Neutral playoff game sites

Just another reason to add to the list of how this “private organization” is just an “all out for themselves” mess. Anyone that can defend them is a complete idiot.
Who offerred their venues is no more relevant to you, me, or anyone else than who they buy their office supples from.

Never in my life have I seen so many people upset about locations of football games that they will never attend. :ROFLMAO:
Sure let’s just keep it a secret… it’s all for the kids. 🙄
Finally people are starting to realize how corrupt this “private bunch of bs” truly is.
Considering that it took until 8pm last night to announce the final game location I think we can assume that every school that offered their field likely got a game.
Whether or not you or anyone else likes it, the OHSAA is a private organization. They are not required to divulge information such as this to the general public.
Where would we be if folks only did what they were required to do? Because, ya know, schools aren't required to host, either.

But what about member schools? If one of them asks for a list of prospective sites, should OHSAA give them that information?
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Where would we be if folks only did what they were required to do?\
Name me a private business that publicizes the business decisions they make.
Because, ya know, schools aren't required to host, either.
Exactly...... but many still do
But what about member schools? If one of them asks for a list of prospective sites, should OHSAA give them that information?
How do you know that they don't?
Name me a private business that publicizes the business decisions they make.
I'm speaking in the greater sense. You only do what you must?

Besides, hiding behind the skirt of "private business" is a bit disingenuous in this case. It's a "business" whose very raison d'etre is to serve the public as opposed to profiting from them. Doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't make a profit, but they are more akin to an NGO than a traditional capitalist entity. In that regard, publishing a list certainly wouldn't harm them. It's not at all like a company publishing their strategic plan.

How do you know that they don't?
Do they? Yes or no.

One might think that they don't, else -- like site assignments that come out before official announcement -- someone somewhere would've leaked a list by now.
Considering that it took until 8pm last night to announce the final game location I think we can assume that every school that offered their field likely got a game.
One might suspect (albeit perhaps erroneously) that fewer and fewer schools are offering to host, as the incentive to do so seems to be diminishing.

Is a school which doesn't host in week 11 or 12 going to leave their stadium in a state of suspended animation on the prospect that they might get a game in week 13 or 14? One might guess that for many schools, the answer is "No.". They'll just button it up after the regular season and move on to basketball, because the minimal benefit of hosting isn't worth the uncertainty it entails.
I'm speaking in the greater sense. You only do what you must?
Yes. When the member schools decide that disseminating irrelevant information to the public is prioity #1, then the information will be disseminated.
Besides, hiding behind the skirt of "private business" is a bit disingenuous in this case. It's a "business" whose very raison d'etre is to serve the public as opposed to profiting from them. Doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't make a profit, but they are more akin to an NGO than a traditional capitalist entity. In that regard, publishing a list certainly wouldn't harm them. It's not at all like a company publishing their strategic plan.
And apparently, the member schools feel differently. You are more than within your rights to hang your shingle and make your pitch to the member schools on how as director of the OilFilter High School Athletic Association will be exponentially better than the OHSAA.
Do they? Yes or no.
Ask your school's principal.
One might think that they don't, else -- like site assignments that come out before official announcement -- someone somewhere would've leaked a list by now.
Leaks ? 🤣

Some of the stuff that comes out of Columbus early resembles a youtube dam failure video.
Feel sorry for the old lady who has a flat tire when you drive by.

When the member schools decide that disseminating irrelevant information to the public is prioity #1, then the information will be disseminated.
Why would you suggest that is irrelevant? Don't you think that a school might want to have an idea or input about issues that affect travel costs, time, and student participation?

And let's not be idiotically hyper-dramatic. No one suggested that it is "priority #1".

And apparently, the member schools feel differently.
How do you know they feel differently? Have they voted to withhold this information?

Ask your school's principal.
I'm asking you. Your evasiveness suggests that your bravado is to cover your ignorance.
Feel sorry for the old lady who has a flat tire when you drive by.
Weird...... You equate the "greater sense" of helping an old lady with a flat tire (which I have done) with knowing who offered to host a high school football game.

That's quite a quantum leap right there.

