Santa Tracker

I missed watching the tracking of Santa this year, I still want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Here is hoping that your kids got their wishes mostly filled. Santa has been known to do a wonderful job most of the time. Because of my faith I would also like to remind everyone to remember the real reason for this holliday
I will tell you when I was four and already starting to doubt we were at the May Co in Cleveland which had the best looking Santa out there I came off Santa's knee and asked my mom is that the real Santa. Her answer was yes I think it is and I responded well his eye brow is coming off.
the thing I didn't get: a photo.

The photo that supposed to happen after someone realizes the baby is missing, the scream, the youngest great (?) great grand cousin on belly and all fours, face down in the dog bowl.

No guy moved but those moms... damn they're quick.
I received a very nice personalized coffee mug from Mrs Z yesterday, except the name on it was spelled “Xunardo”. I’ve been chuckling over that all day.