2023 Benedictine Football

Also make note: We will be opening up the St Benedict parking lot next door . There is a gate to get in there immediately turning left after entering the school parking lot
Does anyone know what really happened when the Diocese closed down St. Benedicts? I heard a rumor that Benedictine HS wanted to purchase the property for future use but the Diocese wanted to maximize the $s so they sold the church to a Protestant congregation and the school building to a charter school operation because they offered more $s. Would be nice to have that property...
Does anyone know what really happened when the Diocese closed down St. Benedicts? I heard a rumor that Benedictine HS wanted to purchase the property for future use but the Diocese wanted to maximize the $s so they sold the church to a Protestant congregation and the school building to a charter school operation because they offered more $s. Would be nice to have that property...
I heard that Benedictine turned down taking St Benedicts from the Diocese. It was given to Benedictine if they wanted it. After Benedictine said no, the Diocese rented it out.
Does anyone know what really happened when the Diocese closed down St. Benedicts? I heard a rumor that Benedictine HS wanted to purchase the property for future use but the Diocese wanted to maximize the $s so they sold the church to a Protestant congregation and the school building to a charter school operation because they offered more $s. Would be nice to have that property...
Yes. Would be great to own that property. Benedictine also purchased some properties around the school. North side of the field. Not sure what the future plans are with those.
The Freshmen, Class of '27, showed up yesterday and here are some numbers:

91 total enrolled
45 different grade schools represented
5 counties

Want to know why Benedictine is in Div II? Look at that 2nd number. I actually think it is a good thing to have a wide net cast over the area as it shows Benny is not reliant on a couple big feeders and can appeal to a diverse group of families.
Wow - this is great! Looks like recruiting was “on fire”. 🫢 these numbers along with the Freshman #s team proves that!
Wow - this is great! Looks like recruiting was “on fire”. 🫢 these numbers along with the Freshman #s team proves that!
I don't think the school should kid itself, I am guessing some of these number are driven by the new ed-choice program.
I don't think the school should kid itself, I am guessing some of these number are driven by the new ed-choice program.
Agree Auggie, ed-choice is definitely one of the main drivers. My guess is some folks on this string aren't familiar with its implementation. Can be a good thing, can also be a very bad thing.
I don't think the school should kid itself, I am guessing some of these number are driven by the new ed-choice program.
I don’t believe it played as big of a role as you may guess, from what I heard the number was at 85 in early June before the changes were made/announced.
Wow - this is great! Looks like recruiting was “on fire”. 🫢 9these numbers along with the Freshman #s team proves that!
Hey Cry23, I guess 91 is an improvement over the 65-70 that we have been getting, but "on fire" is a stretch. Check back at the end of the year to tell us how many are still there. In fact, check back at Christmas. Benny has a tough time with retention. Start with 90, they will graduate 55-60.
Hey Cry23, I guess 91 is an improvement over the 65-70 that we have been getting, but "on fire" is a stretch. Check back at the end of the year to tell us how many are still there. In fact, check back at Christmas. Benny has a tough time with retention. Start with 90, they will graduate 55-60.
Frosh lose to Walsh 14-12. Still no kicking game.

Pretty evenly matched. Not sure if Bene had anyone playing up and not playing frosh ball.

A couple Walsh parents said they have three players that play up and weren’t dressed for the game.
Frosh lose to Walsh 14-12. Still no kicking game.

Pretty evenly matched. Not sure if Bene had anyone playing up and not playing frosh ball.

A couple Walsh parents said they have three players that play up and weren’t dressed for the game.
Hey Cry23, I guess 91 is an improvement over the 65-70 that we have been getting, but "on fire" is a stretch. Check back at the end of the year to tell us how many are still there. In fact, check back at Christmas. Benny has a tough time with retention. Start with 90, they will graduate 55-60.
What’s important here is a new culture is in place. A huge reason why is last years football staff is GONE. Thank God. Admissions staff did a good job.
Frosh lose to Walsh 14-12. Still no kicking game.

Pretty evenly matched. Not sure if Bene had anyone playing up and not playing frosh ball.

A couple Walsh parents said they have three players that play up and weren’t dressed for the game.
This freshman team so much better than last years. They will be fine. But yes, the theme now seems to be, no kicking game.
What’s important here is a new culture is in place. A huge reason why is last years football staff is GONE. Thank God. Admissions staff did a good job.
No argument from me about last years staff. I applaud the admissions department for the effort. The key now is to retain what we have, both students,and athletes.
The barbershop has tonight's game as Benny +21.5. If the Bengals cover I consider that a big win as Walsh is generating a lot of buzz based off of their performance against Fitch in the last scrimmage.

Frosh lose to Walsh 14-12. Still no kicking game.

Pretty evenly matched. Not sure if Bene had anyone playing up and not playing frosh ball.

A couple Walsh parents said they have three players that play up and weren’t dressed for the game.
I could be mistaken but I believe the kicker had a soccer game yesterday. Can anyone confirm or deny that I am correct in saying that?
We actually have 2 terrific RB'S and 4 outstanding WR'S.
Hey Father, Men win football games, not RAMS!

Your 2 great backs and 4 receivers looked not great versus Walsh last night, LINEMEN win games, not "read about me's"! Sadly you don't have even a good line.
Hey Father, Men win football games, not RAMS!

Your 2 great backs and 4 receivers looked not great versus Walsh last night, LINEMEN win games, not "read about me's"! Sadly you don't have even a good line.
I have to stick up for him on this one. He meant on the Freshmen level. We had about a dozen players from last years varsity transfer out,including several returning starters.
I have to stick up for him on this one. He meant on the Freshmen level. We had about a dozen players from last years varsity transfer out,including several returning starters.
Understood that, thanks, I was referring to the varsity. But same rule applies in my book as far as LINEMEN, no matter what level. Thanks for the heads up!
Crickets about last night's game. Crickets! 0-10 still on the table. Nothing has changed. Nice pump up video on X. Good to see the players from 1973.