School Levy's and property taxes.

A ton of folks in my area saw their property taxes increase by 30-40%...I believe my parents were slated for about a 37% increase in theirs. When they went to dispute/challenge said reappraisal, the local officials they talked with claimed that the state government has encouraged local governments to raid the taxpayers while home sale values are high.

The state government, meanwhile, has a record rainy day that it isn't dishing money out of to either the localities or directly back to the taxpayers.

Nobody likes to pay taxes, obviously. I have worked for a county agency for the last 20 years and we have to run levies to continue providing services, so I kind of look at levies a bit differently now. Unfortunately, just like everthing else in our country, prices to operate a school system and other county agencies have increased. I think you need to determine if your school a "good steward" of those taxes. I've never voted against our local school levy. They provided a pretty good education for me, my wife and my 4 boys. Good schools are often a reflection of a strong city. But I also understand the other side where some folks just can't afford the increases or feel the schools are wasteful.
I included both of you on this because it's been a burning question in my mind for awhile.

So, a few months back, 700 wlw had a county auditor on air (Butler I think but could have been Warren) and he explained property taxes this way:

The taxes collected are only the amount required to fund the levies. So a levy that collects say 1 million per year , will not get 40% more if property values increase 40%. He said if properties A + B + C = $600,000 in valuation, they each pay their share of what the entire levies require to collect. So as I understand it, if reappraisal finds each property increases by 40%, AND NO CHANGE WAS MADE TO THE LEVIES CURRENTLY IN EXISTENCE, no property owners would see any increase in taxes even though they all got reassessed at 40 % more.

I'm thinking this seems to ring true, as I review my tax billed for this year. I actually paid less on some properties but had higher assessed values.
unless ya are a ten cent millionaire who lives check by check........

Rumors are some have been taking out 60yr mortgages, (didnt know that was a thing) to keep up with the Joneses.

CW folk trying to act like those rich folk in Minster.
Some bankers may frown at the 50 year old guy wanting a 60 year mortgage?

I have done interest only mortgages before, not sure they offer those anymore. I think when they restructured credit card payments and minimum due they struck the interest only mortgages.
I included both of you on this because it's been a burning question in my mind for awhile.

So, a few months back, 700 wlw had a county auditor on air (Butler I think but could have been Warren) and he explained property taxes this way:

The taxes collected are only the amount required to fund the levies. So a levy that collects say 1 million per year , will not get 40% more if property values increase 40%. He said if properties A + B + C = $600,000 in valuation, they each pay their share of what the entire levies require to collect. So as I understand it, if reappraisal finds each property increases by 40%, AND NO CHANGE WAS MADE TO THE LEVIES CURRENTLY IN EXISTENCE, no property owners would see any increase in taxes even though they all got reassessed at 40 % more.

I'm thinking this seems to ring true, as I review my tax billed for this year. I actually paid less on some properties but had higher assessed values.
That is correct. We have a few older levies that are collecting at previous property values. I know some other counties in the State have tried to pass levies with the "updated" values and they seem to have limited success (I know "updated" isn't the correct term, but I can't think of the proper terminology at this point).
I included both of you on this because it's been a burning question in my mind for awhile.

So, a few months back, 700 wlw had a county auditor on air (Butler I think but could have been Warren) and he explained property taxes this way:

The taxes collected are only the amount required to fund the levies. So a levy that collects say 1 million per year , will not get 40% more if property values increase 40%. He said if properties A + B + C = $600,000 in valuation, they each pay their share of what the entire levies require to collect. So as I understand it, if reappraisal finds each property increases by 40%, AND NO CHANGE WAS MADE TO THE LEVIES CURRENTLY IN EXISTENCE, no property owners would see any increase in taxes even though they all got reassessed at 40 % more.

I'm thinking this seems to ring true, as I review my tax billed for this year. I actually paid less on some properties but had higher assessed values.
This is correct.
Not only is it illegal for districts to fund the school through my property taxes exclusively, but then take into account that through EdChoice a student's family can take my property taxes, intended for the district in which I live, and take that money to attend a private school outside of my district (or county), and send their kid to a school that does not get measured in the same manner as my local public school.
Property taxes stay in the district in Ohio. Is there some change being proposed ? State funds only follow the student, last time I checked. I might have given my property taxes to Ohio Virtual Academy when we used Ohio EdChoice back in the day, but it stayed at home in my local school district, whether I liked it or not.
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What you say is true.

This one's worse....its an earned income levy. Meaning....if you live in the district and have no earned can vote for your working neighbor to pay in, while you don't have to.
So people who don’t pay federal taxes but get a federal handout posing as a federal refund can vote to tax you ? That’s a hard no.
Just discussion on school Levy's.

