Stop scheduling Eds

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Someone please close this thread down! This sounds like most of the GMC schools that refused to play Moeller years ago in any sport. This checks all the boxes of a person that has never crossed the athletic white line and competed head to head with anyone.

Elder and all the other GCL schools should back away from NOONE! They are the best conference in Ohio and they all walk this walk.

Elder should continue to play them & play against them with everything they have. Win or Lose, the Elder community should be proud they represented Elder at the highest level.
Someone please close this thread down! This sounds like most of the GMC schools that refused to play Moeller years ago in any sport. This checks all the boxes of a person that has never crossed the athletic white line and competed head to head with anyone.

Elder and all the other GCL schools should back away from NOONE! They are the best conference in Ohio and they all walk this walk.

Elder should continue to play them & play against them with everything they have. Win or Lose, the Elder community should be proud they represented Elder at the highest level.
That’s stupid. Why compete with schools who don’t follow the same rules? There’s no reward for being the toughest. It’s such an out of touch mentality, the goal should be to position yourself to win Titles, not pretend like getting your a** kicked by a super team is an achievement.
That’s stupid. Why compete with schools who don’t follow the same rules? There’s no reward for being the toughest. It’s such an out of touch mentality, the goal should be to position yourself to win Titles, not pretend like getting your a** kicked by a super team is an achievement.
What rule did they break?

If kids are reaching out, they are fair game. End of story.

A ton of kids reach out to St Eds every year because of their football success. Why is that concept foreign to you?
You can’t reach out directly to families, that’s absolutely breaking a rule.
You can’t reach out directly to families, that’s absolutely breaking a rule.
For general information about the school, you absolutely can reach out to anyone you want. How else would schools recruit kids if they can't send out generic marketing materials? I'm not saying they did this with the Texas kid, but of course you can reach out to kids proactively.

For sports specifically, you can if they inquire first.

You have ZERO proof Eds just up and called this kid about playing football. NONE.
Every year Elder has been to the State Title, they’ve had a few easy games on the schedule. At a certain point, loading up the schedule only hurts you. I understand Elder doesn’t have many options, but it would be nice if there was a way to replace Eds with a quality program that isn’t dirty.
Every year Elder has been to the State Title, they’ve had a few easy games on the schedule. At a certain point, loading up the schedule only hurts you. I understand Elder doesn’t have many options, but it would be nice if there was a way to replace Eds with a quality program that isn’t dirty.
If Elder was pulling in these high profile athletes, you'd be stoked. You're such a poser.

Stop getting mad at Eds for doing exactly what you want Elder to do.
Even if they really wanted to stop scheduling St. Ed's, who are they going to replace them with?

My personal opinion is St. Ed's is an OHSAA member school. There is no need to stop playing them. I believe it is beneficial for Elder to play St. Ed's evey year. They get better every year from playing them. Yes, the bus trip and Saturday games stink, but remember they need to take a bus trip to Canton if they make the finals. What better preparation for that.

Remember, Moeller in the 70s and 80s? Elder played them every year. They rarely if ever won, but a lot of those games were close. Elder got better each time they played them, and you know they never backed down from Mighty Moe.
If you've ever heard Ramsey talk, he doesn't dodge anyone. Not only that, he always says the kids want to play the best competition as well.
Even if they really wanted to stop scheduling St. Ed's, who are they going to replace them with?

My personal opinion is St. Ed's is an OHSAA member school. There is no need to stop playing them. I believe it is beneficial for Elder to play St. Ed's evey year. They get better every year from playing them. Yes, the bus trip and Saturday games stink, but remember they need to take a bus trip to Canton if they make the finals. What better preparation for that.

Remember, Moeller in the 70s and 80s? Elder played them every year. They rarely if ever won, but a lot of those games were close. Elder got better each time they played them, and you know they never backed down from Mighty Moe.
That’s just not true, Elder doesn’t get better playing them. And Moeller is a GCL game, big difference. My hope is they can find a way to get Cathedral in their place.
True, but within reason. Elder is not dumb enough to schedule IMG Academy. Elder will take on any real high school.
They've played some pretty darn good national programs over the years (St Thomas Aquinas, De La Salle, Independence). All of those teams were right up there in the national rankings.
That’s just not true, Elder doesn’t get better playing them. And Moeller is a GCL game, big difference. My hope is they can find a way to get Cathedral in their place.

Of course they do. The defensive line won't get a better challenge all season long than the St. Ed's oline. Elder oline gets a tremendous challenge with Ed's front and especially their advanced blitz packages.

You need a cupcake/easy game mixed in there yes, but you also need a game like Ed's.
They've played some pretty darn good national programs over the years (St Thomas Aquinas, De La Salle, Independence). All of those teams were right up there in the national rankings.

