Teacher faces termination after calling in sick for 2 days to attend a concert in Nashville, district says


Go Buckeyes
A high school English teacher in Ohio is facing termination after she allegedly called out of work sick for two days to attend a concert in Nashville, Tennessee, district records show.

Eileen Washburn, an English teacher at Lakota West High School in the Lakota Local School District, is currently on unpaid leave as she faces potential termination.

Not only is Washburn a teacher, but she is also a member of the board of education at another nearby school district, Loveland City School District, according to its website.
Stupid is as stupid does. Imagine there is more to the story like repeated misuse of sick time, asked off and was denied so decided to just call in sick.

Many people have used a sick day for other things maybe this will make some think twice, or just be smarter and more discreet
Not sure what the formal or informal sick day policy is in Lakota but in my district if you take one sick day no one bats an eye. If you take consecutive sick days you MIGHT be required to turn in documentation, if you take 3 in a row then the district will ask for documentation.

As someone who has accrued currently 217 sick days in my 20 years no one really cares when I take a "sick" day on some random Friday in April to go enjoy the outdoor weather....I mean stay in bed and get some rest ;)
Stupid is as stupid does. Imagine there is more to the story like repeated misuse of sick time, asked off and was denied so decided to just call in sick.

Many people have used a sick day for other things maybe this will make some think twice, or just be smarter and more discreet
Yes. If you're gonna flirt with that line probably a good idea not to broadcast what you're up to.
My wife used to teach in the Lakota Local district and they were told in no uncertain terms that if you abuse the sick day policy you could face disciplinary action up to and including termination so this should come as no surprise to this woman or anyone else in the district. That said, my wife had a colleague who would take a sick day because she had an "appointment" when the appointment in question was at a hair or nail salon. To me the real question is who turned in this teacher to administrators.
Why is this even news?
TV stations were at the BOE meeting to cover the vote for Darbi Boddy's replacement and this matter was also on the agenda. Clearly someone in the media thought it was worth reporting--probably because they knew it would get page views.
TV stations were at the BOE meeting to cover the vote for Darbi Boddy's replacement and this matter was also on the agenda. Clearly someone in the media thought it was worth reporting--probably because they knew it would get page views.
It’s the dumbest new story I’ve ever seen.
So how many sick days do LW teachers get? How many vacation days? Just wondering. It seems to me that everyone is making a mountain out of a mole hill if you ask me.
15 sick days per year which rollover year to year. 3 personal days during the school year which I don’t think rollover.
My wife used to teach in the Lakota Local district and they were told in no uncertain terms that if you abuse the sick day policy you could face disciplinary action up to and including termination so this should come as no surprise to this woman or anyone else in the district. That said, my wife had a colleague who would take a sick day because she had an "appointment" when the appointment in question was at a hair or nail salon. To me the real question is who turned in this teacher to administrators.
We had a kid in HS 'back when I was bangin' (IYKYK), that skipped practice to take his grandma to a dr appt. Well, that Dr appt was actually going to a Motley Crue concert for the "Dr Feelgood" album. Always thought that was creative.

As for personal days......For those who do not get alot ya always play that game of saving for something bigger, or using a sick day because if the PTO request gets denied ya then cannot call in sick that day as that is an awful look and will get ya busted.

I would love to hear more details on how they were found out. Often times it is just plain stupidity!!!!
15 sick days per year which rollover year to year. 3 personal days during the school year which I don’t think rollover.
Well is she had the sick time, I really don't see any problem. If she still had her personal days left she should've used them. I really need more information. If she already used her 3 personal days and didn't go over the allotted 15 days sick, I really don't see a problem. The only problem I see is with LW.
We had a kid in HS 'back when I was bangin' (IYKYK), that skipped practice to take his grandma to a dr appt. Well, that Dr appt was actually going to a Motley Crue concert for the "Dr Feelgood" album. Always thought that was creative.
As for personal days......For those who do not get alot ya always play that game of saving for something bigger, or using a sick day because if the PTO request gets denied ya then cannot call in sick that day as that is an awful look and will get ya busted.