How would you feel if after your real estate taxes went up 40 percent in one year, your school system puts a PERMANENT!!! 1.75 mill levy on the ballet two months after you received your real estate tax bill? To spell that out in real numbers....I paid $2200.00 on my $395000 house last bill this year was $3100.00. If this levy passes, I will be paying an additional $1200.00 (or more) inot the school system every year until the day I retire.

They just can't get enough.
I am with you 100%. I don't think this is right... we already pay enough and why should I have to suffer to pay for others kids? They can pay the $1000 or whatever for the athletic program if that is what they want their kids in. I feel like this is a form of child support for everyones kids in the district. How about you just take it from the people that want to participate and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Vote NO on issue 22. It is that simple, if you want to support your child's school, go ahead and donate to the school. Nothing personal, but I paid my fair share and not interested in paying more. It's rough as it is.
Schools are a need. The better they are, the better for our community, local and national. They are the most expensive item that we actually get to vote on. People are reluctant to vote to spend money out of their own pocket. I get it.

Much of what the federal government spends money on is not needed. We throw money at foreign people who hate us. We fund illegal immigration. We fund research on viruses that do nothing but kill us. Congress funds an endless list of feel-good programs. Local government here is still trying to figure out how to spend all our covid relief money. None of the projects being considered have anything to do with relief from the damage done by covid. It's free money though. We don't have to pay for it. Nobody ever votes to turn down free money from the government.
Go ask the government for more money, they have plenty of it, stop trying to squeeze people who don't want to do it. This isn't right at all and is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. You want to support the school, go write them a check, this is a really disgusting thing to do someone if this passes.
School funding has so many sidebars that I think it's hard for people to fully grasp. There's the mindset that, "my kids aren't in school" or "I don't have kids so I don't want to pay school taxes". Well it's bigger than that. If you value education and feel that there is a carryover to the "good school system - good city/ town" concept, then funding schools is a good thing for you. As mentioned earlier, there is a never ending list of things schools can spend money on, so you need to have an administration and school board that recognizes that and tries not to waste money. And of course there is those who pay little to nothing into their own kids education and is perfectly fine with that.
I've been on school boards, it's a thankless job and there are so many things "built into" the expenses of a school that there is little room for many other interests. I'm not saying that you should always vote yes for levies, but just understand that the less money your school has, the less programs, staff, curriculum they can offer.
SO then let the parents support the school, not people who don't have kids or already struggle to pay for everything and try to save for retirement. This is theft, plain and simple. How can you justify forcing someone to pay even more taxes then already being paid? I pay friggen $5500 in property taxes as it is per year... this is high way robbery.
unless ya are a ten cent millionaire who lives check by check........

Rumors are some have been taking out 60yr mortgages, (didnt know that was a thing) to keep up with the Joneses.

CW folk trying to act like those rich folk in Minster.
So go write the check for others as well =)
Go ask the government for more money, they have plenty of it, stop trying to squeeze people who don't want to do it. This isn't right at all and is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. You want to support the school, go write them a check, this is a really disgusting thing to do someone if this passes.
The national government can spend money it does not have.

State governments and school boards actually have to collect taxes to cover expenses.

But I understand your position.
SO then let the parents support the school, not people who don't have kids or already struggle to pay for everything and try to save for retirement. This is theft, plain and simple. How can you justify forcing someone to pay even more taxes then already being paid? I pay friggen $5500 in property taxes as it is per year... this is high way robbery.
And that's why many of these levies fail. You have enough people who "don't have kids in school" or have other reasons not to support education, which is fine. Like I said, there is an overall better feel of a community that supports education and wants to develop their kids as much as possible.
The ones that really get me is the person who lives in a public school district that HAS a significant levy, AND they also send their own kids to a private school and pay tuition for that!! Imagine paying that tax and your kids not even taking advantage of it. But that's what makes the world go around.
And that's why many of these levies fail. You have enough people who "don't have kids in school" or have other reasons not to support education, which is fine. Like I said, there is an overall better feel of a community that supports education and wants to develop their kids as much as possible.
IF this levy passes...a couple in their early 20's will have given up $183,477.00 by the time they retire at age 65.

You can't take that much money from a community and it's businesses and not feel an impact. There's more to a community than the school system. And more money..doesn't mean a better education.
IF this levy passes...a couple in their early 20's will have given up $183,477.00 by the time they retire at age 65.

You can't take that much money from a community and it's businesses and not feel an impact. There's more to a community than the school system. And more money..doesn't mean a better education.
Where does the money go?
Welcome to Yappi.
Trigger Rage GIF by StickerGiant
and here you are...being triggered.
I am just amused my friend. Apparently Nobody joined last night at 11:06, made five rapid fire posts and either fell asleep or passed out at 11:30. Quite an entrance wouldn't you say?
Outside the state, equipment etc. not bought in the community.

Probably turf field company.
Something around 85-90% is salaries, and most of that stays in the community and is spent there, isn't it?