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  • Michelle Smith was talking about the increase in scoring in D1 softball in the games she has seen this year… She said three things are the cause of the increased run production.
    3. Hitters are better
    2. Pitching is down
    1. Umpiring is making pitchers get more of the plate.
    In 2005 there were 21 home runs hit by the 10 teams in the league. Until 2012 the high year was 58 homers. For the past three seasons the number has been above 70 with last year being the high to date with 78. This year the leagues at 73 and looks as though the final total might be over 80.

    Is this happening in other leagues?
    What's going on? Pitching distance changes, bat regulation changes, coaching philosophy, weight training changes, none of the above or all of the above?
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