I would love to hear more details on how they were found out. Often times it is just plain stupidity!!!!
The article says the woman told several colleagues that she was taking sick days to attend the concert.
Well is she had the sick time, I really don't see any problem. If she still had her personal days left she should've used them. I really need more information. If she already used her 3 personal days and didn't go over the allotted 15 days sick, I really don't see a problem. The only problem I see is with LW.
She was in violation of her contract which is apparently a violation of certain sections of the Ohio Revised Code. There's probably more to the story regarding how this was reported to administrators and what her relationship is with the principals and APs at Lakota West. This might not be the first time she's done something like this. She might have been denied use of two personal days and the administrators already knew her plans so it was easy to bust her when she took the sick days.

Technically she could have scheduled a doctor appointment early on February 8, drove to Nashville, attended the concert, stayed over night, drove back to Cincinnati the morning of February 9, and scheduled a dentist appointment that afternoon. In that case she wouldn't have been in violation of the sick day policy based on my understanding.
She was in violation of her contract which is apparently a violation of certain sections of the Ohio Revised Code. There's probably more to the story regarding how this was reported to administrators and what her relationship is with the principals and APs at Lakota West. This might not be the first time she's done something like this. She might have been denied use of two personal days and the administrators already knew her plans so it was easy to bust her when she took the sick days.

Technically she could have scheduled a doctor appointment early on February 8, drove to Nashville, attended the concert, stayed over night, drove back to Cincinnati the morning of February 9, and scheduled a dentist appointment that afternoon. In that case she wouldn't have been in violation of the sick day policy based on my understanding.
Again though, why is this news? If the School wants to punish her, that’s their business.
Well is she had the sick time, I really don't see any problem. If she still had her personal days left she should've used them. I really need more information. If she already used her 3 personal days and didn't go over the allotted 15 days sick, I really don't see a problem. The only problem I see is with LW.
Sick time is for sickness of yourself, or I presume a child/family member you take care of and not other things.

It is that way in most places.......just often times it goes unmonitored.
As I said....Stupid is as as stupid does!
Yeah, it was stupid. But again, I don’t get why it’s a news story. I assume stuff like this isn’t an uncommon occurrence, especially for places that actually use Sick Days. Sick Days are an archaic concept, just fold them into PTO.
Technically she could have scheduled a doctor appointment early on February 8, drove to Nashville, attended the concert, stayed over night, drove back to Cincinnati the morning of February 9, and scheduled a dentist appointment that afternoon. In that case she wouldn't have been in violation of the sick day policy based on my understanding.
That's a how a smart union steward would do it.

She was in violation of her contract which is apparently a violation of certain sections of the Ohio Revised Code. There's probably more to the story regarding how this was reported to administrators and what her relationship is with the principals and APs at Lakota West. This might not be the first time she's done something like this. She might have been denied use of two personal days and the administrators already knew her plans so it was easy to bust her when she took the sick days.

Technically she could have scheduled a doctor appointment early on February 8, drove to Nashville, attended the concert, stayed over night, drove back to Cincinnati the morning of February 9, and scheduled a dentist appointment that afternoon. In that case she wouldn't have been in violation of the sick day policy based on my understanding.

Agreed, too many contractual variables we don't know about. I'm guessing their contract has progressive discipline and that you can't terminate for first offense of this type. Termination would only be discussed if she had a number of violations already within a calendar window? And the media might not be in a hurry to clarify - just throw out the word "terminate" and watch the click counter start moving.

I am so cynical these days. :cool:
Yeah, it was stupid. But again, I don’t get why it’s a news story. I assume stuff like this isn’t an uncommon occurrence, especially for places that actually use Sick Days. Sick Days are an archaic concept, just fold them into PTO.
The fact it bothers you so much is hilarious.
I think it makes LW look bad and not many teachers would want to work there. I know I wouldn't.