Way to early D1 SW Ohio predictions

Yeah I do not see that happening at all. Both of her sisters played for the coach long before the new mnd coach with the hat was there. Also from everything I have heard they are much closer with the WC coach than the mnd one. Heard they may of left his aau program due to problems with him.
I had a son that played at WC last year and can tell yall there was no problem withh the assistant that left for MND, people were really upset when he took that job, Hale's included. he was loved and admired by pretty much everyone over there outside of the AD. Guess you dont remember the middle Hale child leaving a year early so she didntt have to play her senior year because it was so bad. dont get it twisted. dont know what happened with AAu but can 100% tell you it wasnt about the assistant. heard numbers are down at WC already with bench players quitting, just like on the bouys side.
I had a son that played at WC last year and can tell yall there was no problem withh the assistant that left for MND, people were really upset when he took that job, Hale's included. he was loved and admired by pretty much everyone over there outside of the AD. Guess you dont remember the middle Hale child leaving a year early so she didntt have to play her senior year because it was so bad. dont get it twisted. dont know what happened with AAu but can 100% tell you it wasnt about the assistant. heard numbers are down at WC already with bench players quitting, just like on the bouys side.
I have talked directly to many people involved and I can confidently say there were major problems with the assistant. It was his toxicity that ruined them in the playoffs last year. Also the middle hale graduated early purely based on serious injury concerns. Please speak with a shred of credibility before coming on here and making such baseless and untrue statements.
I have talked directly to many people involved and I can confidently say there were major problems with the assistant. It was his toxicity that ruined them in the playoffs last year. Also the middle hale graduated early purely based on serious injury concerns. Please speak with a shred of credibility before coming on here and making such baseless and untrue statements.
can you elaborate on the "toxicity'? hard to believe a 22-0 season was ruined by an assistant, but if that's the case glad you guys are in a better place without him!
can you elaborate on the "toxicity'? hard to believe a 22-0 season was ruined by an assistant, but if that's the case glad you guys are in a better place without him!
Basically, just doing subtle things like undermining other coaches as well as picking favorites of the players and giving almost no attention to others. This is what I have heard from multiple parents of the players so take that as you will. All I know is that the hale kid wouldn’t be at west clermont right now if they disliked the head coach in any way. We will see how next season plays out.
Basically, just doing subtle things like undermining other coaches as well as picking favorites of the players and giving almost no attention to others. This is what I have heard from multiple parents of the players so take that as you will. All I know is that the hale kid wouldn’t be at west clermont right now if they disliked the head coach in any way. We will see how next season plays out.
never said they didn't like the head coach, just said i dont think they have anything against the assistant based off the interactions i saw through the years. i could see how hale's would be frustrated with him tho if it was his decision to not start the youngest one all season, could definitely be seen as playing favorites to the older kids, but dont know if he controlled the subbing or not. sad to hear that he wrecked the program, hopefully you guys can right the ship and stay on top! good luck this year yall!
never said they didn't like the head coach, just said i dont think they have anything against the assistant based off the interactions i saw through the years. i could see how hale's would be frustrated with him tho if it was his decision to not start the youngest one all season, could definitely be seen as playing favorites to the older kids, but dont know if he controlled the subbing or not. sad to hear that he wrecked the program, hopefully you guys can right the ship and stay on top! good luck this year yall!
I’m pulling for mason myself but I wish them nothing but the best! Tell them to watch out for Winton Woods though, they are going to be strong favorites in the ecc.
I’m pulling for mason myself but I wish them nothing but the best! Tell them to watch out for Winton Woods though, they are going to be strong favorites in the ecc.
Interesting for someone whos posts are all about west clermont and drove to a west clermont-east scrimmage last week go comets?
I go all over I am just a fan of the local basketball scene. Went to a Sycamore v Anderson scrimmage a couple weeks ago as well.
got it, well sad you have to put down an assistant that did a lot for the school at west clermont if youre not associated with the school or the program and on the inside based off of what some parents say. dont think them turning things into a 22-0 season was in spite of him, and he seemed to really enjoy being there just based off of his social media presence and the way he hyped the kids up, but if the parents there think their in a better spot then good for them, looking forward to seeing what they do this year..still think they have a ton of pieces and can compete, just not on the level of princeton and mason.
Just things I've heard, I'm sure others have heard the same out there, who knows how true they might be...?

