The Walking Dead is Back!

Aside from the zombie apocalypse being in progress with most of the population being killed, along with the enormous amount of walkers he'd have to contend with in the streets once he did escape the roof.

So yes, they never said he was dead. It was a good assumption.

only if he can't get the handcuffs off (which of course is very tough to do).

I continue to think rooftops are one of the safest places in that world. Walkers can't climb.

I kept calling for them to get to the roof of the petshop on Sunday, especially when it looked like Rick may be coming to save the day with a mobile home.

If you're ever stuck, get yourself on a roof and hope help comes along and/or wait for the walkers to pass.
I will be extremely disappointed if they expect me to believe that Glenn survived, even if we're talking about a fictional zombie world. Completely surrounded by a herd, lying on the ground and you're telling me that just because there's fresh meat on top of him, none of the other zombies tear into his face or something? I really, really, really hope the show doesn't go that route.

I never read the comics but had heard that Glenn dies eventually...was really hoping this Sunday was the day. I find his character annoying.

The odd thing, as the zombies "appeared" to be ripping into his innards, he wasn't behaving like someone that was getting his insides ripped out. Which gave me pause about his death.

People in the past have hidden themselves besides the walkers by splattering walker blood all over their bodies. So it's plausable he's still alive IMO.
The odd thing, as the zombies "appeared" to be ripping into his innards, he wasn't behaving like someone that was getting his insides ripped out. Which gave me pause about his death.

People in the past have hidden themselves besides the walkers by splattering walker blood all over their bodies. So it's plausable he's still alive IMO.

He wasn't covered in walker blood, though. He was covered in fresh blood. Michonne walked around the woods with nothing but her pets on chains and was somehow unnoticed by walkers, but those walkers weren't in feeding frenzy mode.

I don't think they're going to kill him off just yet...I'm prepared to be disappointed whenever we find out for sure.
I think youre in the very small minority. Almost everyone will want Glenn to survive. I don't watch this show because its believable. I watch it to be entertained. Glenn living and continuing to be in the show will entertain me way more than a show without him
While I don't want Glenn to be killed, I also think the bait and switch 'not really dead' thing is almost worse. Agree with those above, the believability factor of him escaping that situation is minimal at best and the way they played it out with the no Talking Dead appearance/not listed in the en memorium/quote by the director saying we'd see some part of him going forward? Just not a good way to go about this. If it is true, they out-thought themselves.

All that being said I can't imagine the show going on without Glenn so I guess I'll just *side eye* the producers and enjoy the fact that he's alive lol
Another reason I think he somehow survived. His character is to big for a cheesy death like that. I don't think he will get his comic death if he made it, I think they will give that to someone else, but Glenn deserves a better end. The more popular the character, the more horrific the death. I just don't think they let Glenn go out like that. Big question to me is if he survived, how are they going to pull it off.

Yeah the TV show's gone away from the comics more often than not it seems from my limited comics knowledge so I didn't imagine Glenn and Lucille would have their meet-up lol... but I was literally taken aback Sunday. In a 'they can't do THAT to him' way.
I think youre in the very small minority. Almost everyone will want Glenn to survive. I don't watch this show because its believable. I watch it to be entertained. Glenn living and continuing to be in the show will entertain me way more than a show without him

I know I'm in the minority. I dislike his character because in spite of all the s*** he's seen go down, he still believes someone like Nicholas can be redeemed. It's stupid...and in the zombie apocalypse the penalty for stupidity should be dying as a result of your own stupidity. That's how it's been, eventually, for every other "stupid" character on the show.
He wasn't covered in walker blood, though. He was covered in fresh blood. Michonne walked around the woods with nothing but her pets on chains and was somehow unnoticed by walkers, but those walkers weren't in feeding frenzy mode.

I don't think they're going to kill him off just yet...I'm prepared to be disappointed whenever we find out for sure.

I'm just trying to find something that's somewhat plausible to explain Glenn's survival. In the bizarre world of flesh eating zombies, maybe there's something we haven't discovered about their feeding behavior. ;)

I've always wondered why they even need to feed since they never seem to starve. Anyone seen a zombie dead to starvation on the show yet?
I've always wondered why they even need to feed since they never seem to starve. Anyone seen a zombie dead to starvation on the show yet?

One of the people involved with the show did say that they get slower/weaker without food a while back on Talking Dead.