Yes, and they were competitive I think in all those. Elder played Hoover(AL) also if I'm not mistaken.
That’s stupid. Why compete with schools who don’t follow the same rules? There’s no reward for being the toughest. It’s such an out of touch mentality, the goal should be to position yourself to win Titles, not pretend like getting your a** kicked by a super team is an achievement.
The school and community has never backed down from anyone/anything - look at it's glorious history. Why on earth would you back down now. This is such a cowards approach to sports. True competitor want to compete against the best to prove they can play.

Plus playing better competition readies a team for speed etc that cannot be replicated in practice. Playing good teams see how players perform in certain situations.

The GCL just doesn't back down
The school and community has never backed down from anyone/anything - look at it's glorious history. Why on earth would you back down now. This is such a cowards approach to sports. True competitor want to compete against the best to prove they can play.

Plus playing better competition readies a team for speed etc that cannot be replicated in practice. Playing good teams see how players perform in certain situations.

The GCL just doesn't back down
They don’t play by the same rules, so f em. It’s not just bc they’re really good, when they go out and take in transfers for 1 yr, that’s bogus. There’s no reward for being tough, show me where the tough guy trophy is in the case.
Of course they do. The defensive line won't get a better challenge all season long than the St. Ed's oline. Elder oline gets a tremendous challenge with Ed's front and especially their advanced blitz packages.

You need a cupcake/easy game mixed in there yes, but you also need a game like Ed's.
They can get prepped by playing the GCL, Ville X and Cathedral. The 2 times in recent years, they’ve beaten Eds, have been fairly mediocre teams.
They don’t play by the same rules, so f em. It’s not just bc they’re really good, when they go out and take in transfers for 1 yr, that’s bogus. There’s no reward for being tough, show me where the tough guy trophy is in the case.
Seems the only school not playing by the new rules is Elder.

Their choice.
Ignatius and X are pretty above board. Again, it’s not bc they’re kicking everyone’s a**, it’s bc they break & bend the rules to get transfers like Thomas.
They don’t play by the same rules, so f em. It’s not just bc they’re really good, when they go out and take in transfers for 1 yr, that’s bogus. There’s no reward for being tough, show me where the tough guy trophy is in the case.
You have no clue on the mentality of a competitive athlete or how to coach in this environment.

Who cares how they are getting their athletes - you just don't back down.

As an earlier post mentioned, no one in the football program was griping during the Faust Moeller years - Elder played them toe to toe each year and gave them their best effort.
The Elder fans that have this vast inferiority complex are giving the rest of y'all a bad name.

Elder fans need to completely throw out the "everyone is cheating" mantra asap. It just makes you look like a bunch of petty whiners.
You have no clue on the mentality of a competitive athlete or how to coach in this environment.

Who cares how they are getting their athletes - you just don't back down.

As an earlier post mentioned, no one in the football program was griping during the Faust Moeller years - Elder played them toe to toe each year and gave them their best effort.
They don’t have good enough athletes to compete. Get more talent if you want to play those games. And someone should’ve ripped Faust for his bs. He was a better recruiter at Moeller than ND. That cry baby p**sy.
There’s no reward for losing close games to more talented teams. If Elder wants to play it straight by what they consider ethical, they need to stop scheduling teams who have no regard for those rules. The “tough guy” mentality is so dumb. Being the best at taking physical beatings, doesn’t win games.
There’s no reward for losing close games to more talented teams. If Elder wants to play it straight by what they consider ethical, they need to stop scheduling teams who have no regard for those rules. The “tough guy” mentality is so dumb. Being the best at taking physical beatings, doesn’t win games.
It's a measuring stick. That's all. I say play the games. Everyone in DI gets to the playoffs now a days. I love when a 8-8 or 7-9 teams are state Champs.
Omar, the other schools are doing nothing but playing by the new rules. Elder is playing by the old rules.

Elder is tapped out with feeder talent. They've gotten as high as they can with feeder talent, I think most would agree with you there.

But this "everyone is cheating" and "we don't do things that way" is the narrative they push to ensure the connected feeder kids get their due. They'd rather have their kids getting the spots and the time vs. upgrading their talent to get to the level of schools like Moe and Eds. It's 100% what is happening.
It's a measuring stick. That's all. I say play the games. Everyone in DI gets to the playoffs now a days. I love when a 8-8 or 7-9 teams are state Champs.
That doesn’t happen at the D1 level, sans an X team that went 5-5. No team in D1 will ever win a title with 7 or 8 regular season losses.
It's a measuring stick. That's all. I say play the games. Everyone in DI gets to the playoffs now a days. I love when a 8-8 or 7-9 teams are state Champs.
He wants the talent Moe and Eds are getting. He hates that Elder doesn't go after them. That's all this is about.

He's already been straight with them about this and they banned him from everything for it. This is his passive aggressive way of trying to deliver the same point without people getting mad at him.

Ironically, he's not wrong. Elder's ceiling is limited staying status quo. But Elder doesn't want to upgrade talent, because they know what that would mean for all of the legacy Johnny Elders.
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