Why would you suggest that is irrelevant? Don't you think that a school might want to have an idea or input about issues that affect travel costs, time, and student participation?
Well, the schools know well in advance that they could be facing these expenses. Waiting until 6 days in advance to prepare for something like this sounds like an administrative issue on the school's side to me.
And let's not be idiotically hyper-dramatic. No one suggested that it is "priority #1".
Then stop asking idiotic questions. ;)
How do you know they feel differently?
You don't see these published do you? Have you seen a referendum put forward that if passed, would require the board to disclose these decisions? Logic would indicate that the member schools have no issue with this.
Have they voted to withhold this information?
Nothing in any meeting minutes would indicate that a vote was taken.
I'm asking you. Your evasiveness suggests that your bravado is to cover your ignorance.
Apparently, it really bothers you that someone else just may have a bit more knowledge than you on a specific subject. I guess that time away from here didn't change anything with you. ;)
Weird...... You equate the "greater sense" of helping an old lady with a flat tire (which I have done) with knowing who offered to host a high school football game.

That's quite a quantum leap right there.
Let me simplify this for you. The contrast is between the mandatory and the voluntary.

Then stop asking idiotic questions.
Like what?

You don't see these published do you? Have you seen a referendum put forward that if passed, would require the board to disclose these decisions? Logic would indicate that the member schools have no issue with this.

Nothing in any meeting minutes would indicate that a vote was taken.
So, OHSAA should do absolutely nothing other than they are required to do by member referendum?

When was the vote taken that requires them to have a web site? To answer the phone? To publish Harbins?

According to you, logic would dictate that they shouldn't do any of that because there's no evidence that the member schools never had any issue with them not doing it.

Apparently, it really bothers you that someone else just may have a bit more knowledge than you on a specific subject.
No, it just strikes me as extremely juvenile. It's not important information -- it's a casual query -- and yet you want to imply (but have not shown) that you know the answer but won't share it because it gives you some kind of elevated status or something. Grow the F up.
So honest question, lets assume that beginning with the Saturday immediately following week 12 and continuing through the State Semi-Finals the OHSAA publishes a full list of every stadium that has volunteered to host and any contingencies that need met on their website and as a full page Front page ad in every newspaper the circulates in Ohio. As the football viewing public, what do we actually gain from this or hope to gain from this?
So honest question, lets assume that beginning with the Saturday immediately following week 12 and continuing through the State Semi-Finals the OHSAA publishes a full list of every stadium that has volunteered to host and any contingencies that need met on their website and as a full page Front page ad in every newspaper the circulates in Ohio. As the football viewing public, what do we actually gain from this or hope to gain from this?
Transparency always a good thing.
So, OHSAA should do absolutely nothing other than they are required to do by member referendum?
They release information all the time. You're just upset that they don't release the information that you want, so you gripe like a 13yr old child about it.

Call your school principal and demand as the head of a member school that he contact Columbus and demand that they release this life altering information to you.....

Don't be surprised when that person hangs up on you. Better yet, let us all know on here how that turns out ;)

Geez, talk about needing to grow the f-up......
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Grow the F up.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL gotta thank you for this unexpected laugh on a Tues morning.

Nothing more ironic than a petulant Karen telling other ppl to grow up because they can't wait until Sunday to find out where the next round of games are.

I'm BEGGING you to call your AD and have this conversation with them and record it.
Nothing more ironic than a petulant Karen telling other ppl to grow up because they can't wait until Sunday to find out where the next round of games are.
Not surprisingly, you miss the point. Don't really care where the games are -- but the list of potential hosts does provide a bit more insight into the state of HS football in Ohio and the institutional support for it.

I'm BEGGING you to call your AD and have this conversation with them and record it.
You should be familiar with being on your knees in front of a dude.
Not surprisingly, you miss the point. Don't really care where the games are -- but the list of potential hosts does provide a bit more insight into the state of HS football in Ohio and the institutional support for it.

Yes, that's just what we need. A bunch of neckless meatheads baselessly speculating about the "state of HS football" using the flawed conclusions they draw from a list of sites. OHSAA would have to be out of their minds to release this and then have to listen to 50 different BS strawmen put together by Karens looking for anything they can to complain about, and have to invent talking points like this just to have another topic.
OHSAA would have to be out of their minds to release this and then have to listen to 50 different BS strawmen put together by Karens looking for anything they can to complain about, and have to invent talking points like this just to have another topic.
Who says they have to (or would) listen?

Or perhaps you can tell us what the harm would be in releasing the list of potential hosts. Who would get hurt, and what damage would occur?