But I have wondered if in that world there is some sort of attrition factor where eventually most of the zombies will somehow die off. Of course at some point they'd also have to rot away, right?
I'm just trying to find something that's somewhat plausible to explain Glenn's survival. In the bizarre world of flesh eating zombies, maybe there's something we haven't discovered about their feeding behavior. ;)

I've always wondered why they even need to feed since they never seem to starve. Anyone seen a zombie dead to starvation on the show yet?

Maybe they're full and figure it's time to push away from the table! Or maybe after eating that rat bag Nicholas they caught a contagion that spreads through the herd.

I definitely would love to see Glen somehow get out of this alive. But as others have noted it better be a "plausible" escape within the "rules" of the zombie apocalypse that the writers have established. If it isn't and they "jump the shark" the series will be seriously damaged IMO.
fwiw Norman Reedus has a new reality show (about motorcycle riding) coming up on AMC. I don't get any indication that it would cause him to be written off the show though, and of course its the same network, so they can work around scheduling issues.

In fact, I would think that this is likely good news for his character. If you kill him off of TWD, it likely would cause less people to watch the new show.
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I know I'm in the minority. I dislike his character because in spite of all the s*** he's seen go down, he still believes someone like Nicholas can be redeemed. It's stupid...and in the zombie apocalypse the penalty for stupidity should be dying as a result of your own stupidity. That's how it's been, eventually, for every other "stupid" character on the show.

While I don't agree that being good is 'stupid' even in a world like that, you're right the characters that do good have been the ones to die as a general rule.
One of the people involved with the show did say that they get slower/weaker without food a while back on Talking Dead.

But I have wondered if in that world there is some sort of attrition factor where eventually most of the zombies will somehow die off. Of course at some point they'd also have to rot away, right?

You can already see some of them rotting away. Eventually I would think they would all just kind of fall apart. Right? Or am I missing something?
sizeable spoiler alert (highlight below):

had closed captioning on during the episode, and the person screaming "open the gate, open the gate!" at the end of the episode was...Rick.
Already turned this episode off. such garbage. What a waste of an episode and a 90 minute episode at that.

I watched it to the end and I agree that it was a waste of 90 minutes. My sense is that it was very cheap to produce after the big bucks they spent on the first couple of episodes this season. Bottom line is that for me I didn't buy any of the "we are the world", kum-by-ya, psycho babble that Eastman was spouting to justify his ridiculous philosophy.

When he gave that little speech about how he interviewed 835 of the worst offenders in prison and only one was truly evil I kept thinking of the crimes they had committed and this clown thought only one was beyond redemption. The idea that this government bureaucrat was a factor in what prisoners got released early was scary and I can only imagine how many fiends that went on to recommit he helped release.

Here is this jerk living alone in the woods, oblivious to the hell on earth spouting that "all life is precious and worthy of respect". Really, how about "The Governor" or "The Wolves" or "Terminus"? Are all the writers in Hollywood corrupted by the "progressive" narrative? Frankly, I can relate a whole lot better to the Morgan we see early in the episode - ferociously angry and seeking total vengeance - then to the later Morgan channeling Gandhi!

***Big Spoilers***

The only inclination that maybe some of the writers "get it" or that they are setting us up to realize how bankrupt Eastmans "all life is precious" trope is was the scene near the end where Morgan comes across a Terminus sign. Clearly the cannibals of Terminus were not worthy of "respect" or "life" and the way the episode ended with the wolf telling Morgan what he thought of his philosophy seemed to show him beginning to reconsider his "do not kill" approach to the zombie apocalypse.
I wanted a Morgan backstory, sorry I got it now. What a detour from the story they were telling.

The end was pretty telling at least. Morgan is going to get more people killed holding that wolf.

The voice at the end, sounded like Rick, anyone else agree?
I wanted a Morgan backstory, sorry I got it now. What a detour from the story they were telling.

The end was pretty telling at least. Morgan is going to get more people killed holding that wolf.

The voice at the end, sounded like Rick, anyone else agree?

Sounded like Rick to me and PantherProud above posted that he saw closed captioning saying it was.

It's hard to take Morgan seriously. How dumb is this guy. Did he really get "converted" reading that little book on peace!?! What was so admirable about the loon living alone in the woods? After seeing the charnel house that was Terminus and after watching the Wolves butcher innocent people in Alexandria he's sticking to his "all life is precious" nonsense?
I wanted a Morgan backstory, sorry I got it now. What a detour from the story they were telling.

The end was pretty telling at least. Morgan is going to get more people killed holding that wolf.

The voice at the end, sounded like Rick, anyone else agree?

