Ohio State Recruiting

If I am correct, isn't McCord the first QB recruit that Day recruited as the head coach? He had and lost Ewers and Raiola. As of right now McCord is the only QB we have seen that Ryan has handpicked as the head coach. Are Brown and Kleinholz the answer at QB? It is on Day. They are his recruits.
No, you gotta give him Stroud considering Stroud was a 2020 recruit and Ryan started in 2019
Recruiting is just crazy coaches put in numerous months (years) in recruiting a kid and his decision comes down to a team (coach) nobody even thought about as having a chance. I am sure the Buffs dropped a bunch of money but would not be surprised if this kid was in the portal this time next year.
Should have seen this coming with the kid flying out to L.A. for no real apparent reason to announce while stiffing some late in-home visits with schools like Alabama and Oregon.
Yeah. Day was the one who went out to LA to personally work out Stroud and offered him on the spot and convinced Stroud to come to Columbus. Stroud is Day’s guy all the way.
Not sure that was quite the story, some think Mike Yurcich was the guy that identified CJ and pushed for his consideration... Stroud was down low on the recruiting rankings coming out of his Junior year and then famously went on the camp circuit and just blew everyone away with his skill set, believe he won that Elite 11 HS QB combine, but all the top rated QBs were committed so he had limited options. Still a couple high level teams wanted to see how he did on the field his Sr year, he flashed the same skill set and during the fall he went from offers like Boise State to Ohio State. I think tOSU had another QB committed but kind of forced him out for CJ, can anyone else remember that part of the story? Anyway here is his timeline:

Not sure that was quite the story, some think Mike Yurcich was the guy that identified CJ and pushed for his consideration... Stroud was down low on the recruiting rankings coming out of his Junior year and then famously went on the camp circuit and just blew everyone away with his skill set, believe he won that Elite 11 HS QB combine, but all the top rated QBs were committed so he had limited options. Still a couple high level teams wanted to see how he did on the field his Sr year, he flashed the same skill set and during the fall he went from offers like Boise State to Ohio State. I think tOSU had another QB committed but kind of forced him out for CJ, can anyone else remember that part of the story? Anyway here is his timeline:

Jack Miller!
Thinking back when that Watson trade was made, I wonder how many Browns fans would have agreed to trade football futures with the then hapless Texans?
And how many gurus on yappi thought Stroud would be a bust in the NFL? I have no idea who is going to be a good QB or not. I thought Darnold would make it in the NFL and Hurts would be a bust shows what I know. But I don't know how anyone knows if Ward would be a better choice than Moore as a QB, I will trust Day on that more than yappi experts, but it does make for good forum talk (debate) I suppose.
And how many gurus on yappi thought Stroud would be a bust in the NFL? I have no idea who is going to be a good QB or not. I thought Darnold would make it in the NFL and Hurts would be a bust shows what I know. But I don't know how anyone knows if Ward would be a better choice than Moore as a QB, I will trust Day on that more than yappi experts, but it does make for good forum talk (debate) I suppose.
I’m always skeptical of the Browns management, but I would have thought the Browns would have the brighter future than Houston, and they still might. Time will tell. It just feels like Houston is in a better long term position.

As for OSU, I seem to recall Day was very hot on Moore as a recruit out of HS. If he can get Moore here AND keep Air Noland’s commitment, I would love to see it. Between Moore, Noland and Kleinholz I feel strongly Day will find his next great QB or two.
From DC
Goes to IMG
Working out in LA (does he even go to school?)
Picks Colorado out of no where. Btw, he said he didn’t like the weather in Ohio. Figure that one out
He’s a me first guy. And like I said before players with strange recruitments typically don’t pan out. Better off getting a proven player in the portal
Ohio state program is in a major downturn.Cam. ward Sakd no..3 losses in row to michigan. Ryan day is not a winner.
Brian strikes again. It’s been widely reported by credible reporters that OSU has minimal contact with Ward. Day wants no business with someone who turns the ball over at the rate he does. I know this is probably too difficult for you to understand, but why do you think every other QB has had 1-2 teams heavily linked to them and Ward doesn’t?
Brian strikes again. It’s been widely reported by credible reporters that OSU has minimal contact with Ward. Day wants no business with someone who turns the ball over at the rate he does. I know this is probably too difficult for you to understand, but why do you think every other QB has had 1-2 teams heavily linked to them and Ward doesn’t?
Just admit day not a elite coach.little better than John cooper.
Last I saw, OSU was allegedly favored to land Ward.

I have always thought Day will push his chips in on Moore. He wanted him last year and coaches never fall out of love with guys they coveted and didn’t get. Day won’t let him get away twice. If it causes Air Noland to decommit, though, then Day has a problem.
I wouldn't be surprised if they don't take a portal QB, at least for this round of the portal. Taking a guy is 1) going to cost an NIL Brinks truck and 2) likely require a guarantee to be the starter.

Ignoring system "fit", IMO there are only maybe a handful of guys (Ward, Gabriel, Moore, Leonard, and maybe DJ U.) with starting experience available that you could argue are definitively better than Brown, Kienholz, and Noland right now. Gabriel is off the board. If they actually want Ward, it should become clear pretty quickly.
IMO for this round of the portal, it's either Moore or Leonard (who's assumed to be a virtual Notre Dame lock) if they take a QB.

I don't think they're overly interested in Cam Ward. IMO this seems to be one of those things where one or two "insiders" and beat reporter types speculate on something and everyone else jumps on board and follows suit.