Regarding West Clermont's head coach - seems like he's a big reason Hicks left. She didn't like playing for him and the team as a whole felt a lot of burn out by tournament time. Thus, she ends up at Purcell Marian, even though she had to forfeit the end of her senior season to do so.

Regarding the assistant coach who went to MND - I have heard mixed things. Obviously very much plugged into the AAU scene and I'm sure MND believes he can get kids there (which is why MND hired someone with no varsity coaching experience). But I also heard similar things about him favoring certain players and families and that made some unhappy.
Seems like we are hearing a lot of different and similar buzz coming from the situation and sorry if any of my speculation turns out to be false. It will be something that none of us here will probably know the true answers to. The one thing I am confident in is that both mnd and wc will likely have continued success.
Anyone have anything to share in Cincinnati. It has been really quiet. Any players move? Princeton, Mason, Winton Woods, seem to be the teams people on here like.
Anyone have anything to share in Cincinnati. It has been really quiet. Any players move? Princeton, Mason, Winton Woods, seem to be the teams people on here like.
The most I've heard about is some potential injuries on some big teams. I don't know for sure that it's accurate, so I hesitate to even say what I heard here.

I agree though. Seems as if Mason and Princeton should be the favorites (again). Interested to see how MND pans out this season. They weren't great last year but they basically bring back that whole team. Not surprisingly, Fladung seems to have brought in a slew of freshman too.
With basketball just a month away, who does everyone have in the top 5 in the GMC, ECC and GGCL.

1. MND
2. Seton
3. St. Ursula
4. MM
5. Ursuline

1. Princeton
2. Mason
3. West
4. East
5. Fairfield

1. Winton Woods
2. Kings
3. Lebanon
4. West Clermont
5. No idea? Little Miami, Milford, Loveland, Walnut Hills?
With basketball just a month away, who does everyone have in the top 5 in the GMC, ECC and GGCL.

1. MND
2. Seton
3. St. Ursula
4. MM
5. Ursuline

1. Princeton
2. Mason
3. West
4. East
5. Fairfield

1. Winton Woods
2. Kings
3. Lebanon
4. West Clermont
5. No idea? Little Miami, Milford, Loveland, Walnut Hills?
Kings lost way too much to be ranked over lebanon and they wc. I think wc and lebanon are a toss up for second in the ecc with winton woods being elite. I agree fully with the rest however.
Kings lost way too much to be ranked over lebanon and they wc. I think wc and lebanon are a toss up for second in the ecc with winton woods being elite. I agree fully with the rest however.
West Clermont also lost a ton. Lost 4 starters including their top 2 scorers, but i do think they will still be pretty good. Lebanon brings almost everyone back.
West Clermont also lost a ton. Lost 4 starters including their top 2 scorers, but i do think they will still be pretty good. Lebanon brings almost everyone back.
Good point. I guess I am projecting their freshmen from last year to be able to carry most of the weight for them including the one that was first team all league. Thinking about it more in depth I probably would put more faith into Lebanon do to the experience they have in comparison. I am very interested to see how Kings is without their big and two point guards, I trust ingram though.
Good point. I guess I am projecting their freshmen from last year to be able to carry most of the weight for them including the one that was first team all league. Thinking about it more in depth I probably would put more faith into Lebanon do to the experience they have in comparison. I am very interested to see how Kings is without their big and two point guards, I trust ingram though.
Kings lost a ton, but Ingram can play. Can't underestimate the loss of Barnett/Wells.

Lebanon will be interesting team returning their top 3 scorers.

Loveland lost a decent amount of experience and scoring. Katy Wilbur will need to score for them this year.

