Sectional Entry Grids "Numbers breakdown"


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A deep dive into the entry grid numbers across the state, these are not the official numbers OHSAA uses but paints a decent picture (OHSAA use numbers submitted from each sectional tournament manager on who steps on the mat, which could vary slightly from entry grid. (Missed weight, skin check etc.)

Total Unique Teams = 617, Those with 7 or more weights filled = 512 (Trending up)

D1 Teams -175, >=(7) - 165
H. Darby - 539
Perrysburg - 499
Hoover - 440
K. Fairmont - 544
D1 Wrestlers - 2022

D2 Teams - 192 >=(7) - 171
Gallia Academy - 431
Kenston - 603
Norwalk - 491
Wilmington - 525
D2 Wrestlers - 2050

D3 Teams - 250 >=(7) - 176
Health - 535
Independence - 557
Rossford - 483
Troy - 538
D3 Wrestlers - 2113

117-123-140-152-147-155-158-154-148-150-150-146-142-140 --D1
121-122-138-150-158-146-157-159-157-157-153-149-138-145 --D2
101-106-143-155-164-166-163-166-172-156-154-156-154-157 --D3
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Great to see the numbers. Total with 7 or more has went up significantly (50 or so) hasn't it?

Crazy to see D3 with the most wrestlers and the biggest weight class.
D3 is going to have the most member schools because it has the most schools that are defined as individual entrants (i.e. having six or less participants in the sectional lineup).