carlisle looks dysfunctional tonight. Turnovers are the name of the game. Northridge is too quick for the Indians. Lawson and Hamm are the only answers to their speed
Honestly, they look like a damn JH team out there. This team needs a change and a big one at that. Clod isn’t what we need.