West Clermont should be fine, but they obviously lost some good players. It's Hale's team now.

Winton Woods is going to be very, very solid for the next two years. They have no reason to not win ECC in my mind.
Kings lost a ton, but Ingram can play. Can't underestimate the loss of Barnett/Wells.

Lebanon will be interesting team returning their top 3 scorers.

Loveland lost a decent amount of experience and scoring. Katy Wilbur will need to score for them this year.

West Clermont should be fine, but they obviously lost some good players. It's Hale's team now.

Winton Woods is going to be very, very solid for the next two years. They have no reason to not win ECC in my mind.
Agreed with ecc predictions, Winton Woods will be the class of the ecc as long as Gray is the coach(one of the best trainers in the state). What has happened to Walnut Hills? Players and coaches leaving in droves!
Agreed with ecc predictions, Winton Woods will be the class of the ecc as long as Gray is the coach(one of the best trainers in the state). What has happened to Walnut Hills? Players and coaches leaving in droves!
Been wondering the same thing about walnut. Looks like their time in the sun is over for at least the next few years. Going forward I believe that Winton Woods will be the class as well but I think West Clermont and Kings have incredibly bright futures with their coaches and players they have coming too, but good luck to anyone trying to catch Woods.
If you have noticed, the exodus from Walnut Hills is not just in the girls program. The boys team has been completely gutted. The football team has not won a game in 2 full seasons now. Clearly the administration at Walnut has changed focus back to an academic one (where it always should have been). As a result they have seen people leave the program.
I heard from a Princeton parent they have a transfer guard who is a freshman and Dee Davis said she is better than Mitchell and Williams was as freshmen. Might be interesting. I do know they have a lot of young talent and 2 nice size seniors returning.
I heard from a Princeton parent they have a transfer guard who is a freshman and Dee Davis said she is better than Mitchell and Williams was as freshmen. Might be interesting. I do know they have a lot of young talent and 2 nice size seniors returning.
That's not true. I'm very good friends with Coach Davis. I don't know if there will ever be a guard like Mitchell that will come through sw ohio. Princeton has a lot of talent probably for the next six years. There is only one senior which is Mcgivens. Now the freshman class is probably one of the best classes in the state. This year's team is probably the deepest team Davis has had since she's been there. Keep an eye out for an 8th grader named Erin Thomas (6'1 guard) she has a chance to be a Mcdonald's All American.
I really have no clue on Hale. Just guessing based on the constant rotation of players involved with certain coaches.

Sneed was also a Winton Woods kid up until her freshman year.
Sneed went there for 1 year which was her 7th grade year. She finished off middle school at Saint Gabrielle.
1. MND
2. St. Ursula
3. Seton
4. MM
5. Ursuline

1. Princeton
2. LW
4. East
5. Oak Hills
6. Fairfield

1. Winton Woods
2. Lebanon
3. Kings
4. Milford
5. Loveland
6. Little Miami
7. West Clermont
8. Walnut Hills
9. Turpin
10. Anderson
1. MND
2. St. Ursula
3. Seton
4. MM
5. Ursuline

1. Princeton
2. LW
4. East
5. Oak Hills
6. Fairfield

1. Winton Woods
2. Lebanon
3. Kings
4. Milford
5. Loveland
6. Little Miami
7. West Clermont
8. Walnut Hills
9. Turpin
10. Anderson
Almost laughable ECC prediction. WC will be fourth at worst. Little Miami will be 8th or 9th. Overrating Milford and Loveland too. Good top 3 though.
That's not true. I'm very good friends with Coach Davis. I don't know if there will ever be a guard like Mitchell that will come through sw ohio. Princeton has a lot of talent probably for the next six years. There is only one senior which is Mcgivens. Now the freshman class is probably one of the best classes in the state. This year's team is probably the deepest team Davis has had since she's been there. Keep an eye out for an 8th grader named Erin Thomas (6'1 guard) she has a chance to be a Mcdonald's All American.
Amazing how these kids end up at Princeton all the time huh?