The Censorship Industrial Complex

YES He should have been convicted but partisan GOP let him off.

Actions do/should have consequences
Only people with TDS would come to that conclusion. Hopefully come Nov. actions will bring consequences to the now acting President.
As the people you support want to recreate the USSR.
I see the modern Democrat party’s agenda as trying to create the “corporatist’s corollary” of Maoist communism, especially separating children and parents ideologically in public education with the red/black color revolution scheme.
I’m begging you to show me where fear from physical arrest is the only first amendment protection afforded by the Constitution. Is their literal freedom of speech not arrested when they are silenced on partisan lines ?
So-called Libertarian thinks this is funny?! Or am I thinking of a different poster ?
If your news sources did not cover this hearing extensively, you have a controlled fake news outlet.

Most Americans are not going to watch a Congressional hearing about a couple of people they have never heard of. There is something called ratings and ad money follows ratings for better or worse. Forbes BTW is owned by a Hong Kong investment group, you know those evil Chinese. But good for Forbes.
Most Americans are not going to watch a Congressional hearing about a couple of people they have never heard of. There is something called ratings and ad money follows ratings for better or worse. Forbes BTW is owned by a Hong Kong investment group, you know those evil Chinese. But good for Forbes.

Fake news by omission.
The mainstream did not even have cameras there or report on it at all. While this was going on, all was a distraction. Many Trump articles, LGBTQ, Dora the explorer...Anything and everything, but avoid this like the plague.
Most will just never know and it is 100% by design. This is the main way they deceive you, they have the volume knob.
Fake news by omission.
The mainstream did not even have cameras there or report on it at all. While this was going on, all was a distraction. Many Trump articles, LGBTQ, Dora the explorer...Anything and everything, but avoid this like the plague.
Most will just never know and it is 100% by design. This is the main way they deceive you, they have the volume knob.
I think you are overthinking this. It’s very simple. The vast majority of Americans don’t care.
This truth would never have been seen and we would have been called a crazy conspiracy theorist, it would have been debunked or hidden by every mainstream media news source and Wikipedia, google etc . Thank you Elon Musk and Zero Hedge for helping us save the 1st amendment while giving clarity and truth to help see through through the fake news state propaganda feeding us constant misinformation and lies.

Two excellent articles exposing the censorship industrial complex...they will build walls around you if not exposed and defeated.

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This truth would never have been seen and we would have been called a crazy conspiracy theorist, it would have been debunked or hidden by every mainstream media news source and Wikipedia, google etc . Thank you Elon Musk and Zero Hedge for helping us save the 1st amendment while giving clarity and truth to help see through through the fake news state propaganda feeding us constant misinformation and lies.

Two excellent articles exposing the censorship industrial complex...they will build walls around you if not exposed and defeated.

Proving your point with known Russian Disinformation site Zerohedge is on point for GRock
Proving your point with known Russian Disinformation site Zerohedge is on point for GRock

We all know you are well trainded by fake news..."if it is true and it don't fit your delusion, it is always "Russian disinformation"

Would you just once like to try to dispute the facts insted of just blathering lies?
We all know you are well trainded by fake news..."if it is true and it don't fit your delusion, it is always "Russian disinformation"

Would you just once like to try to dispute the facts insted of just blathering lies?
You don't trust real media but fall hook line and sinker for KNOWN Russian Propaganda...

You don't trust real media but fall hook line and sinker for KNOWN Russian Propaganda...

How many US intelligence official's signed off on that lie... the over under is 51. You keep falling for disinformation and attacking reality.

By the way just stop dodging the question as to whether or not the information is factual. Or do you need to ask your fake news propagandist if you should just attack the source and change the subject to avoid embarrassment.
How many US intelligence official's signed off on that lie... the over under is 51. You keep falling for disinformation and attacking reality.

By the way just stop dodging the question as to whether or not the information is factual. Or do you need to ask your fake news propagandist if you should just attack the source and change the subject to avoid embarrassment.
Yes I know you would be more confident if the KGB was the source. Just you being you!
The Censorship Industrial Complex has thus far been unable to censor Gateway Pundit. Here is a fine example of why DC is attempting to take them out with Lawfare and a ridiculous $37M lawsuit, forcing them to declare bankruptcy and just hoping to survive

The free speech on campus brigade sure has flipped the script.

Hate speech is not free expression, thanks to Democrats. I know you idiots always like to wail and moan when Justice is blind and the law is enforced without bias, but suck it up for once, baby-doll.

Camping is not free expression. Intentionally blocking roads for attention is not free expression, and parades require permits. Disrupting classes is not free expression. Paying protestors is as fake as paid mourners at a Sicilian funeral.

Singling out individuals for personal abuse based upon their observed racial identity is morally abhorrent. Normal Americans hate you people for this.

You are not a serious person. You are a sad clown.