I knew a morgan episode would suck. I went and watched the rest though(definitely Rick's voice at the end). Morgan needs to die before he gets the rest of them killed. Locking up that wolf will backfire.

Random thought 1 - Beth also got her own episode in episode 4 of that season and ended up dead. Maybe the same for Morgan? I doubt it. On talking dead morgans actor said they filmed eps 1-3 and then 5-8. then they went back for ep 4. Interesting.

Random thoguht 2: Glenn is obviously alive. I think Maggie is pregnant and if Glenn makes it back, he is going to be a lot more hardline on this bull like rick is. No second chances, kill whoever you need to to protect your family. Could see a conflict between Morgan and Glenn. Jessie also seems to get that people need to die to protect your family based on the previews. I like her
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Sounded like Rick to me and PantherProud above posted that he saw closed captioning saying it was.

It's hard to take Morgan seriously. How dumb is this guy. Did he really get "converted" reading that little book on peace!?! What was so admirable about the loon living alone in the woods? After seeing the charnel house that was Terminus and after watching the Wolves butcher innocent people in Alexandria he's sticking to his "all life is precious" nonsense?

Yeah, I see his spoiler now. I couldn't highlight from my phone last night and couldn't see it until this morning.

The whole episode was just dull. Maybe they will tie it in somehow, but that was a painful 90 minutes. After the cliffhanger last week, they give us that? C'mon man!!
I knew a morgan episode would suck. I went and watched the rest though(definitely Rick's voice at the end). Morgan needs to die before he gets the rest of them killed. Locking up that wolf will backfire.

Random thought 1 - Beth also got her own episode in episode 4 of that season and ended up dead. Maybe the same for Morgan? I doubt it. On talking dead morgans actor said they filmed eps 1-3 and then 5-8. then they went back for ep 4. Interesting.

Random thoguht 2: Glenn is obviously alive. I think Maggie is pregnant and if Glenn makes it back, he is going to be a lot more hardline on this bull like rick is. No second chances, kill whoever you need to to protect your family. Could see a conflict between Morgan and Glenn. Jessie also seems to get that people need to die to protect your family based on the previews. I like her

That wolf is going to kill a major character. I doubt he will tell anyone he has him. Perhaps his escape will force Rick to deal with Morgan himself.

Why would they film 4 after the rest? That helps explain why I never saw any scenes from epiosde 4 in the trailer. By time the trailer was released, they only had maybe 5-6 episodes done.

I'm still waiting for Darryl's abduction. I thought it would have happened by now, but it has to be soon but my guesses on who it is that takes him have run out. I guess it could still be a wolf out there running loose, or unless his abduction is part of a flashback and he gets his own centric episode.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm OK with Glen surviving last week's episode, but I want to see it in a few weeks. This week's show was boring, but even next week, let's have an episode of the group reuniting and watch Maggie go through turmoil thinking he is dead. Then, let it sit for a week, with no mention, only to have him return unexpected the end of the season?

I don't read the comics or anything, so I don't know how it's "supposed" to go. This is just what I've come up with as an acceptable way of dealing with Glen surviving.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm OK with Glen surviving last week's episode, but I want to see it in a few weeks. This week's show was boring, but even next week, let's have an episode of the group reuniting and watch Maggie go through turmoil thinking he is dead. Then, let it sit for a week, with no mention, only to have him return unexpected the end of the season?

I don't read the comics or anything, so I don't know how it's "supposed" to go. This is just what I've come up with as an acceptable way of dealing with Glen surviving.

This Glenn storyline wasn't in the comics at all is what I was told. So theyre making it up. The previews made it look like Maggie does go out to look for him though
Completely different from how Glenn goes out in the comics. It does appear that Maggie is going out to look for him. I posted earlier that in the trailer released back in July that Maggie and Aaron were shown in what looked like a sewer. Might Glenn have found an open sewer under than dumpster than some think he may have slid under?
What are peoples rankings of he characters you like or the characters you want to see killed?
My tiers of liked to disliked would be:

Tier 1: Glenn, Daryl, Maggie, Rick,
Tier 2: Abraham, Sasha, Carl, Carol, Michonne
Tier 3: Tara, Rosita, Jessie, Eugene, Aaron

Kill them: Morgan and Gabriel

Aaron and Jessie are the only two Alexandrians I like currently.The rest of them fall between tier 3 and kill them. They don't really matter. By that I mean, if they aren't going fall in line and listen to Rick/Glenn etc, then theyre better off dying so the group that wants to survive can survive.