2014 Winter Olympics


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This one has the makings of a historic event. Basically it is being run like a Soviet venture so all kind of interesting things are in play.

- You have muslim terrorists wanting to get to get in on some action.

- Shiny new facilties on the outside that are barely workable on the inside.

- Over booked hotels that are already turning away guests with reservations.

- Visitors bringing rolls of cash so they can bribe locals to get basic needs.

- A stray dog problem with the locals offering bounties to "exterminators" to get the problem under control.

As far as the competition goes this is not the USA's strongest sports so don't expect them to get the most medals; northern Euro countries like Norway and Germany will be fighting for that title. Look for figure skating and hockey to get the most air time with the X-Games events being in the next group. With no Lindsay Vonn in action it appears that NBC is banking on Mikaela Shiffrin to be their darling of these olympics.

By the way the must see TV sport for me is curling. Nike needs to get into this uni business.

I may watch some of the hockey as that is about the only thing that interests me with the winter olympics.

Speed skating isnt too bad but the rest I could do without.
All they have to do is arrest the curling teams and anyone who shows up to watch if they wanted to arrest gays.

Curling is the bowling of the Winter Olympics, out of shape folks in weird outfits throwing an object down a lane. Now if the Ruskies want to bust some gays they only have to stop by the ice rink when the mens figure skating comp takes place.

Curling seems to attract well-heeled Scots and Scotch/Irish in NEO. Can't speak to the sexual proclivities, but there seems to be a little drinking involved.
Socchi seems like a third world war zone ...this is my only problem with the Olympics this yr ... why settle on this place ???there is no better location in all of Russia!?!? they are telling our athletes not to wear any USA garb for fear of terrorism???what a joke ..plus , the winter Olympics are like a hallmark holiday --the Olympics were started in Greece and were about track and field events ...today most sports that are in the Olympics have no business being an Olympic sport ( winter and summer)--that being said ill check out the hockey when i can and maybe little Bobsled cause i like Jamaica 's team ..other than that ..wont be tuneing in
USA takes the first Gold of the Olympics. Shaun White pulled out of this event but we didn't need him in the end.

Men's Slopestyle

Sage Kotsenburg - USA - G
Staale Sandbech - NOR - S
Mark McMorris - CAN - B
:laugh: One of the most ridiculous arguments I've seen on Yappi. What sport did he say had less variables than bowling?
Golf. He claimed bowling had more variables than golf. And he rode it right over the cliff. Wobble-free crash and burn.

E_p and drod have obviously not contemplated curling. Either that, or they just want to throw BcB a bone. Pity concession ?

Humidity is obviously a factor in curling, too, but there is so much more. When to brush, speed, pattern, how far ahead of the stone, bristle selection..... Then there is the actual interplay between the stones - initial placement, blocks, shields, leaves, order. Then there are opponent strengths, weaknesses, tendencies... It's not like two bowlers are vying for the same pins, right ?

I'm not prepared to say curling has more variables than golf, but certainly more than BOWLING.