Lake Levy Vote March 19


This popcorn tastes good.
You can thank state politicians for that, the State of Ohio has basically eliminated the need for a high school P.E teacher, with childhood obesity not being an issue this has been a great idea.
Because high school PE teachers did such an awesome job of keeping everyone so fit and not obese?? Come on.
Because high school PE teachers did such an awesome job of keeping everyone so fit and not obese?? Come on.
Plus, for the most part, the athletes were not the ones who were obese to begin with. Yes, a few here and there, but by and large they are not. It was the rest of the student body that had a higher % of kids obese. Plus, what does playing kickball or volleyball 2 days a week going to do to fight obesity?
If you ever seen Super Size ME, the former Sec of Education was quoted in talking about taking away recess and P.E "we are going to have fat readers"
It upsets me how little physical activity my kids get in school. Admin should be required to read the research on physical activity, specifically open skill sports with academic performance and executive functioning.
You can thank state politicians for that, the State of Ohio has basically eliminated the need for a high school P.E teacher, with childhood obesity not being an issue this has been a great idea.
And to top it off my kid's school gives the kids pop tarts, oreos, etc for afternoon snack. The kids don't even get recess after 4th grade. Makes no sense.
Assuming a free PE course is an option, then sure.
Yes, but then the kid who can afford the pay to play can take another actual class while the kid who can't is stuck in PE (and not playing a sport) and not getting an extra academic class. That seems wise...
YOu don't want county districts, that is how the south is ran and its a mess, kids get lost in the shuffle especially transitioning schools and the schools/districts are so big kids just get lost and passed along. County administrative positions are created and these people literally do nothing. Elected School boards were useless because of the layers of personnel and administrative b.s
You don't have pay to play in the south and voters don't HAVE to pass a desperate levy every 3-5 years plus the renewal levies that only last 5 years that pop up in between the desperation levy.
Is there some county waste...sure. Always is in a large organization. But having 35 school districts in a county means a lot of duplication that could be eliminated. Lets start with the 35 Supers making 130 grand plus each. The system will eventually fail because the state keeps cutting its part of education which only leaves the local levies which people will finally just refuse tp pass. This stupid system of education funding is doomed.
Absolutely not. Canton ain't Massillon ain't Tuslaw. One size does NOT fit all.
Dividing the counties up and redistributing the money will not work. For example where I live in summit county, Ohio telling Hudson to share their wealth with Springfield,Cuyahoga falls etc would be like telling the New York Yankees to share their money with the Guardians. They are not going to do that. The lottery was supposed to be the answer to the schools but the schools get a small portion of lottery money. I think it needs to be a combination of sales taxes, industry tax, lottery and only a little property tax. That would work.Also the state has to give more to poorer districts. Now the richer communities get more.
This is why are public schools are struggling.

Don't see a problem. Same amount of money spent, same number of kids in school.

Vouchers should be universal: Every Ohio kid attending an accredited Ohio school should bring with him the same stipend from the state. The purpose of public education is to create an educated public. It is not to support an educational establishment based on entitlement and sinecure.
Don't see a problem. Same amount of money spent, same number of kids in school.

Vouchers should be universal: Every Ohio kid attending an accredited Ohio school should bring with him the same stipend from the state. The purpose of public education is to create an educated public. It is not to support an educational establishment based on entitlement and sinecure.

Taxes are not to support a religious establishment based on entitlement either.
Taxes are to support the common good of the citizenry. Get over your bigotry.
Massillon MAGAs and Massillon progressives eating their own; ya hate to see it. Oil Filter's millenial "look at me!" ethos knows no bounds. Hey, does Moore invite you over for coffee because you have his picture as an avatar? I have a buddy who will photoshop together a Teen Beat cover with him on it for you to hang in your locker if you want. It'll be adorable.
Dividing the counties up and redistributing the money will not work. For example where I live in summit county, Ohio telling Hudson to share their wealth with Springfield,Cuyahoga falls etc would be like telling the New York Yankees to share their money with the Guardians.
You’re entitled to your opinion but this example is at least partially untrue. Profit sharing is definitely a thing in the MLB. 48% of local revenues are shared amongst the league.

People arguing for county based distribution are effectively arguing for the same thing. The good of the whole (league/county) is better than the good of the individual (team/school district).

Not saying I completely agree but it is a thought process.
You’re entitled to your opinion but this example is at least partially untrue. Profit sharing is definitely a thing in the MLB. 48% of local revenues are shared amongst the league.

People arguing for county based distribution are effectively arguing for the same thing. The good of the whole (league/county) is better than the good of the individual (team/school district).

Not saying I completely agree but it is a thought process.
And what happens when the folks in Hudson say "Screw this." and cut or eliminate their local taxes? Or do you suggest that the folks in Cuyahoga Falls are entitled to take money from Hudson?
The big issue Lake will have, even if this levy passes. Is what are they going to change so they don't have to come back again in 3-5 years to ask for another Massive levy?
Have any other Stark School districts had to ask for 9.5 mills in the last 20 years and this started out at almost 14 mills. It's only good for 5 years. So in 5 years they are going to be back asking for another 10 mills or more.
The big issue Lake will have, even if this levy passes. Is what are they going to change so they don't have to come back again in 3-5 years to ask for another Massive levy?
Have any other Stark School districts had to ask for 9.5 mills in the last 20 years and this started out at almost 14 mills. It's only good for 5 years. So in 5 years they are going to be back asking for another 10 mills or more.
Of course schools have to continually go back to the voters ...thanks to you legislatures for sitting and doing nothing about the unconstitutional way schools are funded....per 1991 DeRolph decision!!
Have any other Stark School districts had to ask for 9.5 mills in the last 20 years and this started out at almost 14 mills. It's only good for 5 years. So in 5 years they are going to be back asking for another 10 mills or more.
Not that I know of. But I’m sure some schools will be heading that direction with the way we continue to fund our schools. And yeah.. that’s kinda how it works. If this passes, the next one in 5 years will essentially be a renewal. Would be a little easier to pass/sell since we would already be paying it.
Not that I know of. But I’m sure some schools will be heading that direction with the way we continue to fund our schools. And yeah.. that’s kinda how it works. If this passes, the next one in 5 years will essentially be a renewal. Would be a little easier to pass/sell since we would already be paying it.
Usually, renewals are easier to pass than the original issue. Good luck Lake!
Most levies are going to struggle to pass now that counties are reassessing property values and going to collect more money. But not one dime of the larger tax revenue will go to the schools because of stupid house bill 920. The system is stupid and will eventually fail.
Most levies are going to struggle to pass now that counties are reassessing property values and going to collect more money. But not one dime of the larger tax revenue will go to the schools because of stupid house bill 920. The system is stupid and will eventually fail.
Yup. Any district with a property tax levy in 2024-2026 should be prepared for it to NOT go well.
Imagine if we were allowed to vote on the price of gasoline, groceries etc, as we are on our children's education! Unbelievable that we hold our education hostage to property taxes...and it has been ruled unconstitutional at that!
You are 100% correct. People are going to freak out when they get their new property tax bill and it will make them hostile to any new levy for the years you listed.
Residents are going to get a really good idea on the "competency" of the folks running their districts when this happens. School with leadership that look for creative ways SHOULD be looked at much better than the jabronis that send the typical levy to the ballot.